Hey guys free (you)'s

>how are you going
>whats happening in your life
>are you feeling suicidal
>any of you have aphantasia or inability to imagine things, because I do

I have quit eating food and just drink vodka at the moment because sad.

Attached: megu drinking.jpg (848x1199, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread:


just got denied a job again. been a neet for almost 10 months
every day i wish for the sweet release of death

>just learned how to report a thread
>not really
>i'll trade you

>because sad.
Found the normalfaggot redditor. I won't lie, I almost envy your edge display. The main problem I have with you and these annoying threads you make is that you're an attention whore with no grasp of the concept of self improvement.

>just don't be sad lmao it's easy
found the actual redditor

keep going man, rejections are rough but you won't get out of NEETdom unless you put in the effort sadly. you got this

>how are you going
I'm going pretty okay, actually. I've been a lot more productive recently and it feels good actually managing to get myself out of bed everyday
>whats happening in your life
Things are going pretty good, I'm finally putting the effort into my life that I've always wanted to. I've been working out and reading almost everyday for the past couple weeks. I'm scared that I'm gonna slack and it'll be even harder to get back up though. On a more negative, my sleeping schedule has become all sorts of fucked up and I've been masturbating several times a day. I've lost 15lbs but sometimes I'll get the urge to overeat/boredom eat and the only thing stopping me is sheer will. It's tough though.
>are you feeling suicidal
always user, the feels train never ends

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>Found the normalfaggot redditor.
im a hikikomori loser man.
im not a redditor fag.
I cry everyday all day but now its just worse because I guess I really am sad about my friend not wanting to be friends with me.
I am numb towards it but at the same time I am not.

you want to trade your life with mine?
what is your life like?
>just got denied a job again.
keep trying
> been a neet for almost 10 months
every day i wish for the sweet release of death
been a full on hikikomori for 5 years...

Attached: megu depressed.jpg (811x973, 700K)

I was just working on a aong and it's sounding pretty good. Still got a lot of work to do but I haven't come up with stuff of such quality in a while.
I'd like to keep working on it ear fatigue is a thing. Other than that, my life sucks a lot. Nothing out of the ordinary tho, I stopped giving a shit and am currently in comfy mode. Haven't showered this year so far.

slow and with no signs of stopping. swap?

Left house only 2 times in few months
Yes, but I'll never kill myself. Living with pain and sadness is better than no existing at all
Nah, I can imagine stuff. Some days I don't leave my bed and just sleep and dream. Some of my dreams are highlights of my week desu
I try to give myself goals via games but for the past weeks even vidya seems boring. The only game I want to try out is the new cod. I was never a cod kid, I've mostly payed mmos or rpgs but it seems interesting to me atm. Too bad I won't be able to play since I only have few bucks on my account. Rip

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add me

im hikikomori that sits in the dark 24/7 crying I doubt you would want to be me
>ear fatigue is a thing
explain how this affects you? I had ear issues as a kid
>Haven't showered this year so far.
im a hikki and I shower, get your shit together

>Living with pain and sadness is better
I just love the pain
>The only game I want to try out is the new cod
cod ww2 was so shit, they added random recoil.
They need to add spread increase per shot like battlefield.

I cant even play games man.
all I have is distractions

reminder that avatarfagging is still against the rules, user.

After producing music for several hours in a row, your ear gets so used to the sounds you're working with that they all sound good. But then you come back to it the next day and it turns out it all sounds like shit and it was just your tired ear making it sound passable. Not a condition, just something that happens to people.
Also I'm pretty clean in general but last year ended pretty badly so right now I just do whatever the fuck I feel like. And I don't feel like showering.

lol, I was typing this on my phone, had no idea this pic has such a low resolution
Well, you gotta focus on something I guess. I think I could play cod for few weeks at least. How can I get some cash for it? What do you suggest?

I would still trade you. What are you after, do you want a friend?

>was sad
>bought tramadol off dark web
>take it as antidepressant
>4 years later have a job that pays 50k gbp and a wife
>feels good user

fuck megufag and fucc jannos

Attached: basedpe.jpg (900x900, 56K)

craving a tall warm glass of cum because of that image

Im planning on turning robots into traps with this qt Australian psychopath to make mad $$$ :3

Attached: Capture_2018-12-27-18-01-29.png (577x770, 106K)

are you perhaps jewish?

