/eg/ - escort general #1

Welcome to escort general, a thread where we discuss everything related to visiting an escort.

>What is an escort?
A girl who has sex with you for money, duh.

>Is it legal?
Depends on your area, make sure to check your local laws and learn your loopholes before you hire one. You don't want to have to call a relative or a friend to help you get out of jail.

>Where do I find one?
On the internet. We recommend using twitter as it is the easiest way for anyone to find an escort. Just search your city and escort or other related hashtags.

Remember user, be smart, reverse google her pictures, google her number, google her twitter account, ask her for verification pics once you decide to message her. Do anything that helps you make sure that you are talking with a girl and that she looks like the one in the photos. Lots of crooks out there.

>How do I message them?
You must always ask her about the price and establish what you are getting. Ask her about her limits, you don't want to be the sucker that paid her $200 and have her refuse to do anal.

Don't waste their time, they WILL block you and they could even doxx you on their twitter account, I've seen it.

>"It's my first time!"
>"I'm a virgin, wat do?"
I don't advice telling her this, specially to that bimbo milf you have your eyes on. Instead tell her that you're having a bad week and that you want her to take the iniciative.

Remember, pop a viagra 30 minutes before and practice masturbating with a condom, last thing you want is a limp dick.

Thinking of starting a wiki with sections such as legal help, basic STI information, sites for some countries and so on, thoughts?

Please avoid posting things like:
>hurr paying for sex degenerate durr

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Disagreee about the virgin thing. If you are a virgin you should definitely tell her beforehand. That way she will understand you are nervous and try to make you feel at ease.

For any bongs I suggest looking at the ukpunting website and look at the reviews for your area. Adult work is the best site as in my experience you get exactly what the ad says. Avoid vivastreet as they're all either Romanians or trafficked girls

This tends to be true for older escorts (30-40), a lot of websites in the UK tend to mention a hooker specifically for guys new/nervous to the hobby

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Depends on the girl. If she knows it's your first time they'll give a shoddy service. Just say it's been a wee while and don't have her take the lead

If you tell her ur a virg she'll know its your first time with an escort and she'll try to rip you off.


never take them to your house


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Pretty basic information. But they're on Twitter now? Wtf.

I used to use backpage but it went down.

I'm too picky for escorts. It takes too long to find a good one and honestly I'm not going to spend more than 100 for fs.

Hhr for $60-80 fs is the sweet spot but that's like a low quality escort.

Or maybe try to scam the shit out of you

for guys who find the whole hunt-a-hooker-down-and-contact-her thing a bit daunting, there are Amsterdam-style brothels in literally every city in the UK, and a lot of towns with medium-sized populations have a brothel too. They're everywhere. You probably walked past one without realizing it. Ever walked down the high street and saw a shop with nothing but closed blinds or completely blacked out windows? Brothel.

Punternet has a directory where you put your postcode in and it'll tell you where the nearest brothel is. As a general rule of thumb you can just walk straight in and pick the one you want to fuck - you don't need to book or anything. They all have websites with galleries and rotas. I've personally never done the whole adultwork/twitter thing, I just look up brothels and head in. Less hassle and cheaper a lot of the time too. Standard rate tends to be 60-70 quid for a shag, 120-130 quid for a full hour where you can pop two or three times if you have the stamina for it

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My first time was with an escort too and I told her at the end I was a virgin because she figured it out. She didn't try to scam me or look down upon me, she was pretty sympathetic actually. Sex workers are a godsend for lonely guys.

Only if she is a lousy escort. In which case you don't want her, virgin or not. But many escorts are perfectly nice girls, they will be happy to help a virgin.

This, if you are a virgin she will realize it. No use hiding it.

>tfw not a virgin
>tfw no sex in over 4 years cause incel

what if she thinks I am a virgin, I am not going to arguee with an escort about my virginity

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just go anyway. don't overthink it. they fuck dozens of people every day, including fat middle-aged slobs who sit and watch the tv all day while drinking beer. hookers aren't banging porn stars, they are banging people from all walks of life, and a lot of these guys don't fuck all that enthusiastically. lay on the bed and relax while she does her stuff. she's totally chill with it. you're not expected to audition for brazzers. half the time I go I just lay back and let her ride me while I move my hands all over her chest like the lech I am. you can do as much or as little as you like.

