The most expIicit recorded incidents of public sex involving humans and animals activity are associated with the...

>The most expIicit recorded incidents of public sex involving humans and animals activity are associated with the murderous sadism, torture and rape of the Roman games and circus, in which it is estimated that several hundreds of thousands died. Masters reports: "Beasts were specially trained to copulate with women: if the girls or women were unwilling then the animal would attempt rape. A surprising range of creatures was used for such purposes - bulls, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, wild boar, zebras, stallions, jackasses, huge dogs, apes, etc. The beasts were taught how to copulate with a human being [whether male or female] either via the vagina or via the anus." Representations of scenes from the sexual lives of the gods, such as Pasiphae and the Bull, were highly popular, often causing extreme suffering, injury or death. On occasion, the more ferocious beasts were permitted to kill and (if desired) devour their victims afterwards.[8] Chimpanzees and mandrills, both in fact ferocious and very powerful species of primate: "made drunk by wine and inflamed by the odor of females of their kind, were loosed upon girls whose genitals had been drenched with the urine of female chimps and mandrills." The victims were often virgins and not infrequently young children. One spectacle is said to have included "a hundred tiny blonde girls being raped simultaneously by a horde of baboons.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Note that you are quoting ((Christian)) texts intended to discredit the Roman empire.

still makes my peepee hard


How the fuck?

Truly, they were an enlightened society. Civilization has never since matched, and been in decline ever since.

>a hundred tiny blonde girls being raped simultaneously by a horde of baboons

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The original BLACKED

We always see images of a huge stadium in rome, but the actual Colosseum doesn't even have fucking seats.

is everything about gladiators and shit a lie?

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>humanity has never been so much in touch with his nature as today
>we live in an era of humanism
another round of the ol' sin story, keeps!!

It always saddens me how we have revolved century after century after century around fighting our primal instincts and inner seed of corruptions, just to have "certain people" tear it all down again.

>women in America used to fuck dogs
>Note that you are quoting ((insert new religion here)) texts intended to discredit the American empire.

>all the wooden stuff should still be there somehow

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Why do we like seeing women getting fucked by animals?
I'm sure everyone saw the obvious blacked connection here, so maybe it's less about brainwashing than we thought since the Romans enjoyed this as well.

>tfw no zoophile gf

very saddening

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Idk m8, the whole thing reeks of typical kike sensationalism. They made up the same sort of bullshit torture porn stories about the Holocaust too, literally myths about packs of Nazi doberman trained to rape Jewish children and shit. They're so fucking predictable and cliche.

I hate not knowing what to believe about history.
Every cunt is trying to push an agenda.

Imagine being Christian and believing this

death by masturbation machine.

Frankly this shit sounds like oven rollercoasters and pedal powered brain bashing machines

America? Rome is in America??

it never stops amazing me that people that post this level of content can navigate whatever device they use to post here

What's the deal with their obsession with European females being defiled by animals?

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>"a hundred tiny blonde girls being raped simultaneously by a horde of baboons.

sweden yes

this joke gets taken care of pretty early in these kinds of discussions, try to keep up

Christians and jews hated each other, at least early on they did. Jews killed Christ, mankind's savior. And on the other side, the jews hated (and still do really), Christianity, as it deems them outdated. They don't want to play by our rules. It's much more complicated than just that, but you should see what I mean.
Christians did make a genuine attempt to assimilate into Roman culture, and did not make demands about what Romans should do to accommodate them. They adopted their language, set their holidays on the same days as pagan holidays, set the pope up in Rome itself, the works. Catholicism is the result, with most traditions and methodologies being holdovers from that period.
It wasn't that the Romans were simply always like what OP posted. That was during their decline. Before then, Romans were renowned for their chastity and modesty regarding sex. Orgies were a thing of the rich elites, as always. Something picked up from the Greeks, and added women into the mix.
Rome's degeneracy during its fall is likely what drove many Romans to seek out the church and its guidance, as it promised the very morality that Roman society had forgotten by that point.
What sucks for us is that we're going through the same shit and we have no fallback like the Church was. We're fucked.

