Fuck Jow Forums

>complain that r9k is becoming degenerate
>their solution is to add more racism
>not realizing that just makes the board even more like /b/


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all this pol coalition and anti pol threads are all made by the same person, please slice up your arm

r9k is
1. too dead
2. overcrowded with normie redditors

pick one

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there's more complaining about shit like redditors, tranners and Jow Forumstards on r9k than actual posts

Fuck off you faggot leftist. This was never your home. If you dont like it leave. Go to /lgbt/ and get AIDS.

Its not about racism. Frankly i dont care. Its about not anything they say contentually. Its about how they do they. Jow Forumstards are the new bronies. You cannot go anywhere on the internet without finding at least one of these retards butting into a conversation or community in general to completely derail the discussion and turn into a dumping ground for infographics about how black people are dumb and commit crime. I know they do. I dont care. We got the first 50 times you said it. Its not we dont know or dont understand, its that we dont care. I dont spend my day thinking about the average IQ of black people, and i dont want to change that anytime soon. If thats what you want to do, then there are plenty of places on the internet where thats what people do. Go there and leave me alone.

it's more like this user

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Jow Forums was never about degeneracy, liberalism, acceptance, faggotry or any gay left wing shit. Its always been about men taking their anger out on women.

We didnt ask you cunts to came hee, you chose to come here out of curiosity and stayed because you though you could change it. You cant.

>everybody complains about muh pol
>meanwhile we literally have r9kgay generals and tranny threads EVERY FUCKING DAY when they have their own CONTAINMENT BOARD to go to

OP you can fucking kill yourself you niggerfaggot. A few Jow Forums posters making threads about niggers is nowhere near as bad as they disgusting faggots raiding our boards.

Just want to remind you that you can be absolutely disgusted with homosexuality being shilled yet not want to replace their shilling with Jow Forums. Just let everyone have their own respective boards. We can all agree that immigration is bad.

Wasn't Jow Forums supposed to be loners bonding together over loneliness and difficulties dating? Wasn't this supposed to be home for people with anxiety and depression? The board is for outcasts and self improvement and sympathizing eith others. Stop spreading negativity towards others. The amount of trap/sissy threads is truly getting in the way of the content we are here for, but making threads complaining about it is only making things worse. The best way is to make threads and comment on threads that are good.

>Just want to remind you that you can be absolutely disgusted with homosexuality being shilled yet not want to replace their shilling with Jow Forums
Now you cant.

No get off my board.

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>there's more complaining on r9k than actual posts

Fucking based. I'm so tired of these sad excuses for human beings going on about muh iq and muh aryan blood.

>Wasn't Jow Forums supposed to be loners bonding together over loneliness and difficulties dating?
Male loners
>Wasn't this supposed to be home for people with anxiety and depression?
Males yes
>The board is for outcasts and self improvement and sympathizing eith others.
If youre a Male
>Stop spreading negativity towards others
No fuck you. the world created us so we reject it. Women and degenerate normies can fuck off
>The amount of trap/sissy threads is truly getting in the way of the content we are here for
>but making threads complaining about it is only making things worse.
NO ITS NOT. Its needs to be called out and stopped.
>The best way is to make threads and comment on threads that are good.
In other words 'just be a bitch an ignore it'
Fuck off you dumb cunt.

>Its always been about men taking their anger out on women.
I'll wait for your source.

Back to your own board, immigrant scum

>Fucking based. I'm so tired of these sad excuses for human beings going on about muh tfwnogf and muh tribalism.

thanks for telling us which one is r9k and which is pol, loser

This is my own board cunt. Back to your own website plebbit degenerate.

Sorry I dont speak homosexual.

go back to plebbit you slave

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>complain that r9k is becoming degenerate
Yeah we used to talk philosophy but now it all about tfw no gf.
Jow Forums is and always was shit new fag.

Maybe fuck off of Jow Forums you special snow flak.
You new faggots know you can hide slide threads right?
Oh who am I kidding just keep memeing muh pol git out.
Fucking niggers.

Normies get out reee.
per peer poor poor jars

>more newfaggot references

>Jow Forums git out is a meme
>le redditor isn't a meme
>Jow Forums and Jow Forums aren't memes
>y'all niggas ain't postin in a meme thread rite now

If thats how you view it then why are you here?

