ITT we discuss suicide and why we haven't offed ourselves just yet.
I'll go first
If I'm honest, I don't want to hurt my family. the last thing i want is my mom or dad walking in to find the rotting corpse of her dead son.
ITT we discuss suicide and why we haven't offed ourselves just yet.
I'll go first
If I'm honest, I don't want to hurt my family. the last thing i want is my mom or dad walking in to find the rotting corpse of her dead son.
getting a gun takes several months were I live
>walking in to find the rotting corpse
I don't think that's your real reason.
Not something I'd even consider, it would take extreme circumstances (such as daily physical torture as a prisoner of war or something). I'd stay alive just to spite people and waste resources if anything
Thats no excuse, go to a department store and get some tubing, duck tape it around exaust and into the back window of car. Get in, lock doors, and sit back and relax. The scary world will be gone soon user. Who woulda though it would be this painless?
not really enthusiastic to find out what happens after i die
Well... that and my dog. I couldn't just leave him, he's too pure.
I have gotten to a point where the decision to do this has become logical instead of emotional and I have been mulling it over for a very long time now. I can't think of a single reason to continue living. I can't even talk to anyone about this. I have no family or friends I can talk to and if I go to a professional I will get flagged making my life will be even worse. I don't think this can go on much longer, robots. I'm scared.
Im not in pain or suffering so I dont feel like killing myself
Even when I hypothetically think of killing myself I just imagine my mom crying and stop thinking about it
I put a knife on my throat a few days ago and I didn't feel anything (probz cause I knew I wouldn't do it) so dunno, I do wish I was dead a lot lately though
Yeah I felt the same way, they were doing the
best they could to help me, I couldn't repay that
by having them go through that traumatic
Now I've had a gf for the past yeah and I guess that's my reason for not offing myself at this point.
Because my state's gun laws are corrupt as fuck. That's it. That's the only reason. I wouldn't prefer suicide any other way.
why do you
type like this
Does suicide impact parents the most, more than any other type of death? If I was hit by a car, would they be any less upset than if I just killed myself?
>Now I've had a gf for the past year
can't relate
idk, I just prefer to read post that are more compact
I think the entire reason is just sunken cost gamblers fallacy for me, I keep trying to justify to myself that eventually something nice will happen, or maybe if I keep trying, eventually my effort could lead to something, bit deep down I know that nothing is ever really going to change.
I'm the one in charge of trying to change my life after all, and if it was going to work, it would have worked already.
Obviously I'm just not suited for it.
Suicide would bring more guilt and shit out "what did I do wrong, miss, if I could go back".
Getting ran over by a truck would still hurt, perhaps less
Slowly dying by some disease is best cause they get used to the idea of you dying
good underground man
If you're scared, there is some part of you that doesn't think killing yourself is the best option, otherwise what would you be scared of?
I don't have any reason to kill myself, user. Yeah, I'm a sperglord wagecuck at 28 with no gf and no degree, but I'm hopeful about this year being a good year.
Now this might be petty but another reason I didn't want to kill myself was that of what people
would think of me when I did it. "Yeah ofc he killed himsels he couldn't get pussy".
"Wasn't unexpected, he was a real loser". So my goal was to get laid, get a job and live a good life, and then end myself.
but now I don't want to anymore...
Suicide occurs when the fear of life outweighs the fear of death. Everyone alive on this planet right now fears death more than life. My concern is that suicide has become something logical and not a gut reaction, and the reasoning is echoing louder and louder in my head. It's like I am watching myself die and can't stop it.
There's a lot of people responsible for my depression, and I don't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing they finally killed me. Maybe it's pathetic but there's something gratifying about knowing somebody out there is just wringing their hands at how much they want to see me die but the day never comes.
They probably don't think about you at all.
>Finally have a gun and bullets
>Don't give a single flying fuck about family
>Met a new friend that likes to gamble and i got addicted to it as well
>Same friend involved me in politics
>Met a qt in uni
I don't know if I fear life more so then death or not, but I do know I want off this ride
>I don't want to end my life on such a sad depressing note
>I want to outlive my manipulative attention-seeking mother, otherwise she'd swoop in and misrepresent who I was, make my death all about her, kinda like that one bitch who took photos of her vegetative son who tried to off himself
>Something could still happen and make everything better
I don't really know why I haven't killed myself. I'm not scared of the prospect of dying, in fact I'm looking forward to the end. I never want to get old. I know I should do it, and I know this is how I'm going to die, but I think I am just too busy. I think about it every day, and sometimes I get close to doing something, but then I think of some obligation I have to fulfill and hurry to meet it.
