actually date
Could you date a fat girl?
No. Women have one job in order to be fuckable: dont be a whale. Any girl who fails even that should die alone
@ what bmi are we talking
I would never date a fat girl
I'll sooner go for an ugly one, because being fat is a choice
Yes! Only boomers hate fatties.
yes, absolutely. but she would need to have some curves preferably
If she looks like that and is nice, yeah
100% yes if she has atleast titties or an ass, preferably 42-50+ inches in ass
Is she supposed to be fat? Also yes, yes I could. I feel sorry for people who can't get over the stigma and appreciate the beauty of a good looking fat girl.
you realize that fat chicks have rolls, not curves, right?
Yes, my ex was 170 and dropped to 130 thanks to keto. She was fuckable at both
that girl is almost obese you fucking burger
what if it was something like this hypothetically speaking?
borderline obese ~28 like OP
Nice gaslighting effort. What starving eastern european backwater are you from?
if this is OP (can't really see her body in OP) then ez fuck. she has nice fat distribution. if its28 bmi with mostly gut then its a pass
i'm fat so why not.
if they were significantly larger than me i might have second thoughts though
I would fucking go down on her for 15 minutes and swallow all of her cum
as much as we wish, women don't exist solely in underwear/naked. once one of these belly beasts puts on clothes they become a fat soccer mom. it's truly unfortunate.
this is what fat whores look like irl : /
I can date anyone who is female (female) and who does or can scuba dive
Fuck no, I might pump once out of curiosity but if you're a woman your only job is to not be too fat
She is literally at the limit, but yes I'd date. Probably
If she has a cute face and our personalities match, sure. I prefer slim girls but a BMI of 28 isn't too much for me, and sometimes they wear it quite well. Bonus points if she's tall. Also I imagine the girl in your pic is nice to cuddle with.
wtf shes hot as fuck, fat distributed nicely and huge tits. 10/10 would smash
Fat sure, amerimutt obese no
even fat girls find me disgusting
>fat women look better naked than clothed
oh, sweatie
If she has only one roll then yes. Anything over one roll is unacceptable
And even she would only go for a chadlite and above
Aslong as the fat was all in her tits and ass yeah sure.
Yes, in fact I prefer women a bit fat
would fucc picc related
No. It's fucking disgusting.
All fat people are.
What race is she and is she open to exercising together?
If the answer to the first question is Asian, then she can answer 'no' to the second, otherwise she better put on her running shoes.
this. if you've ever had a chance you're not a robot
Best head of my life, rimming extravaganza.
Yes, I would date a fat girl, but they won't date me with my social anxiety. They only want chad.
How fat are we talking? Chubby? Sure if she's feminin, supportive and makes me feel loved. Fat fat? I'm sorry but I cannot have a relationship with someone who I find unattractive.
I can fuck one but would rather not be seen in public with
It all depends on how fat she is and how she carries it. Girls over 200 lbs don't look good at all to me, period. But anything under that and there's a lot of leeway where girls with good genetics like or pic related are hot as fugg. I like titties and slight bellies so to me dating a chubby/thicc girl is ideal. Plus having a gf who isn't afraid to eat in public would be nice.
>ywn help that girl go from 'tastefully chub' to 'woah, getting a bit fucken hefty now'
It's an older feel but it checks out