Not gonna lie senpai I'll take the pol threads over sissy and trap threads. Literally every other thread is
>would you date a femboy?
>why don't you just become a cute girl?
>join my sissy discord (also fuck off Reiko)
And so on I might not give pol much attention but I think the amount of sissy/trap fag posting is a bigger concern especially when they can just go on /lgbt/

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Kill yourself immigrant retard

This influx of political shilling is LITERALLY Jow Forumsthe_donald on Jow Forums after the election. So kill yourself

This. Jow Forums is not for robots. Stop equating a lack of Jow Forums with trannies, it's fine to hate both.

The German army soldiers weren't Nazis you dickhead.

It's the absolute same you deep tard. Whenever normies put their hands on something it doesn't become funny anymore. This is how memes "die".
Now gtfo or gtfo.
And pick both.

>got tired of Jow Forums and decided to do the unthinkable and move to reddit
>Didn't really understand anything
>Go on some thread about the new Minnesota congresswoman
>Down in the controversial section a bunch of fags insult the new congresswoman by race or religion
>They get downvoted a lot
>One of them says "I'm gonna go back to Jow Forums"
>Others reply with yeah it's better because they're not PC here
I'm gay for going on r**dit but this had to be the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. The fucking Jow Forumsfags here are retards from the TD sub everyone hates. Fucking hell I couldn't stop laughing.

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Death to niggers death to kikes suck my dick

I will never submit to the left

I just want the trannies and faggots to fuck off.

I don't think they even know what Jow Forums is.

I've had a couple of Jow Forumsfags approach me offline and they all just assume every Jow Forums board is the same like a bunch of reddit normies.

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>>not realizing that just makes the board even more like /b/
/b/ is literally only tranny posting, porn posting and normies humble bragging

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Jow Forums would be dead if it wasn't for the daily sissy and r9gay threads and let's face it all true robots like boipussy

>implying old /b/ was bad
go to reddit/r/r9k if you want a safe space you fucking faggot

>complains about Jow Forums
>tranny/fag/sissy threads UP AT THIS VERY MOMENT
please slit your wrists

>Jow Forums still come here to radicalise the board
When will you high school dropouts fuck off already

reminder to everyone. This one faggot goes to every thread on Jow Forums and tells people how "robots like boipussy"
i beg of you, PLEASE end your life you pathetic excuse of a human being. You literally repulse me on every level imaginable

poltards are much worse

weirdly enough most soldiers never actually shot the enemy if they confronted them without their officer there, they would probably just hell at each other and then go back the other way

No they're not, your only argument is
>hurr durr theyre wacist ;((((

Not user but the racebait is as bad as the tranny shit. At least whole threads aren't wrecked because of trannies you faggots whereas with the whole Jow Forumsfag shit multiple threads are spammed and other threads are taken down all in a small window of time. So fuck them.
>Inb4 we're turning into tranny's psyops shit
You were already a faggot in the first place.

>be on Jow Forums for the Community of an tisocial people without friends/GFs
>nowdays people are either becoming Trans or complaining about Trans by becoming Nazis to "purge degeneracy"

what happened to my >tfw no gf posts? Jow Forums pls

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Racebait is rarely posted, and if it is it's not Jow Forums's doing. It's retarded fembot larpers that saying "how wil wite bois ever compete against bbc"
and no trannies derail threads just as much. There is literally at this very moment some faggot that goes around posting "boipuci" in every fucking thread

Deal with it commie reddit scum, we're here to stay.

He is right most of you robots are actually faggots and orbit traps and sissies

You are mentally I'll if you think its 1 person on r9k doing this

D-do girls really post bbc threads? It makes me feel so cucked :3

keep deluding yourself mentally ill faggot

?? Whats your point, if there's more than one person doing it, it makes the tranny problem even bigger than it already is
You're just digging yourself a hole at this point retard

fembot larpers, they're not real girls user, girls don't use the internet

its not delusion when its true

>It's retarded fembot larpers
Females on Jow Forums posting black gals are made for bwc? Sure buddy and then there's Jewish girls are for black cocks so totally not the notorious board next door.
>trannies derail threads just as much. There is literally at this very moment some faggot that goes around posting "boipuci" in every fucking thread
One faggot replying a few times is equal to a chain of interracial tranny porn being spammed in all sorts of threads, cool logic. You haven't been here long if you think tranny shit is worse than racebait.

