
Robots, I want to be a girl

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follow ur dream, sister

And I want my eyesight to not be shit but we don't always get what we want do we?

Kill yourself and hope you reincarnate as one.

Thats because you romanticize what it means to be a woman, especially in the modern world. Do they have easier lives than men? yeah maybe, especially if they're attractive but low tier women lead low tier lives, just like you. There wont be some chad alpha male you can suck on as he provides a life of luxury for you. Just a 5/10 dude who needs you to work as well in order to afford you're shitty apartment and groceries. Like everyone else.

too bad, you got fucked over by luck or god or whatever you believe in. best to move on and change things that are in your control

Not gonna happen but here's some girlfriend experience asmr for you

Same here user, I feel your pain

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Why are there so many trannies in this board holy shit. Dont people with gender dysorphia make up only like 0.6% of the population?

The fags on this board don't have gender dysphoria, they are literally thinking with their dicks.

>gender dysphoria
it doesn't exist, made up by jews

You already are one OP.

No you don't. Girls get periods, mood swings and lots of unwanted attention. Plus they're dumb.

Please explain. How do you want to be a girl without dysphoria, thats the whole reason trannies that dont transition kill themselves

I want to be a blue haired blue blooded blue eyed white male born to a wealthy family in the late-sixties. Nothing audacious or presidential tho. Mild wealth. Yeah we have a private plane but it just sits there ya know. So much stock in so many major companies but nothing serious. Why would you want to be a girl? So random.

Why is r9k infested by transfags and fags who want to fuck them


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one problem. your brain is of a man. the fact that you can think, aspire, have loyalty, and imagine something bigger than yourself would give you away.
in my opinion, it wouldn't be worth it my dude. with you being a girl you would have to hang out with girls as a girl.
unless you want to talk about "tehehe oh my gosh that guy was like litterally soooooo hot *all surrounding girls giggle* "gossip this and gossip that, blah blah made up mental problems, mindless netflix shit" all fucking day all week for the rest of your life it would not be fun.

me too, so i started taking HRT.

>user is trying to cope

You will never be as hot as sneaky so why even try

Attached: DtCwcolXoAE4Y6t.jpg (900x1200, 100K)

sneaky isnt even on HRT though.

He doesn't have to. He beats every thot imo

he also uses alot of makeup and photoshop

I'd fuck him in his normal form aswell desu

You'll still be a fat virgin but at least nobody'll make fun of your small dick

originally based and only correct answer.

>makes their own thread instead of posting in the gay threads.
You have the tranny mentality down so far.