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What's it like living in a place with brothels? Does the sexual market value of normal women go down? Is it perfectly acceptable to visit the brothel and tell people about it?

No difference at all. It's another completely hidden world and there's no overlap between 'civvie street' and the punting world. You don't talk about your escort activities at all, not even to your closest friends. If you look on punting forums, boards etc you'll quickly find a general consensus that this is one of a very small handful of things you do that you will take with you to the grave.

As for other women, the whole point of banging hookers is that you don't really care about that side of things anymore. When you see hookers, you no longer have a dog in the 'gender war' fight. It's not your problem anymore so don't worry about silly things like sexual marketplaces or the value of women.

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meeting the right girl can be a practice "date/netflix and chill" and a great learning experience to become confident at talking to girls and sex.

>Remember, pop a viagra 30 minutes before
I suggest just doing nofap until you can't take it anymore instead of relying on drugs

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I wish I read all the stuff posted in OP before getting a hooker.

>Got one on backpage about 2 years ago (19 now) cuz sick of trying and failing for years on dating sites
>Get to the motel room
>Girl who showed up was a landwhale Mexican el atrociadad with bright pink hair, maybe 30, not the short skinny blonde I messaged
>When I saw her face I was too scared to mention anything and just went with it
>She asks for the money
>Start getting severely paranoid about cops
>Tell her I need to go to the bathroom before I hand her any money
>She tries to insist that I pee in a cup instead, but I tell her no
>She knocks on the bathroom door, and a nigger and a mongrel girl poke their heads out and see me and they laugh
>humiliated, take a piss and go back out
>I told her I was a virgin, she seemed grossed out and awkwardly ignored it
>She bent over and a stench of rotten vegetables and poultry, unwashed for days filled my nose
>Between first time nervousness, the couple about 5 feet from me, the smell and the whales unattractiveness, I was softer than a babys ass
>tried thrusting for a minute, dick went inside but it was like trying to stuff a jelly donut
>30 minutes later pass, she says times up
>I didnt cum

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I wish there were cheap escorts you could pay just to cuddle with you on the couch while watching a movie or something. I would honestly prefer that over sex, but I'm not paying 200 euro's for it. All the sites like cuddlecomfort are dead and the few girls on it are ugly as hell.

orginally ko.nment

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>tfw fapped 2 day ago
>have to wait today also so I don't embaress myself
>Wanting to go to pic related

I'll report tomorrow on how it went, hope that two days of no masturbation help

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if you usually masturbate once a day or so then you need a week off, generally speaking. your dick is still too used to your hand's tight grip.
nofap is a meme but it has some basis in reality. when your baseline for orgasm is your hand gripping your dick it's not as receptive to a woman's twat as it should be

ED is more widespread than ever among young men because of the proliferation of easy-to-access porn and excessive masturbation habits

less wanking more fucking

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This. UK Punting and Adultwork are the best place to find whores in the bongland. I'd steer clear of Romanians on Adultwork as well and don't forget that feedback on Adultwork is often worthless (guys will normally not give negative feedback because they don't want to get a negative in return)

What about uksugarbabies or whatever it's called? They have pornstars sometimes.

what a fucking trainwreck holy shit

that's way beyond what the average person can afford. pornstars have rip-off prices, hundreds an hour most of the time. don't bother with sugar-whatever arrangements, they are mostly for people with more money than sense

Not everyone here is a poorfag NEET. Some of us can afford those things.

Daily reminder paying a whore for sex is the most beta thing you can do.

She gains all the power in the situation and you essentially get cucked out of your money. Sex work is seen asn empowering to women these days and chances are once shes take your cash and let you have really lame sex with her shes gona go home to her pent house in the city, eat expensive food then continue writing her autibuogpyh and post on ehr blog which shes makes thousands off through add revenue.

