Who else hates the "Green text" youtube channel

who else fucking hates those faggots who are ruining Jow Forums and Jow Forums

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Why watch their videos, then? Just watch something else there's like a trillion videos on YouTube.

>Using "youtube" in the first place

You are the one ruining things for yourself.

those green text channels are fucking 1 trick ponies who cant do anything but take things from Jow Forums and sell it to an audience of normies

They are the ones who invited all the normalfags

This place isnt comfy anymore because of them

Pewdiepie was the biggest vlow with his "greentext memes" video

yea but there ruining the website by sending all those redditfags for "haha funny green text"

I have been on this board since it was created and people have complained about normalfags invading literally the whole time. Look around you - it's the same bullshit it's always been. Also, there are like a million forums - why do need Jow Forums so much? If you hate normies go to wizchan.

cause 12 year olds watch the vids then come here and shit up the board with their dank greentexts

You are a fucking nincompoop if you think like this. The problem isn't that I don't like the content. The problem is that normies see le epic fucking maymays and come here expecting topkek shiggy diggy onion posting 24/7 and so we are subjected to unironic shitposting which pseudo-anons think is the norm,

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this was on a greentext thread.

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So what? We troll them; we play with them, and they go away.

Yeah there's little I care about but that shit genuinely pisses me off. Don't care what people say about it, it's fucking bullshit and those cunts are making free money off shit they have nothing to do with, didn't make, and didn't even understand. It's like one step above scam artists, and I'd love to have 5 minutes alone in a room with them and a hammer.

thanks for confirming that you are one of the trash those videos invited in

Exactly. The whole spirt of Jow Forums is that nobody gives a shit so why are you guys bleeding out of your vaginas day and night and prospect of fresh meat for trolling? Back in my day we would celebrate every time Jow Forums was in the news by flooding /b/ with gore, scat, and worse for 24 hours. It's fun or funny if you bitches are constantly go on with your hysterical persecution complex and baffling sense of ownership over a board that has no topic by design. If you want to hand-pick who you post with, join a real forum or go to reddit, where you emo ass belongs.

They don't go away you fucking retarded newfag. You are clearly a retard who arrived during the elections.
>Using the word we on 4chinz

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we should do something about it

this is what they have done.
fucking minecraft musicals for the 12 year olds that think Jow Forums epic maymay

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This is a new age with different rules. Newfags aren't repulsed by gore and scat anymore, they think it is edgy and hilarious that they associate themselves with shit like this. Newfags need to be lined up and shot.

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>The whole spirt of Jow Forums is that nobody gives a shit
Literally anything else you say after this is null and void

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Awesome. You must be a gifted student.

Redditfag fuck off

Literally twitter tier shit

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we need to go to war with this shit
we need to take our freedom back

what the fuck are you talking about? post an example

>not knowing tfw making the same post as another user at the same time
not part of the hivemind? what are you even doing here?

>We troll them; we play with them, and they go away.
>The whole spirt of Jow Forums is that nobody gives a shit
shut the fuck up retards



This is fucking behind the meme 2 except more retarded and not over generalizing memes but profiting off of these users

The only reason to be here is that you are part of the hivemind, and can't break away.

they take green texts off of r/Jow Forums and read them to all the normies and redditfags

I agree, Anonymous.

I concur, Anonymous.

we need to take the fight to them

Jow Forums, /v/ and /b/ have always been shitholes. I don't blame youtubers for trying to profit off of retards spouting retarded shit and oft reposted greentexts. The boards "ruining" Jow Forums are Jow Forums and Jow Forums, because they attract agenda driven shills that just shitpost and spam bait threads. The more niche boards are still full of quality threads and communities.

Honestly pathetic how little you're able to hide your Reddit tier humor. Fuck off and die

pol is actually the best board

>more niche boards
like what? /po/? because they get like 1 post every 10 minutes.
as far as i can see places with any decent usage level like /wsg/ and /a/ are going to shit too

Jow Forums is the board with the highest percentage of redditors and shill threads.

this is like what happened in 2016
newfags and redditfags came in and fucked up everything

That's what happens. Messageboards become noteable for community. People make videos. Others are attracted. Place proceeds to slowly degrade.

