If you post ITT you will get a loyal gf within 14 days

If you post ITT you will get a loyal gf within 14 days

Good luck

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Thanks op I'm very originale

right now, it's plausible.

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Tree time

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Idk about "loyal" but someone cute to flirt with and waste a little time with would be stellar.

>Idk about "loyal"
So you wanna get cheated on?

R3ddit is that way sire

Pro tip: Gyms are overrated, calisthenics work better and you don't have to leave the comfort of your home, perfect for NEETs like me.

Probably wont but what ever

do these threads work

Please god let this be true. I'm sick of being the only KHV I know.

I want a tall gf with black hair, nice hips, and small boobs. Bonus points if she has big canine teeth and a long tongue.

You lying piece of shit fuck you

I'm not sure I'm ready for a gf.

I've been so disconnected for so long that I don't think I would be able to handle having a gf and the associated feelings.

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No, just accepting the reality that relationships are temporary. I don't believe in love, but I want to fake it if only for a while. If we aren't serious about it to begin with neither of us is gonna care when she cheats.

bless your posts user they're so refreshing I wish the whole world was a forest

What the fuck it's been 14 days OP where the fuck is my gf huh?! I know where you live!

Trees are gay but I want a gf.

Originoli fagioli

pls fren let this be true

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fuck it, worth a try

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pls pls pls pls

Thank you. I promise I'll be the best boyfriend ever to her

Worth a try origami Oregano original

prolly not but w/e

I sure hope you're right op
here goes nothing

Tell you what OP, if this works you aren't a faggot