Why would you support a system that empowers women and only destroys your self worth? Stop chasing whores, stop buying them shit and stop being a bitch. Cunt isnt worth it.

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She worth $200 / 30 mins?

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Don't fall for cheap hookers, guys. There's a reason why they're cheaper than most girls.

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>this guy again
Even among incels, who are the most pitiful beings in existence, you stand out as being pitiful.

I go every 4 months or so if I'm not dating someone.
Your mind goes to weird places, I just need the physical touch.
I saw a girl last week, smoked a joint and cuddled after we fucked.
>escort girl was more playful and responsive than my last ""gf""
It was nice to feel like a normal person

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So the fuck what? Paying a girl for sex is a lot easier than trying to have one fall in love with you and want to fuck you because you're either ugly as fuck, not wealthy enough, or have shitty social skills. Escorts and other sex workers don't give a shit who you are or what you do as long as you're able to pay for their services.

Damn amazing body!
Id need more than 30 minutes tho
How much for an hour?
And where do you fuck her?

>doesnt pay to have sex

I just spat my beer everywhere I laughed that hard at your comment.

>Paying a girl for sex is a lot easier than trying to have one fall in love with you and want to fuck you because you're either ugly as fuck, not wealthy enough, or have shitty social skills
Do you really need sex that bad? Sounds to me like youre a slave to your desries. How about bettering yoruself for yourself first before you start giving a fuck what women want in you?

Just a thought. If not keep being a loser and giving sluts who hate your existence your money. They laugh at you behind the back, even the ones who see as a regular. And when theyve graduated uni with their law degree theyll still get a job at a prominent lawfirm without anyone being able to judge them on their past AND theyll even admit and be empowered by it.

>tfw europe
>entire websites of verified whores
>can just click "favorite" and have your own list of women to fuck
Feels good man

Sex before marriage is a big haram. Most I can get is a bj. Also lots of them only accept Caucasians. It's fucking over for sandcels.

what was his name again?

you don't have to be an incel to understand: you're literally paying a woman for just being a woman... just imagine that your money is hours of labor: you're working your ass off just to have to right... nay, privilege to have sex with a disgusting whore!

>tfw in europe
>find Moroccan girl
>first thing on her profile:

Why do you think I give a shit what a sex worker thinks about or does with her life? We're conducting a business. What one thinks of the other doesn't matter as long as everyone is behaving professionally, more or less. I don't give a shit what my customers do or what they look like when they order pizza at my store.

If you can afford to get to Colombia and like escorts there is no better place.

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the thing is though, word gets around. word that you're so undesirable and mentally weak, you have to pay for what others get for free. it's not business you idiot, she doesn't work for you

I usually do it omce every 2,3 days, but managed only 3 times in the last 2 weeks
When I went to escorts previously I listened to the fap before you go meme, which is bullshit

Literally, and I mean LITERALLY nothing wrong with that in today's sex market

Seeing bottom 80 percenters courting and always failing is just cringe inducing

>it's not business you idiot
Man, look at the irony in this post. You're too stupid to understand what business is and you don't understand I don't give a shit what people think of me. I'm done playing with your little game.

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What scamming has to do with being a virgin?

Just want to mention that almost every legitimate seeming escort is choosing to do it and usually enjoys doing it. Trafficking is a thing but if everything indicates the girl is choosing to do it that's almost certainly true. The idea that an escort can't enjoy her job or legitimately choose to do it is completely made up.

Also many of them genuinely like their clients (not romantically obviously). Strippers mostly don't like many of their clients, but escorts are often the opposite (because the connection is much more personal and demands more respect from the client).

>what others

You make it sound like every other guy and women out there is fucking all the time

Thw reality is a small number of handsome men fuck half of the attractive women
The rest don't, wait for scraps, or get cheated playing a game they have no way of winning

ya. the best escorts only see a couple or even just one client as a side gig.

god it sounds like such a hassle. I'm just going to stick to wanking

sex work is empowering because

>you get paid a nice sum
>you get to pick because theres so many

and while you wont find chads among the bunch, you dont have to see anybody gross.