Great reading comprehension

Early Christians overwhelmingly WERE Jews themselves retard.

you're a dumb, nigger monkey. Kill yourself

Seems a little ridiculous. I don't think the common people would want to see this shit.

He's right though. You couldn't even be a Christian without being a jew. Until Peter converted a Roman legionairy. It spread to gentiles from there on out.

please stop being this retarded user, please

>Christians did make a genuine attempt to assimilate into Roman culture, and did not make demands about what Romans should do to accommodate them
Except that (initially) being a follower of Jesus was cool in Rome, as long as you also followed Roman stuff. Remember, you're a Roman first and a Christian second.
Christians won't accept me as a Christian if I say I also engage in worship of some other figure, as well as Jesus/Christ.

Blow it out your ass

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Except there is something to fall back on. Islam.

Right after you stop being as retarded as you are right now, sure.

>disregarding polytheism
absolutely disgusting

TIL the Roman Empire were a bunch of furfags

Holy fuck that sounds incredible!! I truly was born in the wrong time. Watching 100 blond devils getting raped in murdered in public fashion is literally the most amazing think I could possibly think of.

Just dont believe the bad shit user.
Of course romans had flaws, everyone has but does the flaws of a man obscure his accomplishments?
If i told you einstein was a womanizer, would that make him less of a genius?
This kind of article is just throwing dirt on the accomplishments of a great empire, and it serves no good cause.

>Just dont believe the bad shit user
How to Achieve Complete Confirmation Bias in 3 Easy Steps!

Tell me truthfully how this makes you feel.

So much bullshit has been written about Rome. Only a fool would take what is written here as fact.

Hitler had a deformed cock and was a scat loving paedo.


>believing this
ancient romans often called greeks goatfuckers etc
An insult as old as time

Doesn't change the fact that chirstians and jews are natural enemies who hated each other and should hate each other

Just found this:

Interestingly there is just enough truth in this meme to make the urban (or is that polis) myth believable.

First off the Roman games consumed a vast number of animals - so many that a number of subspecies like the mesopotamian lion and leopard and the Nth African bush elephant were driven to extinction. Initially animals were just displayed as curios, but once the plebs got bored with that they were slaughtered in mock hunts or used as a method of execution.

Second another popular part of the games was the execution of criminals - the more demeaning the deaths the better. This was a form of light entertainment to break up the more serious business of gladitorial fights. Many of the people executed were women and children could be amongst them.

The third part is more hazy. It has been stated that the execution of virgin females was illegal under Roman Law (no real evidence) but it may well have been frowned on by Religious authorites involved with the cult of the Vestal Virgins. Gibbon is the main commentator on this but Suetonius also mentions it in regards to the behaviour of the Emperor Tiberius on Capri.

Tiberius had a palace built on Capri and is stated to have been so melencholic that the only thing he enjoyed was watching men, women and children being tortured and then thrown to their deaths from a high rock. To avoid offending the gods all females of whatever age were raped to make sure a virgin wasn't executed.

Note that as with most history the later historians writing on the lives of the Emperors often had political axes to grind, and contempory historians may not have written the truth for fear of being tortured and thrown off a high rock.

The final piece is a late development in the Roman games. Either to educated the plebs or at least appeal to their jaded tastes plays were staged in the arena. These were often renditions of popular myths and legends or reenactments of important historical events. Prisoners and slaves were used as actors so if a character was injured or killed during the play they were actually injured or killed on stage.

A play that is recorded as being performed on a number of occassions was Theseus slaying the Minatour. The Minatour was the result of the Minoan Queen Pasiphae mating with a bull inside a bronze heffier. So a woman would be placed inside a fake cow but it cannot be stated that the bull actually raped her as the cow was not see through.

