>Sisters and mother accuse dad of always taking my side
>Dad always is stricter to me than both my sisters
>Dad always defends my retarded lazy sisters
>Always bitch about my diet even though my sisters are worse in that regard
>Came to the point where i'm always in the wrong
What do i do from here robots?
Sisters and mother accuse dad of always taking my side
Stop making excuses and listen to your dad.
He 'makes excuses' for your sisters because he won't let you off by letting you compare yourselves to them.
No really. Listen to your dad.
Because you are a male, everyone expects you to be better than your sisters
>Don't want to follow the same footsteps my dad followed and ended up in his current situation
>Wtf man why don't you follow his advice
My dad is a moron that's stuck in his time
It came to the point where my father accuses me because my uni costs 400 and forgets that my sister needed double that on accommodations so she could travel and get fucked by strangers in another country.
Tell your dad he treats you like shit unlike your sisters and threaten to become a tranny unless he starts treating you equally
>female privilege isnt rea-
>My dad is a moron
Spoken like a true fool. He still knows a fuckton more than you do, that much is obvious
You sound like a retarded boomer why the fuck would you treat your son like shit and give everything to your daughters, shit like this is the reason trannies are increasing
Only thing i want is to be left alone, and my sisters to fuck off. Didn't even pressure my 26 year old sister to finish her studies
>Aunt gave him a good position
>Made upwards of 4k at one point
>Used it all on stupid shit
>Didn't leave any security funds when his wage fell down to 1500
>Didn't even leave some money for college for his kids
Whatever you say boomer
>shit like this is the reason trannies are increasing
What do trannies have to do with any of this?
He's still man enough to carry you three fatfucks on his shoulders. You have no idea what thats like.
You sound like a spoiled sub-90 brainlet child.
It was never his job to put ANY of you through school.
No it just means he got more time to learn from his mistakes which he clearly cant do. You dont become wiser if your age hits a certain number.
Hey, i wanted to work first thing out of high school he pushed me to study
He found an easy life where he works five hours a day five days a week and gets paid more than half the country plus insurance and dental care
Keep in mind to always remind him how much of a faggot he is. Dont let that cuck bully you.
They life is greener on the other side and become trannies, not really that hard to see why
Holy crap you boomers are retards, should he have kicked op out at 18 too?
Jesus. This frantic damage control. Calm the fuck down for a second.
and to answer the last one: Yes. Because now OP feels entitled to this, instead of realizing he could've did this on his own.
>you just gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps even though i got my job completely through nepotism and lived through one of the greatest economic booms that isnt comparable at all to today or else youre just entitled
wow thanks for the insight mr boomer
If that fucker is ready to pay almost eight years for my sister and another seven for my other sister. I'm at least entitled to a try as well, also try to go out on the job market without a degree. Even with three previous jobs the highest paying job i was offered was 700
Your family is garbage who stifles your happiness and development whether they know it or not. Figure out a way to put distance between them and yourself
You're like a caricature of a person-- If I was your dad I'd bitchslap you and kick you the fuck out. But I can tell you've never had one.
So basically they bankrupted him, lol. Women are leeches, man.
Blame your sisters, not your dad. They fucked him over.
user, the only reason he would do this is because he has already given up in your sisters but not on you. listen to him, there is still time
Is your dad proud of what he is? he probably just wants you to not be a failure and repent for his shitty life he inherited you
Feeling entitled is bad but feeling betrayed and treated unfair is correct.
>kicking kids out at 18
This is why boomers die alone tied to the bed. And most boomers that say this are entitled shits themselves. I also bet your parents treated you diffrently, but thats ok because youre special and your dad was kind of strict and happend to yell at you poor little boy
>blame your sisters not your dad
He made these decisions. What, you dont hold people responsible for what they do now? The absolute state of boomers
I'm shit out of luck, no good paying job, rent is ridiculous, even with almost three years of experience my pay is abysmal
Half my possessions are bought with my money from a young age, even my car was bought by me
Not sure about how proud he is but he doesnt seem to realize how lucky he was, also probably both my sisters are lost causes. One refuses to leave home at 26 and her bf moved in and the other sits around doing nothing until she has to go back and pretend to study again
Yep great idea boomer kick out your children, make them get thousands in debt, make their lives miserable and make them eternally hate you
Also, do you have no reading comprehension and ignoring ops posts just to state your retarded boomer opinions?
Him wanting you to act like a man is the reason why trannies are increasing? Hmmm
be glad that your dad is still alive and treasure it
>give women everything just for existing and meanwhile treat men like absolute shit
>hmm.. why are so many young men going trannies and neets?
forgot to quote to this retard
I bet you will regret feeling this way towards your father when you are older. That is, if you ever come to understand things.
You may as well just stop trying and become a useless parasite like them, and wtf your sisters boyfriend lives with your family?
The only person talking in good faith right now is the OP; He seems like a good guy, Trying to make the best of tough times.
Good thing both of us are stubborn and like me he never let go of his bitterness for his father for doing the same to him
And I misclicked for the first guy. My bad.
I didnt know not treating your children like shit is apparently a big concept now
I wanna make something of myself but bitching about me 24/7 won't make me try harder also yes and seems like they aren't getting the fuck out of the house anytime soon
I'm just a kid that's just done with his army duties, all i want is my peace of mind, finish my studies and gtfo of that shithole
You'd be suprised
Be at peace with your father you little shit, don't you get it
See? with daughters like that you must be his last hope. He is misguided but doesn't hate you
I'm a Zoomer you dumb Doomer
hahaha, I know right? These BOOMERS sure are fuckin morons. It's like they don't understand things that resemble stuff, and that things have to happen for things to happen. Typical BOOMER worldview.
I mean really, if we were BOOMERS we would've done so much better! Those BOOMERS don't know how good they have it.
Yes. You actually sound this retarded
It's funny really my grandma said that my father had the same relationship with his father as me
Are mentally damaged or something, I said to not treat your children like shit and leave them out to the dust as soon as they turn legal adults, is that concept too much for your retarded boomer brain to understand?
Then why does he keep treating him like shit and coddling his failed sisters?
Oh, is that what you said?
Because the only thing I saw was beta-level passive aggressive snark-- Confirming to everyone on this board that you're pretty much a big fucking pussy who will never be able to stand on his own two feet.
Gutless. Useless. Stop acting like a roastie.
Yes how dare i not want to heavily indebt myself and live a miserable life, why do boomers even bother having children if they hate them so much?
More roastie talk. Off to the gulags with you, man-thot
So you actually are retarded, boomers really believe kicking out their children so they can become slaves to shlomo is a good thing
Absolutely I do. Might as well add a 'stein onto your surname, little buddy.
Or a 'berg, if that's more your speed.
Are you delirious my boomer friend, what the fuck does that have anything to do with what i said
I have no intellectual onus to entertain word salads and garbage buzzwords strung together. Now go sign your souls over to the jews-- or whatever the fuck you think it is you have to do. Go be a prostitute for all I care. That's probably right up your alley.
>the boomer is a schizo too
Well imagine my surprise
That's ok. I will use my piles of BOOMER cash to buy everything I need.
Enjoy your lifetime of debt :^)
Based Ishiiposter
give the big d to both of your sisters