Sex isn't that great to begin with. The only difference between sex and jerking off is there's another person involved and, honestly, jerking off feels better because you know how to make yourself feel great and she doesn't.

for years, i thought i had a premature ejaculation problem. as soon as i entered, i felt the need to cum almost right away.

but it turns out i just have a wide dick.

What does dick width have to do with thinking you have premature ejaculation issues - and trust me, prematurely ejaculating is better than delayed ejaculating. Just thought I should bring that up. It's better to cum sooner rather than getting tired of fucking for over 30 minutes without ejaculating at all because otherwise it will take you 45 minutes to an hour to cum.

it means that tight pussy combined with a thicker dick makes me cum fast.

as a client, you wanna not cum too fast to get your money's worth. fast cummers are probably preferred for the escort since its less work for them.

the longest i lasted fucking is 5-7 minutes? and it was with one special escort that i miss. she stopped responding to my texts.

i like lasting longer, its empowering. when she cums multiple times and im still hard, she got desperate for me to cum. one time she asked me to take off the rubber because she wanted me to cum. i was fucking her slow because i like being in control, and when she told me to "take it off", i thought about it for a second and decided not to. not because i didnt want to, but because i knew she said it in desperation and wasnt thinking straight. so what did instead is power fucked her until i came.

selling your body because that's the only thing you've got going for you is not empowering user, its shameful.
Whether they realise it or not they are just a commodity to be bought or sold and that will always be the dynamic no matter how deluded they are.

she liked game of thrones. she is probably a little nerdy.

her fav GoT character is Ygritte

Are you her Jon Snow?

i like to think that i was for a time. but i always knew that it couldnt last.

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Drugs are good. It can be a strange experience and your dick might just refuse to work.

>It can be a strange experience and your dick might just refuse to work.
It is strange because you are porn addicted and your brain associates sex with your hand and a screen NOT with a real girl

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Disagree with the virgin/first time thing. If she is a good escort (and you should only visit good escorts, read reviews niggers) you should tell her. She will be gentle, take initiative and make it nice. Most of the escorts actually prefer virgins and new guys since they are usually gentler, better mannered and decent.


This retard again. Kek. No one is falling for your pre-programmed NPC tricks. /out/.

Depends on where you live. In Europe it's pretty much:
>Go to website #1, search your ideal girl by a titty-size, hair color, age or service provided
>Go to website #2, read her reviews so you know what you gonna get
>Contact her, exchange basic info, plan a session
All can be done under half an hour.

In Freedomland, not sure.

Also OP, we should probably make Pastebin at this point. With list of solid websites where you can get a good girl. That will be helpful especially for Americans who have to go through secret agent process to get laid. Also maybe some general tips and tricks.

Guys i have a big bottle of lube ,should i bring it with me ?

No, she will have her own.

a good girl will have lube and her own condoms

Will I feel incredibly guilty and upset after loosing my virginity to an escort?

ya, wave your ticket to true love good bye

fuk, this is a hard choice. is it worth it?

ya. if it was meant to happen, it would have already

No, you will feel great.

Don't listen to this memester. Sure, anons should understand that similarly as women who whore themselves ruin their pair-bonding ability that way, men too have very limited ability to truly love. I would say for most of the men there is that one first true love that they will never forget, then maybe one or two you can love nearly as much. After that, dating usually becomes a chore and pain in the ass and guys usually look for life meaning somewhere else - in art, craft, maybe some collection or career or political ideology. Some start whoring. And absolutely, losing your v-card to an escort is a big step, but then again - you are not falling in love with that girl, you are not dating her. It's only a sex to get it out of your stream and maybe help with confidence or self-esteem if you are that person. I wouldn't recommend escort if you are extremely fragile and emotional guy (or maybe I would, since it could fix that) but if you are not, go for it. Other anons in previous threads who did it pretty much all said they are not regretting the decision.