No just your average Australian hiki who goes outside twice a week

>twice a week
fuck off normie

Dude fuck off normie I'm an actual hiki unlike you, I have pissbottles!

nigga, I haven't washed since christmas. I have only left my home twice in few months. Do you really want to measure your dick with me here?

Dont fuck with me retard I'll doxx you I used to be a dealer

>reminder that avatarfagging
I post megu when I post these threads and that is it.

taht is weird because I used to write all day and my writing would still be good.
guess its different with sounds but I imagine how that can work.
>Well, you gotta focus on something I guess.
I focus on my discord community and maintaining it 24/7
> How can I get some cash for it? What do you suggest?
"befriending" some people and DMing them for a bit and then manipulating them so they ask you if you want $$ of steambux

OR find someone with low self esteem etc and talk for a while and act just like them and then ask them to please buy you the game or wahtever and when they refuse, you huilt them and say how you felt they were friends.

if you can seed the idea that you both can play games together , when you ask them etc they will be more likely to cave in and do as you say.
but this is bad , do not do this

>What are you after, do you want a friend?
I had a friend but he left,
im after distractions from myself.
IDK man.

im glad that you didnt have serious depression.
>fuck megufag and fucc jannos
fuck me frog boi
Notice how it said for a friend?
I only do bad things to try help people but that is wrong so I have stopped.
Why leak that

You are not OP AKA me
that guy isnt me
you arent me.
and yeah because I dislike leaving my room that much.
why the hate man?

I have gone 2 years without going out once before and your saying I go out every twice a week?

Attached: megu ummm.jpg (600x800, 259K)

y i k e s friend, y i k e s

Guys come on im not a bad guy I'm only trying to turn robots into traps to buy a christmas gift for the roastie I orbit why so mean wtf!!!!!

Nah, I don't like manipulating people. I want the game but I'd never fuck over someone else for their cash. I'm not a jew

>I post megu when I post these threads and that is it.
oh, you attach images of the same character to many of your posts, within the same thread.
okay, just making sure you weren't avatarfagging, carry on then.

congrats, you just lost the game

Spamming trap threads so I can blackmail them for a good cause
you're just a normie, not a hiki like me

Well, what can I say. :(

Ye with sounds its different cause you get used to sounds just like you get used to darkness or cold water. At first they might be harsh or off putting but if you listen to a sound for long enough it'll sound nice to your ears.

Hey there. Just up late at night relaxing in my room, but I've had a rude awakening. Tonight I've finally realized that I am infact hearing my parents voices in the other room, and they are infact saying things like "hes crazy, hes crazy" and sounding distressed. Well I am a high level autistic, but not a NEET, work 35hr job and college at same time at 3.5gp with honors. I likely have a future and I'm in decent shape, save my money well, but even with all my talks with my parents about my autism and them prying at me to points I had to mention their parenting was part if it, they still say this stuff. For a long time I coped by saying I'm going delusional and maybe getting schizo hearing all this shit, but now I know it's real all I can really do is laugh. There's nothing I can do really, I wish I could move out but my states so expensive I'd have to finish college first.

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>I had a friend but he left,
She actually.

Just take some HRT user and be sure to send us pics

Attached: 20190104_065233.png (576x770, 101K)

>HA he cares about what his parents think of him!
>HA hes a faggot!

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user all of your problems will go away if you take the magic pill! We just need a bit if money so I can buy something off my oneitis's amazon wishlist

get roommates fag. even los angeles could be affordable easy as fuck on the min wage at 35 hrs

>I post megu when I post these threads and that is it.
Except no, you don't look at this thread right here:

Don't f*ck with me I don't care about anyone now shut up and take your hrt!

>extreme anxiety and panic attacks, meds not working, need to change them
>from depression to panic, riding the rollercoaster
>so many times it has since become banal
>vivid imagination

so much drama, jeeeze

why drama?
>bad guy gunjy
im turning into
>good guy gunjy

I did try manipulate people to help my friends but I do that for all my friends
eventually you lose shame and cant care anymore.

Attached: megu exhausted.png (933x720, 587K)

You could try HRT to fix that, user :3

Attached: 20190104_071332.png (576x770, 101K)

You managed to slide into my filtered posts. I am not a faggot. Don't have any disphorias either.

