stopping up all night edition
should have got an energy drink edition
sorry for the old image edition
Other urls found in this thread:
after 12 oclock lad, morning drinking is shameful, afternoon drinking is zany
first for no christmas stuff for that lad that doesn't like christmas stuff after christmas
going to have a masturbation see if that perks me up a bit
Next 3 and a half hours are gonna be a bit dull then
>look in mirror
>feel sick
>have to go to work
such is life
>wagies are going to work
>NEETs are comfy in bed after a night of vidya and shitposting
such is life
hi guys I'm American can I post here haha
wanted to get a steak and cheese roll but the queue was too long in Greggs
Absolute state of the graffiti at Hilton park services
I wasn't even meant to be working today but Mr shekelberg called me at 8pm last night asking me to come in at 7am
it's the vegans innit
Why do they have to ruin everything for us
not really into hairy birds. I like a woman to be completely hairless below the eyebrows
So they didn't answer the phone?
Doen't really bother me if it's like the lass in the top pic. As long she doesn't have a beard I don't really give a fuck
enjoy the xp senpai
>stop shaving
>notice men don't like it
>begrudgingly start shaving again
Wew that was totally worth it ladies
Women with hairy armpits absolutely stink
Well lad? Is he wrong?
In 2018 I drank on average a bottle of wine and a pack of lager every day.
Monday to Friday my daily routine would involve grabbing the wine and the lager and drinking it throughout the day. On Saturdays I would get smashed, and Sunday I'd have a couple of beers at the pub with lunch.
Doesn't sound like a lot for one day but consistency like this for years did some serious damage. I had an ultrasound scan and the doctor told me I need to seriously cut down to give my liver a break.
That was in the summer but of course after attempting to quit and going into mild withdrawal I said fuck it and carried on drinking.
Today I'm trying to stop again. I brewed some expensive coffee and now... I sit here... thinking about how I just want to down some strong spirit. It would help if I had anything to do but I'm a NEET with no friends.
>waiting 20 minutes in the freezing cold for my train
Then I'm going to have to dash for my interview
Didn't have time to drink much water
Forgot my house key
I don't want turkey sausage it's nasty
The Brexiteers greatest trick was making people believe that Brexit will do anything to stop Brown and Muslim immigration and other cultural and social problems.
Cheers fren, I stayed awake for this post. Gonna get some sleep sleeps now and play later when I get up.
I would not be surprised if they weren't halal already. At some point about 10 years ago it seems all major food companies quietly switched to halal meat
The funniest part tbqh, do they think brown people come from europe?
How on earth did you afford 7 bottles of wine a week as a NEET?
>all major food companies quietly switched to halal meat
this isnt true though
>nail gun through the head
>instant death
>hung upside down
>throat slit
>slow painful death
I know which I'd prefer
Good luck moni. You're missing WrestleKingdom
The retard neighbour's little dog doesn't bark, it screeches.
I disagree
Businesses think it'll get them more sales an be cheaper in the long run but that's wrong because Harris down at the local paki butcher will always undercut them
Now get a job you worthless NEET monkey
That's about 28 quid
As long as Bernard Matthews and Pukka Pies aint halal who gives a fuck
The animal doesnt actually feel any pain when it's killed in a halal way, the back of neck gets cut which cuts off all the signal to the brain that feels pain so they dont feel anything. At least according to scientific studies that were done, they could just be paid for by pakis to make it seem like halal isn't bad I have no clue. Don't really care either way tbqh, if the meat tastes good I'll eat it. I dont care how it's prepared
Well cheap wine is a fiver, if you bother going to a supermarket and looking at deals you can actually get some pretty decent stuff for that much because of daily offers. But sometimes I was lazy and just went to the newsagent where it's about seven pounds for similar stuff. Beer is even cheaper. I'd say I spent on average 10-12 a day on booze. But I didn't buy much else other than food.
Good luck mate. Hope they don't require a dbs check.
Is KFC halal?
