How could we realistically make Earth a utopia?
Hard mode: Without killing people.
European Extreme mode: Everyone has the rights of a US citizen according to the constitution and American federal law.
How could we realistically make Earth a utopia?
Hard mode: Without killing people.
European Extreme mode: Everyone has the rights of a US citizen according to the constitution and American federal law.
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eliminate work, everyone knows this, however it's done it's the key ingredient.
Get rid of all the women
eugenics + mass mind control. Also, depopulation of low IQ people wouldn't hurt at all
Humans are trash
>repopulation of low IQ individuals
>mind control
Pick one
high iq just means you're good at complex problems, it doesn't make you good or non manipulable
He said DEpopulation. Learn to read, retard.
>high iq just means you're good at complex problems, it doesn't make you good
so why is depopulation of low iq people necessary?
mass depopulation and demolition of all cities
99% at least needs to go
then total afforestation
Being proficient at solving complex problems is a neccesary trait and the hugher the nations average iw the more successful
>European Extreme mode: Everyone has the rights of a US citizen according to the constitution and American federal law.
That would unironically make it a lot easier. Most of this planet's social problems are caused by those who'd take away people's rights.
There is an exception, though: the USA's gun laws make it a lot easier to kill people. So one of the first things that would need doing is to hold referenda to reintroduce gun control.
The actual book Utopia was fairly dystopian by modern standards. They utilize slavery (and you can become one if you mess up), engage in war, force everyone to wear the same clothes and live in communal houses of up to 30 people, a monarch that rules for life (but he's elected by a select few people at the higher echelons of power, who are themselves elected by their political subordinates down the line until someone gets elected by the actual citizenship). It's really what we'd consider a nightmare to live in today. Given who wrote it, I can't help but think that it's simply a parody, as utopia means "no place" in Greek, and everyone at the time somehow unironically found this to be an ideal model for a society (it was written in 1514, so maybe that's not too far a stretch for the people of Europe at the time).
The truth is that a perfect human society cannot exist. Humanity is flawed, and as a result will only ever create flawed works.
Make a massive supercomputer and digitize everyone's brain. Everyone gets their own paradise.
no fuck you my right to bear arms is greater than your opinions I can't fuck you
Easy. Just follow the guide-stones.
Or, The Jewish NWO Learned Elders Guide To Utopia:
>Sterilize the masses by putting chemicals in the water (may in fact turn them gay).
>BEFORE declaring the NWO let the nations war each other and encourage their collapse.
With this one neat loophole you aren't killing people yourself!
>Following the global crises declare the New World Order.
How the government is actually run debatable. I figure a confederation + shadow government and citizenship by service (Starship Troopers' Terran Federation) is fine.
>"Invent" a "cure" for infertility but make it costly and restrictive. Just a sliver to give the people hope but still allow the population to rapidly plummet.
>World language and secularized world religion to make bureaucracy easier. Local traditions/faiths still allowed and encouraged as long as they don't contradict our dogma.
>Tight border controls around "districts" and prohibit travel or migration without a permit.
>Encourage migration to "new" urban centers once the district's population has substantially lowered. (average pop. of our cities would ideally be 2 million).
>Depopulate the new rural areas and establish MASSIVE nature reserves. Eventually prohibit settlement without a permit.
>Invest heavily into automation to makeup for the losses in manpower.
>Invest heavily into education, gene editing and/or eugenics.
>Establish a 1 child then 2 child policy once the global population nears goals.
Utopia on European Extreme mode. +Ecofash characteristics.
Service guarantees citizenship! Would you like to know more?
If all parents knew how to raise their children in a nurturing environment, every single social problem would be solved in the next couple generations.
Does your name start with a C? This thought process sounds familiar
Because low iq people make poor decisions at every aspect of life? Why is it even a question?
Humans are biochemical meat computers. We are currently flawed, but can be changed and perfected. Once we understand how to freely edit the human genome, we can work towards the best possible model of human being in the same way we would with corn or cattle.
There's a high chance that some bullshit about the existing identities we've attached to the flawed permutations of our species will get in the way of this and lead to dysgenics and collapse. If we explore the infinity of genders instead of extending our hand out towards the stars, we deserve to be exterminated through our own incompetence.
contaminate water supplies to make all men and women sterile. ez
Ban abrahamic religions (christianity, islam, judaism)
Dismantle western imperialist and banking think tanks that constantly sow discord and oppression
Limit old white boomers in politics and positions of power
Everyone does meditation, yoga, works out and is on a vegetarian diet.
>How could we realistically make Earth a utopia?
You can't. Humans are not perfect beings and so the flaws of human beings will emerge in the dynamics of any social system they create. Even supposing a post scarcity environment land resources are still finate.
You might be able to ensure everyone is fed and clothed and entertained but that's just bread and circuses. Being content and complacent isn't the same as being fulfilled or truely happy. To me a world were people aren't striving to grow and become more than they currently are is depressing as fuck. Even if there was no suffering I just can not consider a world of zombies a utopia.
>European Extreme mode
Meaning what? That it's more difficult in Europe because of all the freedoms and rights they would lose if they were made US standards instead?
>anyone with an IQ under 140 not allowed to breed
>make earth a utopia
>everyone jumps straight to nightmarish dystopian measures.
None of you should ever be allowed even a modicum of power.
is pic related true user kun
consume the rich
Impossible. The best thing that you can do is give everyone as much freedom as possible, and encourage them to not do anything retarded. Eventually with education and increases in fixing mental illness, most people can be happy. Also, eventual robot slaves, so that no one has to work.
The notion of a utopia for all is inherently flawed.
You cannot ever accomplish a state where every human feels good. Humans derive value and meaning in life based on their status and accomplishments relative to other people. Providing a situation where everyone enjoys the exact same liberties and resources means everyone is just middle class. This will cause competent individuals to either go against society and start trying to gain status and power over others or they will lose any meaning or purpose and cease to function as a decent member of society.
Have you ever wondered why people in poverty in the west today can enjoy such abundant resources to the point where instead of starving, they're eating themselves to death, where they have so many electronic luxuries, where there is no fear of famine, where child death isn't normal, where they dont have to move far away just to work to survive, where they have many more luxuries than middle or even upper classes before yet still feel as if they're scum and suffering? It's because the disparity between themselves and the rich, not because theres some existential standard of living that makes one happy. That's fucking retarded yet so many people believe it.
sterilizing people is the same as killing them, just without the screaming and agony. you do realize that, right?
No thanks, ill jidt get my rich parents to buy my citizenship and skio serving in your garbage army.
You retards are fighting giant alien bugs with no air support, tanks, or field artillery and you make your infantrymen walk everywhere on foot lol.
gotta be alive to die
jizz and eggs are not alive
Complex life only exists as an increasingly complex mechanism to propagate DNA.
Is destroying the existence of future life okay as long as you do it painlessly?
the robot requires this post to be original
Is punching someone in the nuts attempted murder?
>not killing people
>letting africa love
>giving them rights
What nigger?
Is murder about suffering or population control?