Please no user I'm being a good guy im just trying to fund my gf's christmas gift :(

Attached: Screenshot_20190104-071609_Clover.jpg (1080x822, 320K)

If you want to help someone with anxiety, refer them to a specialist, or to try stuff like phenibut.
For depression, go the atypical road, like vortioxetine. Don't try to ruin unstable people by pushing HRT shit on them. There are real schizos on this board who might tip over and then an hero.

I mean I don't really care about anyone besides her. If a few robots get hurt by it, who cares it's for a good cause!

"She" is probably a mentally deranged faggot. And you should form a suicide pact and rope together.

Why so rude, user? Im trying to turn into good guy gunjy here, that was the old me

Not judging by your lack of empathy and suggestions.

Reminder to report avatarfagging avatarfaggots especially the megu avatarfaggot

If I wasn't empathetic why wouldn't I be doing this to get some money for my friends?

Start by stopping lying outright () as shown here and by stop flooding the board with your garbage egotistical avatar fagging threads.

Holy shit what's going on here? Stop this bs and send me some good trap porn/hentai on discord JohnEast#9112

How am I avatarfagging? I just like pictures of megu. And more importantly why should I care what a normalfag like you thinks? You're not welcome on this board

Attached: ZLfBIlU.jpg (567x800, 80K)

I only know untrustworthy and incapable brainlets who can't even HOLD a minimum wage job. They'd also probably make me retarded by the time I've spent a year with them. And I'd have to move far away enough that I'd have to switch colleges and deal with annoying shit when I could on the other hand withstand their insanity for another year or two.

Psychopathy is a thing. And you are a textbook case.

I've not been diagnosed as a psychopath. Again I'm only doing this to help my friends I don't see what's wrong with that. The robots I get to give me money or take hrt were already going to sooner or later.

Attached: Megumin_.jpg (360x512, 108K)

oopsies whoopsies i made a poopsies!

Attached: IMG_20190104_133224.png (720x190, 30K)

Finally realised my wife is a narcissist (and possibly all women at least in my experience and family), and the divorce is going to wreck my life. I'm 26 I shouldn't have to be going through this midlife crisis crap, but at least I have my new pc to keep me company. Idk I kinda envy you neets that haven't experienced what you thought was unconditional love, and had it ripped out from under you. Better to have loved than not is bullshit.

Have you tried the pinkpill?

Attached: 20190104_073720.png (576x770, 101K)

DUDE you are my old mod and now you try expose me but have fuck all, I knew it was you and im not mad
you are mad I never liked you like I do daiko and taffy

quit the BS

that guy isnt me
I am the real gunjy not this fag

Attached: not me im gunjy.jpg (1920x2560, 1.1M)

No shit I'm not you, are you stupid? I was pointing out that yes, actually you consistently avatarfag and that you lied about it.

Yes when I was 17. Considering it again tbqh. At least boys don't cling to you for affection and make you quit ranked online games to watch chick flicks.


Attached: 2018-11-30 06.25.49.jpg (1512x2015, 1.04M)

Aw but you just claimed to love me in your other thread :(

Attached: 20190104_074121.jpg (1080x822, 322K)

You should go for it, user! We believe in you!

Attached: 20190104_074243.png (720x190, 30K)

Wait that's not what you meant >:(

I am whose mod now? What the fuck are you on, fag? I am a depressed 31yr old guy from Bulgaria whom you tried pushing HRT on.

>discord drama
god this board keeps getting more and more shit than we could possibly imagine

Attached: 1505256231820.jpg (2641x2450, 338K)

Ehehe, got you, user.

Attached: 1503663506604.jpg (800x1403, 322K)

that's not Sneaky, is it

When I meditate I see really clear pictures of stuff I've seen before, I can scroll through them like a book.
it's pretty trippy.

When is this conversation dated?

Got a speeding ticket (my first one) as a 19-year old going 20 over a 30mph zone. I should have saw the cop coming because cops are there often and it was 12/31 when it happened, meaning the police station was trying to fill ticket quotas. Feel a little shitty because I see many other people go 20 over there.

Can you see yourself taking the pinkpill?
December 27th

Attached: 20190104_074916.png (576x770, 101K)

Is this all you have?