Yeah, pretty much all the UK branches are
Pakis love chicken
Pubs and the night culture are being replaced by chicken burger places
I check packets of food every now and then and more often than not I see the little halal symbol on the back
This is fake news lad, halal doesn't change the way the animal is killed. You just make us sound stupid spreading this misinformation
>Look up Bernard Matthews
>Ranjit Singh Boparan
Definitely halal lad
I only eat free range meat that has lived a full life and cuddles and playful activities before dying of old age
According to their website 110 branches are halal out of 900
>Ranjit Singh Boparan
very clearly an Indian name
Confession: growing up in a white middle class part of Britain and going to a school with mostly white people in the late 90s, I was into the whole "progressive" thing, where I believed that all cultures should be tolerated and racists were the fucking scum of the Earth.
I moved to London in the early 2010s and after experiences the dream of diversity, I'm now a "centrist", simply because I can't quite bring myself to go full Tory. It's probably my natural instinct towards the left, but fuck me I can fully understand racisms and hatred towards foreigners. They don't make it hard do they.
>out of 900
not sure why but I thought they'd have more branches than that.
I thought the same lad, 900 seems low
>Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked
The basterds drain the blood of the animal, sick cunts
Weirdly enough, I grew up in an area of London about 50% non-white and my only real period of racism was when I became a shut in browsing Jow Forums all day.
Notice how Jews and Chinese change their names when they go to other countries?
Schlomo Goldberg becomes Sal Goddard
Wing Chin becomes William Church
IT's great for assimilation. That's why these people are successful and you don't see them persecuted in the UK as much as
Muhammad Al Abdul Achmed Jamal, who goes by "AJ" to his school friends
*munches into doner kebab*
Maybe they only have them in bigger towns/cities. Not like McDonalds where they have at least one on ever high street
about to cry lads
just got back from the dentist after he fucking gave me a root canal on my front tooth and at the very end hes explaining to me how confused he is because there was no decay outside or inside my tooth and has told me I need to come back 6 months later to get a "crown" on it
now lads I do have a weird spot about my front tooth which when I press on it it hurts my tooth so I'm sort of doubting myself here but after hearing him say he literally just cut up my tooth which felt like he was removing my fucking tooth and using some smoke thing to then be told hes confused to why I even needed it in the first place but I 'did' need it makes me believe he fucked up and is just covering for himself
can some lad please make me feel better? I've read that root canals make your tooth fucking weak as fuck and it can basically fall out if you bite into an apple, I even read front teeth root canals don't need a crown but apparently I do because its going to become discoloured soon
>Notice how Jews and Chinese change their names when they go to other countries?
people have done that for centuries lad. America is full of people whose family names changed when they emigrated
Yes, but Arabs and West Indians don't.
> is the prescribed method of ritual slaughter of all lawful halal animals. This method of slaughtering lawful animals has several conditions to be fulfilled. The name of God or "In the name of God" (Bismillah) must be called by the butcher upon slaughter of each halal animal separately, and it should consist of a swift, deep incision with a very sharp knife on the throat, cutting the wind pipe, jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides but leaving the spinal cord intact
>but leaving the spinal cord intact
Sorry lad but they make sure the animal feels every bit of pain
>842 outlets, making the United Kingdom KFC's largest market in Europe and fourth largest worldwide.
And for McDonalds there's about 1,274.
Every Chinese person I've met has some odd name that isnt pronounceable to English tongues so thank fuck they change them
Mate they've been doing that in slaughterhouses since the dawn of time
Excellent post
It shows the intent of the race to assimilate and that's the most important thing
You see Africans doing it too
It's only the pakis who are the outliers
The best case scenario is that they all.chose white soundings paki names like Harris and Adam
Thats literally why they change them, every chinese person I've met says its a lot less hassle to just have a english first name, they tend to keep there chinese last name though. I did have a chinese mate that didn't change it but his name wasn't hard to pronounce at all so I guess thats why he didn't
It's not that weird, I don't think. The reason that people in most countries dislike the invasion of alien cultures (no matter how "civilised" these cultures are) is that they simply different. You've always been used to what I consider alien so it doesn't bother you, whereas I find it more difficult to tolerate it now that I've experienced it.
Brilliant post
The government once tried to ban halal meat but it didn't go through
It wouldn't have been enough anyway, we need to also ban the importation of halal meat too
We treat animals like shit not sure why people obsess over the killing part.