/b/ is really bad right now
they should make a nsfw and non nsfw /b/

thats true /b/ is fucked with porn right now
and its really sad

/tg/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /m/, /co/, /out/, Jow Forums, /diy/, /fa/, /vg/, /o/, /vr/
They're all going pretty strong and have a solid community that generates a good bit of OC. Sure, some poltards and political baiters filter in from time to time but they usually get either ignored or told to fuck off.

/b/ should be the place of friendly discussion, green text storys, and good threads. not a constant "send black twink traps" we should make like a /vip/ /b/ only 4 chan pass users can go on

>We troll them!
Not really. Go into any shitty forced "My first greentext!" thread made by one of these redditards and you'll see that usually they're condoned.

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we need to get them where it hurts

>non nsfw
hmmmmmm, it's almost like there's an abbreviation for that

we need someone on the inside
like a mod or admin

Milhouse is a meme. originally

if we had someone on the inside of mod or admin team
we can show them what were made of

>Funniest 15 second stories!!!!!! #436
>catering to children with an attention span of 15 seconds

we need to show the redditards and newfags what ere made of

i will admit i watch those... as background noise when shitposting

you fucking retard

Please be a bait post.

lets go to there discord and there subreddits shitholes and fuck them

The problem is that most of the mods here are literal faggots who just bodyguard r9gay instead of telling them to fuck off to

we need to think of the most offensive, gross just someone to really fuck them

more gore threads?

i mean the mod and admins at the r/Jow Forums and r/greentext

Super gore threads
and we post gore and just shit that would make them hate us again

or we kill all of the normies in a beta uprising

>ive been here the whole time!
no you havent
>nothing has changed
>accept the normies or leave
ive said it before and ill say it again gtfo normalfag nigger

I don't think this site is entertaining enough for zoomers. Let's be honest how many of us refresh the catalog for literally hours on end to find a half decent thread? Zoomers need the instant gratification of those threads, they don't have time to spend hours here. They'll just watch a YouTube video of them and then go play their shitty fortnite.

find the most vile gore out there that not even edgy normie teenagers can handle

if they want to see Jow Forums raids and gore thread
we should give it to them
they think there just like us
lets give them the Jow Forums they want

Let them know precisely how garbage their threads are while remembering to sage of course. Jow Forums needs to set some standards.

Also I don't think gore will work as well as sharp words will. /b/ actually has a bigger problem with these fucks and gore is more common there.

all they want is "raids" and "Gore" and "Jow Forums bein Jow Forums"
lets show them
lets show them Jow Forums

i went on a childhood stories thread and there was a fucking 12 yr old posting about his childhood, he fucking admitted that he was 12 in his greentext. I enjoyed calling that fag retarded

lets help /b/

we start with a raid on r/Jow Forums
then we do discords
then youtube channels
then we take our damn website back

No surprise at all.

Nearly all the underage bans here are from greentext posts made by stupid kids coming from Pewdiepie or reddit or whatever other shitheap. Kids love da epic greentextz.

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that ban should be for atleast 3 years, so the kid doesnt come back till hes older

Have you checked Jow Forums's recent bans? They're filled with d*scord shills

if we all work together
we can throw them out
or we can at least indoctrinate them in
with Heavy Gore and just really fucked up and grotesque shit

Jow Forums has been a normie site for a decade

I don't care about /b/, even if the redditors left it's still way too normalfaggy. And too fast for my liking.

Discord is a problem too, think of all the drama shit that leaks out of it onto the board. At least the mods recognized it by adding it to the spam filter, but that did nothing. I don't know what can be done about it really, maybe the server short codes could be filtered somehow and bans are stricter for evading. Discord shit should stay in /soc/ where it belongs.

>there ruining the site

r/greentext is way more relevant today though, it's getting 50k subs almost each month while r/Jow Forums is stagnating. It has more viewers at any given time too.

I'm actually surprised r/greentext has restrictions, it doesn't stop it from being full of absolute shitty posts and repeated screencaps of the same thing.

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go ahead mate, before someone beats you to it

You're going to get banned here you know.

I just hate how they just use it to jew money for themselves while pulling more and more retarded normies onto Jow Forums in the process

Being able to make money off of youtube was a mistake

can you gib some better sites than? i dont pay attention to politics and youtube can be extremely useful

what..? people are still here

Can't tell if underageb& or just pining for how you thought the old days were.

Its clearly bait, user.

why are people still here
hi i'm the op

the cancer that killed Jow Forums came from inside the house

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