Who else is a checker/OCD?

Who else is a checker/OCD?

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checker here, i dont know why i cant remember doing it the first time

Do you ever have memory issues outside of stuff you're not sure you checked? Especially short term memory

i dont have a great short or long term memory, but i think its more to do with i lock things out of habit but dont actually "see" it

Recovering checker here. Not as bad as I used to be. In college I was late to class a couple of times because I would get panicky not remembering if I locked the door halfway to class.

Checker, and I think it's because I'm usually lost in my head most of the time.

Stress usually causes me to do this.

1 day my dad was cleaning the stove-top in the kitchen and he accidently left the gas on, the entire house smelled of gas, I was upstairs and i noticed an odd smell for 20 minutes or so before checking what it was

Ever since then every-time I goto bed I check the stove-top to make sure its off

counting, thoughts, repetition, phobias, etc

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damn, i'd be sort of leaving that body of water

I know someone who turns the key around 10 times, then they push the door about the same amount, then they close the screen door, close it and then they tap on the handle about 20 times.

I wasn't until niggers moved in down the street

A good way to remember is while doing a specific action make sure you say out loud a word. Specific keyword. And remember that keyword. It really helps. (:

thanks, i hope this isnt a trick to make me look like a fool to onlookers when they see me locking a door saying "closed" or "locked"

>have to touch every part of an inanimate object if i touch a tingle part
>tfw cant sleep if i switch off my light without touching the whole switch

I check multiple times before bed. Better safe than being FUCKING KIDNAPPED, RAPED,

I have quite elaborate OCD-like stuff that I must do before going to bed or I'll be completely unable to fall asleep and panic the fuck out because I think I will certainly die. I push down the door handle 10 times, then put out my wlan router. After that, I must place the books on my desk so that the smaller ones are stacked on top of the larger ones. My keys and wallet have to be placed right to my phone, and left to my PC. The charging devices must be in the back of my desk. My shoes have to be exactly parallel under my bed. I then switch off the lights, have to think about a bunch of stuff and do a pretty complicated breathing ritual (breathe once for every "string of thought" or whatever). I take off my socks, which have to be placed in an exact position in my room. Then I actually go to bed, but when getting into bed, my feet must simultaneously "leave ground" and I hop into bed. If I have the impression that it was not perfectly timed, I have to repeat this step over and over again. I then set my alarm clock and have to touch the floor 21 times or I'm getting terrible fear of dying from illness. Recently, I've also developed a pattern of how I have to turn around when I get into bed.

Typing this out, it sounds like OCD/weird, but my therapist said that I'll be okay.

I always want doors to be closed. No matter what room im in u want all the doors into it to be closed. I get anxious if they ate not

If you want don't say it out loud. Just make a keyword and remember it while doing the action.

Oh my God this is me now. I compulsively check. I've starred taking pics of the door to make sure it's closed. I'm just so worried that the door is gonna get left open and both of my roommates cats will get out.

One of my roommates actually left the door open when he went away and when my other roommate and I got home that afternoon we freaked out that her cat got out. Was super scary. Need to ask him to start bolt locking the door, but I can already see how the conversation will play it
>bro it's just not a big deal chill out

Either way I wish I could remember that the door is shut. Drives me up the wall

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>but my therapist said that I'll be okay.
Yeah, take the pills and make breathe exercises and meditation. You will be fine, fur sure.

I have the extreme urges to touch hot surfaces and feel like if i don't something terrible will happen

i turn my alarm on and off about 10 times every night bc it doesn't feel right

I feel the need to throw my phone up and catch it over toilets, i also hang it out car windows

I used to bite the shit out of my lip, till it bled then bite and it more because, surprise, something terrible would happen if i didn't

used to have more but i've grown out of some, thank god, that made my childhood a confusing and scattered hell

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Checker. I also have to check if the taps are turned off, the fridge is closed and the gas is off. Takes me like 10 minutes to check all this shit several times over.

Idk if I'm a "checker", but I definitely have some pretty specific ocd ticks/quirks.
Adjusting how my glasses sit on my face. Has to be right.
How I put on and take off my socks and shoes or boots. How I place them when they're off and how I place the socks inside of them if the socks aren't dirty and I plan on wearing them again later in the day.
How I place my phone when I go to bed. Same with my glasses, keys, wallet, and earbuds. It's been the same for close to a decade now.
How I place a glass or mug on the table, even in public. How my lips set on the rim when I take a drink or sip. It has to "feel" right, or else I continue doing it over and over until it is.
I'm extremely habitual, as you can probably tell from how that shit is explained. Most likely due to being alone so much growing up. I always preferred solitude and reading books, so I just never interacted with very many people. Never been to a therapist or anything like that for any of this, especially since it doesn't have any real negative impacts in my work or life in general
But it's still annoying to have because I feel like people think I'm weird when they see me do any of it.
I have a really close friend now, known this person for over 2 years now. She's never once teased me for my ticks or habits, and she even goes out of her way to accommodate for them. It really helps

Lvl 34 checker here.

Have to go through apartment twice or thrice to check that all water has been turned off.

Have to check that door is locked atleast 3 times.

Wallet and keys must be visible from bed before sleeping. Always check wallet content before sleeping.

When travelling checking bag 10 times before and during travelling.


Check my if my door is closed multiple times and also check if i left the tap running after i've left the bathroom