>pictures that hit you in the feels
Pictures that hit you in the feels
Have some garfield but this time theres no garfield
This one is a particularly complex feel.
Destined to observe.
Never to feel.
curent state in life
>greentext screencap with a reddit filename
like pottery
>uuuuh my pussy hurts
Jow Forums is just as popular as reddit faggot
I feel like this more and more each day
Remember that guy who wrote that 100k word count greentext story about him and the girls?
Every thread started with one of those woody pics.
I wonder if he was schizo.
just fucking end me
Filter should only apply to posts, not replies. Fuck you Hiroshima-moot.
bump please? iurwhgqeiouhgqpiuwfpibuf
>this will never ever be me
It hurts so bad
Nice can't fucking read the end
ahh fuck, I relate to that picture so much. my parents actually sat me down the other day to express their concern about me "isolating" myself. I don't know how to tell them I'm just not happy. Unbeknownst to anyone I was a hardcore heroin/fentanyl addict for over a year where I was just numb the whole time and seemed normal but now I've been clean for a good while all the old problems I was masking have come back. I just feel the comfiest in my room, making money online, playing games and shooting the shit with internet strangers.
always hated that guy and his followers
Just how much do I have to write to make this fucking shit original...
This was me, twice. My mum set me up with 2 different girls. I had 2 dates with both but I could never work out how to fucking escalate things so it just remained with polite chatter and some banter thrown in. I can talk to them fine but when it comes to actually making a move I just fumble it and nothing ends up happening. After the second date both of them stopped responding to me or started taking 24hrs+ to respond to my messages so I got the hint and fucked off.
that insult gives me a will to live
bumping cause nice thread user,
was goebbles /ourguy/?
I'd be ok with this. At least its a chance. When you have no friends you never even meet girls.
this one desu
totally orig
this isnt greentext how the fuck am i supposed to read this shit
Damn, this one hurts.
sorry user, is this better for you?
These r just self defeating and negative desu desu
Source is Kaiji
user, some are having better luck than us. All we could do is wish for the best for them and wait for our SO.
Also, this
Anyone got the end part?
>tfw newfags think Gondola should do things
I'd be really angry at my mom for putting me into an awkward situation like that.
yes but they hit me in the feels
thats the point desu
oh fuck
oh no
not like this
This has got to be the most motivational post of the day. No mattr how low you think you've sunk, you can always make something of yourself!
It's said that this user would rather lie to his dad for months than just go to an actual place where people gather and at least try to make a friend. There comes a point where the things we do to keep ourselves in these circumstances is just inexcusable.
Hardly, do you have any idea how hard it is to just waltz into a place where you can meet people?
I reckon this is why a lot of anime is set in school.
There is really no other situation in which you can meet with so many people.
Of course, and a lot of people would like to relive, or live, their high school lives differently, where they met that nice girl and do things with the friends they'll never have
Fuck this shit.
I can't even feel anything.
I am just angry.
This is why i am a hikki.
Everywhere you look, there's normies living their lives on normal mode, completely ignorant on how easy they had it, not many health issues, properly socialized because of decent family.
Shit, even those who have it worse have some support, fucking drug addicts and severe mentally and physically handicapped people have more support.
There's no fixing a true robot.
We lie in the middle, not weak enough for pity, not strong enough to get respect and admiration.
The fact that nature is so brutal sickens me.
What's even worse is being given a consciousness, being aware enough of your own pain, you can't even scream it out loud, it would do no good anyway.
Just cheng bro.
Even if by some miracle you manage to get in line, you'll never forget that the first part of your life has been a complete misery and you missed out on the best parts of life.
I have no intentions of wanting to grow old.
Imagine being 80, most of your life at that point was lived past your prime, how can anyone cope with that, how the fuck is anybody supposed to want that.
Who the fuck even knows if we can even retire or work till you die. Alone.
The world and human society do not want to improve even if we can, simple really, i wonder who really pulls the strings, something real dark has been going on since technology was invented.
If we possess the ability to change, the resources for it as well, then we do not want.
It is that way for us to a degree.
I suspect at the highest position it is the same. They don't want us to be happy, we will be replaced soon.
Most live in delusion, but i refuse.
Everything is a lie, i see through illusions, but that's all i can do.
Why couldn't i be a mindless normie having my highs and lows? Why am i forced to spend my life like an observer? We have less control over our lives than people think.
I long for the day i die, hoping it will bring a true end.
he ended up commiting suicide, though
he was robot
he was predestined to fail in life one way or another
makes you wonder how is this lad doing today?
if he got that job I'm sure the girl eventually ghosted him
>something real dark has been going on since technology was invented
Do you realise now that if you had sacked up for literally three seconds on either of these second dates and went for a kiss, you wouldnt be a lonely virgin anymore? You could have entered them. They wanted you to do it. All you had to do was take it, and it was yours
>But for young men like us there is no real guidance or support to becoming conventionally capable and functional in society
Thank you.
Goebbles didn't actually say that. It's from Murdoch.
Do you actually believe that a web search engine is remotely capable of solving the problems of a whole generation of young men?
fuck, this always gets me. I'm such a fucking loser.I moved out last year but my parents know I haven't become shit.
The greatest tragedy in the life of a robot isn't the realization that the things you covet and strive for aren't nearly as fulfilling as you imagined them to be, but the realization that the things you're missing out on are just as amazing as you feared they would be.
My dad says he prefers that I be a straight edge friendless loser than an alcohol-drinking, weed-smoking normie.
obligatory feels thread material
Who cares to have friends when you have a wife and a son.
>tfw cat died few days ago