>meant to happen
World doesn't work like that.

>he thinks you cant fall in love with an escort


Nice reading comprehension user. Never said that, actually the opposite (part with fragile guys about how I wouldn't recommend it) you mongoloid.

>i didnt say that
>you are not falling in love with her, you are not dating her


If you are a man, you control yourself, your feelings included. Therefore you won't fall in love with a prostitute. If you are extremely fragile and feely guy, you probably not have full control about it, therefore I said I wouldn't recommend it. What's there to not understand, user?

so im right, you think you cant fall in love with an escort. its ok bro

No, you just have reading comprehension of a malnourished African.

Oh hey neat. I just made a thread about this yesterday. Today's the day I'm hopefully gonna fug if I don't get beat up or arrested.

Wish me luck lads

its easy enough to read your previous post, you are caught and angry.

Godspeed user, don't forget to report your experience to us. How long until the action?

5:00pm est. Will do

Stop replying to the moralfags

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This user is right. Sex with a stranger would probably feel very weird to me and it wouldn't surprise me if I lost my boner due to the awkwardness.

Is eccie reliable? The girls with reviews should be safe, right?

Is City X reliable for people in NY?

This is why we need some professional americanbro whoremongers to create that list of good sites.

In the meantime, you can check previous threads.

>You must always ask her about the price and establish what you are getting. Ask her about her limits, you don't want to be the sucker that paid her $200 and have her refuse to do anal.
Don't do this in America. Asking about her rates/donations are fine, but don't discuss anything sexual.

I'm gonna meet one today and I may have mentioned something sexual on burner phone. Should I forget it? I did hear her voice in a call to be fair

Its up to you. All the ads I see say no sexual discussions on the phone so thats how I knew when I first started fucking hookers, but if you think she's real, then go for it.
My usual routine is to touch her booty or tits, then place the money down somewhere in plain sight

I lost my virginity to a prostitute in Cozumel, Mexico, in 2017. She initially charged $100 for an hour, but I was able to haggle her easily for $80. She was probably the tallest girl out of the 13 there at Club Salsa. She had implants giving her decently sized tits and she was cleanly shaven. Had fun with her, but I could hardly feel her pussy wearing a condom., but she tried everything to get me off and at one time took the condom off to suck my cock (I think she thought I was gonna cum, but didn't). I guess I'm just too insensitive from jerking off so much. She offered a massage at first, but I declined the offer.
Long black hair; 7/10.

constant porn use and masturbation really fucks young guys (no pun intended)

my new pledge is to never fap and only go to escorts if I don't have a gf

Did that for some time. Shit is expensive, but worth it. Some of the best sex of my life from that time, especially after hitting three months mark in not fapping/not watching porn. When I started I had issues cumming, only to really degenerate (also expensive) stuff. After those three months I enjoyed vanilla with busty blonde escort tremendously and was able to cum three times like nothing during the session.

>Daily reminder paying a whore for sex is the most beta thing you can do.
what about paying a whore for femdom buttsexs?

Been there, done that. Pretty much cured me from the whole femdom meme. Not that it was awful or something (quite the opposite) but after the act I quickly realized how fucked up the whole thing is.

im quite aware that fantasy is better than reality for almost all of these fetishes that develop due to porn addiction.
irl i can get some arousal from a 5/10 being into me and intimate, but a stripper giving a lapdance i feel nothing.

>fantasy is better than reality
Exactly. I think most of those stranger tier fetishes sprout from porn addiction, self-hate and good old loneliness and they flourish in this environment. The moment you actually start sharing them with other real human bean or just reality they either just tend to go away like a vampire in the sun or something in your life goes really bad.

It was interesting experience, not really regret it. Girl was great too. But in the end it was like brain telling me what the fuck are you doing your thirsty nigger, go fix yourself.

>but a stripper giving a lapdance i feel nothing.
Same. Never even understood strippers, I think they are just bad meme.

its either that or wasting thousands of dollars for relationship thats gonna get thrown in the trash anyway. no thanks, i'll make good use of my money.