That said in Roman times Bestiality was not the preserve of bored middle-aged Germans or clapped out South American whores. The Gods often took the form of animals while banging mortal chicks, you had half man half beasts like Satyrs and Centaurs, and you have images showing sex acts between men and women and animals going as far back as the stone age.

There was also a belief that Eqyptian women kept trained baboons for sex. Wealthy Roman women were claimed to have used snakes as part of their vagina hygene regimes. Children - specially slaves - had always been used for sex (Jewish laws at that time regarding bride prices assumed that any slave girl older than three years would not be a virgin and could not be sold as such).

So put it all together and you realise that if the idea of a mob of baboons raping blond (representing the Teutons) girls had occurred to the Romans they wouldn't have been stopped by the thought that it was wrong. I suspect that it simply wasn't mechanically possible - train all those baboons, find the blond girls - and more importantly you wouldn't have seen anything as a spectator. Having those same girls chased down and eaten by you are talking Roman showbiz.

In Ancient Rome, they wiped their asses with an implement called a Tersorium ('sponge on a stick'). It was a sea sponge attached to a stick which was kept in a bucket of vinegar. The bucket had rough edges where you could scrub off the shit.

Most Roman latrines were public use and so you would have to share a Tersorium with your fellow citizens. Unfortunate slaves would have the duty of emptying the buckets and cleaning the Tersoriums. Suffice to say that despite Roman advancements of the sewer and sanitary system, disease was still a major problem.

You have just learned something about Ancient Rome.

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nigga that's literally the first thing you get taught in primary school about history
they liked rude graffitti, tortuous public execution and wiped their arses with shared sponges which resulted in wide outspreads of disease but was still the most advanced sanitary system of the time

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>To avoid offending the gods all females of whatever age were raped to make sure a virgin wasn't executed.

based af

now go learn about the times people were reported to have been raped with one

>wide outspreads of disease
conversely, it's effectively an ersatz fecal transplant so everyone could've potentially been better because of it.

Or the time a Gladiator committed suicide with one in the latrines at the arena

that too. i was going to mention that depending on the reply.

fucking retard kill yourself
the italians dont take care of their shit, it crumbles and dies. you think the wooden seating is gonna stay?
its this uninformed thick-shit guesswork based on ones overinflated self-importance which is the basis of conspiracy theories everywhere
>I Don't understand something IT MUST BE A LIE
read a book you idiot

That seems unlikely. Is this getting taught to help kids hate their heritage?

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Today probably not, but back then people would attend public exevutions for fun just to break the monotany of their existence.

They would even sell food and drinks as prisoners were lined up and prepared to be executed.

I look at this picture and the only thing I can think of is the overwhelming smell of shit, sweat,and BO that would permeate the air.

It's almost as if you don't realize how bad the Romans were.
They took Greek plays and made them have real violence.

>literally no source


discredit? i just wish i had some way to see the spectacle

In poor areas it stank of shit and in the rich it stank of purfume
My grandad said before the 1950s and more households got hot tap water people stank because it cost too much to bathe more than a few times a month

Sounds absolutely fucking awful.
I feel nast as shit if I go even a day without bathing.

Too bad the roman empire fell. Imagine this level of debauchery on today's society.

need something to obey? worship me. i promise to make as many arbitrary rules as i want to. also, i can satisfy my sadistic desires with your body, making you a high priest

The obvious tells are usually the person who's trying to push it.

Turks think that the were the greatest during the middle ages and they were true muslims when in fact they are from Asia that converted to Islam, see Seljuk Turks.

Hardcore pol posters are usually tell that the Crusades were 100% justified defenders of Christian lands.

Both has some truth in them, but when you are studying history, you always have to look at things from a neutral perspective. There were no good or bad things, at least from your perspective, only things which, at that time, seemed okay from the given party. The crusades, countless wars, Nero, etc.

If you allow yourself to "pick sides" when studying history, you're on the wrong path.

He was also gay, Muslim, Jewish, athiest, adicted to drugs, had one testicle, and was impotent

He also apparently engaged in gay orgies in the trenches during his military service.