>The best case scenario is that they all.chose white soundings paki names like Harris and Adam
>Harris and Adam
Lmao I'm new here but are you not a Pakistani girl yourself? It's weird to see someone from there conceding that Pakistanis have problems integrating. Most of the ones I meet live in secluded Pakistani communities and still call themselves fully British.
Halal slaughter is literally illegal in the EU but the UK has granted special permission for Jews and Muslims
>Whilst it is often claimed that the UK has the highest standards of animal welfare world-wide, around 70% of the UK's farm animals are kept in factory farms every year.
ha tough shit piglets
>I'm new here but are you not a Pakistani girl yourself
oh lord, run while you can
You know a lot of "white" names are bastardisations of middle eastern names. Joseph Adam Daniel etc.
Honestly its an animal we're going to eat. Who gives a fuck how it dies? It's going to become a fucking burger or a chicken nugget, not exactly the most luxurious of afterlifes
People have had an obsession with "end of life" stuff since the dawn of time.
Did you that the NHS spends a huge proportion of their budget on the last year of care of elderly patient?
It's something like this
>Children - 30%
>Adults under retirement age - 20%
>Old people - 30%
>Literally about to die - 20%
>Lmao I'm new here but are you not a Pakistani girl yourself?
He's a mentally ill tranny called Amir who also happens to be a sex offender and took the name Moni from one of his previous victims.
Because it makes me feel bad that something is suffering. Is this weird?
They surely only do that because there aren't enough of them coming over to form a large diaspora. With the amount of pakis in this country, it is very easy for them to not assimilate, and only associate with other Pakis.
I prefer the term "brown skinned female"
Hate pakis
The pakis you see in their secluded ghettos would sooner fight for ISIS or an Islamic invasions of Britain than the British Army
They're Muslim first, Pakistani second and that's it
They live here because it's convenient
>it makes me feel bad that something is suffering
they become vegan because we are non-stop causing suffering to billions of delicious animals
>doesn't care enough about animals to stop eating them but cares how they're slaughtered
Now that's virtue signalling
ummm what. What kind of sex offence, are you we talking physical assault, or some workplace harrassment? And how is this known?
Do you look at the ground every time you walk somewhere to make sure you aren't stepping on a bug lad?
He's lying
I have no convictions for sexual assault
Accidently kicked my cat really hard in the face last year. Still feel bad
Ironically this. You can't claim to care about what an animal feels in the last few seconds of its life but still be a meat eater. Either go vegetarian or shut the fuck up about it
Not that lad but he recorded two polish girls he lived with shitting and pissing on their toilet. He also pissed in their drinks and food. He got kicked out of uni for it, this is why he had the name Poleaboo before he became a tranny and changed his name to Monica (the name of one of the polish girls he harassed)
Interview time, bitches
I had a cat once, dropped a sofa on it. lt was a write-off so I stood on its head
Mate are you still in school? I'm not interested in debating meat ethics for the millionth time but Jesus Christ did you really think that was a good argument?
Good luck lass, hope the interviewer is white
Fuck it going to the shop now. Need rizla anyway
Sick cunt. I will stamp on your head if I ever see you
So you value animal welfare over insect welfare? What factors do you weigh in to come to that decision? Seems a bit hypocritical if you ask me.
Imagine thinking this is an acceptable level of debate. Not him btw
Honestly if a animal farm gave me the opportunity to slice a cows head of with a big sword I'd probably do it. Seems cool as fuck
Not the guy you're talking to. But I do actively try to avoid killing bugs spiders wasps etc.
Unnecessary killing of any animal I think we should try to avoid.
However I think eating meat and a lot of animal by products are necessary.
Not really necessary since people live vegan lifestyles now perfectly fine. People just like to eat meat because it tastes nice, which I do and admit it's very selfish, but I don't act better than vegans because I do so. I just like a good burger, and if an animal has to die for it then who cares
>brain constantly imagines getting into arguments or fights with people as i have nothing else of particular interest going on in my life
its tiring, just want nice things or distractions to think about
Are we talking GoT cutting a head off or Metal Gear Revengance head cutting?
I'd prefer the latter.
I was thinking more GoT, I don't think MGR style is possible unless you're a cyborg ninja