Once I was waiting for the subway and thinking about it, then as the car rolled in I decided it was time, and started awkwardly lowering myself onto the tracks. I could see the conductor in the car motioning to me to get out of the way, and some normies came and dragged me away.
Suicide really feels like an escape option, and who knows when I'll take it.
Every user in this thread bitching about gun laws should just surround themselves with carcinogens until they contract cancer
If I offed myself my bitch ass family would make it about my dad and his failed marriage which I didnt care about at any point in my life. Another reason to not off myself and to push harder on these faggots. Thx
I aint no quitter
Plus im not suicidal, rather if i were to die id embrace it with open arms.
Im nit afraid of death, but i wint seek it out. When the time comes i will accept.
rather than that why not to just die more painlessly by inhaling lot of helium gas or just inhaling some sodium cyanide
>>I want to outlive my manipulative attention-seeking mother, otherwise she'd swoop in and misrepresent who I was, make my death all about her
extremely legit
I am ashamed. I know it's fucking ridiculous but I can't help it. My mom, dad and brothers will be the only people crying at the funeral. Maybe they'll invite some old class mates from high school -a bunch of people that i fucking despise- cause there's no one else to invite. No friends. No girlfriends. No work mates. People who once knew me will find out between rumors and will be like "yeah well he was a loser anyways".
What words would my loved ones even pronounce at the funeral. They can't say I was a great son, a great brother, that i had dreams, that I achieved things, there's not a single good word to say about me that isn't an obvious lie. And when they hear that I was such a kind person, everyone will be like "yea rite". Cause I'm a huge dick. Or when they hear I was so happy, too. Yea so happy I've thought about suicide periodically for more than two years.
They can't even talk about the things I like cause I don't like anything that i can admit to in public. All I like is porn, eroges, drugs and sleeping. I'm so fucking worthless I'm ashamed to die.
i wait for longevity. i wait for transhumanism. i wan't to be strong, healthy and handsome forever. i want to have new mechanical body. i want my own space ship. i want to travel through universe gaming and fucking my fully customized robotic girlfriend. i will wait for this as long as i can
>I'm so fucking worthless I'm ashamed to die
Fuck me, this post hurt to read. Do you think you'll outlast your parents? Once mine are dead, I really have no reason to stick around and it'll make suicide much easier. I also always wonder how former friends and classmates would react when they found out. I like to believe I made some sort of emotional impact on someone, but they probably wouldn't care.
my dad did it before i could
now if i do it everyone will think i'm just copying him
I dont know. I assume I'll just snap someday. This can't last for long.
I wish a thug nigger would shoot me or something. Then I'd be a victim and my death would be less pathetic.
Because I'm scared.
Scared I will fuck up and end up a vegetable trapped in my own mind.
Scarred I wont fuck up.
Scared theres nothing after this life.
Scared I will die 30 years old somehow achieving literally nothing.
Scared my suicide will hurt my family in ways irreparable.
Because it hurts. Exit bag isn't that easy to make like decades ago where you can buy a gas tank and actually get pure gas, not some diluted shit with oxygen.
>tfw too scared to die but too scared to live
what the fuck?
Suicide is for confused people. Also existence doesn't end with death. So, you'll feel whatever you do against yourself in full.
Have a nice day!
It's scary but you know what needs to happen. Drinking a ton first will help you get it done
Too much physical prep and pain involved even in the most effective suicide measures available. Not to mention that a lot of them are walled off to me as a brit.
Essentially the "easy way out" requires too much effort, the same with everything else I do (or don't).
Imagine being such a coward that you have to make as pitiful excuse as "mom would be sad :(". You are afraid of death, admit it, faggot.
I have been thinking about killing myself and I have set date due to when I'll have to achieve what I want in life or die, and it's much better excuse than whatever the fuck excuse you're making.
I still have hope that I can find success out of spite of others.
watch out boys
I was gonna say this. That way of thinking is more harmful to yourself than your enemies