Yeah it is Sneaky

Attached: 2018-11-27 07.34.28.jpg (1200x1600, 702K)

what is this pinkpill?

Remember anons to not forget that what you post is out there forever!
for admittance
Sadly the mad lad instantly deleted the whole channel after it was posted but I've got eyes everywhere and won't let my fellow robots be mindfucked by fags

Attached: 20190104_075457.jpg (1080x1028, 291K)

Will you please post other sneaky pics where you can see his butt like that?
Also where did you get that pic from

I don't get it, are you saying mouse scammed people? "Blackmailed" them? How.

Mouse, aka gunjy, aka megufag, has been trying to pull a reiko and get robots to take hrt so he can blackmail them for mad dosh, feel free to read through the thread

Avatarfagging is still fagging.
Immediately mentioning that you're unhealthily drinking without being asked is pretty gay too.
>just wanted everyone to know that I'm drinking vodka and not eating, just wanted to casually mention that, don't want anyone to show concern for me or anything...
Transparent as fuck.
At least I feel better about myself.

you are different user, I meant the guy who you thought was me or otehrs thought.

>Yes when I was 17. Considering it again tbqh. At least boys don't cling to you for affection and make you quit ranked online games to watch chick flicks.
add me man I can help you not become a sissy fag, dont ruin your life

dude fuck off
>I am a depressed 31yr old guy from Bulgaria whom you tried pushing HRT on.
1. it was a 18yo girl from bulgaria I was trying to scam and made fall in love with me only to hurt her for fun

I realize that was wrong now
>god this board keeps getting more and more shit than we could possibly imagine
its just some fag
>When is this conversation dated?
he doesnt have any other screen shots of me actually doing shit kek.
he has the one and only

>what is this pinkpill?
faggots push HRT or hormones on lonely robots they are scum
>I don't get it, are you saying mouse scammed people? "Blackmailed" them? How.
he is just salty that I never liked him and I liked my other FEW friends more.

I am the real gunjy or melancholymouse

Attached: stop larp kek.jpg (1920x2560, 1.13M)

Look around Jow Forums they always have a post about him. Also send me some hentai in return user

Attached: VQD_2qzw.jpg (1536x2048, 197K)

I don't have any hentai :(
I just like irl bois

then send me some 18+ traps

nigger, go back to discord
>"hurr durr I piss in bottles"

>how ar you going
I'm doing fine rn, on vacation and watching animu/playing games

>whats happening in your life
I'm gonna be a lieutenant in 3 days and have about 30 people working for me. it's gonna be hard work but I like having something to do. it keeps the bad thoughts away
>are you feeling suicidal
not right now, I cut back the drinking and as long as I'm not too drunk I only think about offing myself "ironically"

I really look forward to the near future. tho I have no idea what I'm gonna do in 2-3 years time

Attached: 1540873358172.jpg (467x657, 52K)

>I'm gonna be a lieutenant in 3 days and have about 30 people working for me
you sound like a successful chad
>I really look forward to the near future. tho I have no idea what I'm gonna do in 2-3 years time
you got it made my man.

Attached: 0V9oJns.png (798x1200, 624K)

posting a megumin I don't have already, damn
>successful chad
you overestimate my countries military, but thanks, I do try to become a contributing member of society

I really don't know what to do after my mandatory life in the military ends, I don't like the programming graduation I have so far, I'd rather just continue as support but that would require me to reeducate myself, and I hate going to school.

Attached: 64441736_p0.png (800x1000, 1003K)

>posting a megumin I don't have already, damn
here, I have like 3GB of megumin.
you will have to remove a few dupes but its still like 2.7gb or something

>hate going to school.
lifes shit

compressing my 2.7GB 3075 pic handcollected folder rn. thanks for the megupic boost user.
also use the pirated version of "duplicate cleaner pro" to get rid of any dupes

desu If you got if from Jow Forums it could very well be from me :b

actually my folders cleaned but the mega folder is from before the clean, thanks though for suggesting.
>desu If you got if from Jow Forums it could very well be from me :b
actually you would have gotten it from me.

I got it from this rich otaku on discord I met, well some of them

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I would still be friends with you, even if you smell like an awful person.

It must be living hell to be unable to imagine what a dude with three water bottles in his ass would look like while piloting a blue whale like it's an airplane. I feel for you user.