it's just not true, how do you explain bangposting? >inb4 faggots in denial lmao xD

>people act like r9k is le epic misogynistic and loser board
>it's actually pro woman, anti male, gay, and full of failed normies who hate robots
>most posts are just attacks on males for not being good enough for society

funny how that works

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poltard memes can still be funny. if you want to bang gaybots that's great. it's pretty clear that you don't last long on Jow Forums if you don't appreciate traps and boypussy though

Do you know what a larper is? Lurk more retard
>One faggot replying a few times is equal to a chain of interracial tranny porn being spammed in all sorts of threads, cool logic.
You really think Jow Forums spams interracial tranny porn? They only pokes their heads out when the thread has something to do with race.

yeah gr8 b8 m8 ill just stop responding your degenerate ass

I'm a nazi and even I'm sick of Jow Forumstards spilling out of their containment zone.

Jow Forums is like Ireland in that the majority of the people here have no connection to the original Jow Forums but larp as though they're oldfags anyway.

>Do you know what a larper is? Lurk more retard
I thought you meant females larping you mong, word it in a better way next time.
>You really think Jow Forums spams interracial tranny porn? They only pokes their heads out when the thread has something to do with race.
It's fucking interracial tranny porn of a white guy penetrating a black guy in the ass with captions such as "submissive nigger" how the fuck is that not go to do with race? It's Jow Forums and there's no way of denying it.

i hate Jow Forumsfags but i also am incredibly racist so fuck off
at least its not more trannies

>complain that r9k is becoming degenerate
That's unarguable. There's too much porn and that porn is becoming increasingly dangerous.

>their solution is to add more racism
Racism is a good solution to BLACKED threads, yeah, but there are plenty of different answers Jow Forums has for trannies and other degenerates.

>not realizing that just makes the board even more like /b/
The only problem with /b/ is that there's too much porn threads. You're retarded if you think Jow Forums is causing this board's porn spiral.


When one removes the other, no it's not.

>Females on Jow Forums posting black gals are made for bwc.
He was referring to BMWF shilling only.

>Sure buddy and then there's Jewish girls are for black cocks so totally not the notorious board next door.
Those posts are completely negligible and you would only zone in on them if you're a kike.

>It's fucking interracial tranny porn of a white guy penetrating a black guy in the ass with captions such as "submissive nigger" how the fuck is that not go to do with race? It's Jow Forums and there's no way of denying it.
That's a response to the BMWF propaganda, and an acceptable form of autism.

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Jow Forums is fucking retarded geopolitically wise and when it comes to "us". It's all about how we are stupid, retarded, brainwashed by the jew and hypnotised by porn or egoistical losers who don't want to pump out muh aryan babies with some imaginary waifu that themselves don't and never will have.

Sure a lot of people here and on Jow Forums dislike the average nigger but I think that's pretty common on Jow Forums so what's the point of trying to strike a fraternity with them.

>it's bad if neocons hate you

>it's actually pro woman, anti male, gay, and full of failed normies who hate robots
The fact that every thread can stil be a warzone with dissenting opinions to this is enough to keep me here.

>It's all about how we are stupid, retarded, brainwashed by the jew and hypnotised by porn or egoistical losers who don't want to pump out muh aryan babies with some imaginary waifu that themselves don't and never will have.
This is all fucking true, though. Stop watching porn. Stop consuming globalist propaganda.

R9k has no. Definition, you're not supposed to repost is all fag

Jow Forums and Jow Forums are on the same bad level, because Jow Forums is just full of
>tfw no bf
>10 sissy trap boipucci cuckboi threads
>fembot thread
>gay thread
>some other fagshit thread

and Jow Forums has become unbearable too because of a zillion shill-general threads, you can't browse it since the election

tldr kys

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How is a gif of a man and a woman or just a woman doing lewd stuff globalist propaganda.

This is how all right wingers felt, enjoy being on the wrong side.

>Complaining about Jow Forums again...
Jow Forums is doing next to nothing meanwhile /leftypol/ is flooding this site and you fuckups say nothing.
Oh no, somebody from Jow Forums said my opinions are shit, I am going to cry now!

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>How is a gif of a man and a woman or just a woman doing lewd stuff globalist propaganda.
It isn't. It's porn, which I mentioned in tandem of globalist propaganda, not as an example of it. It does become globalist if it's interracial, though, because that is against nationalism.

>it's ok when trannies, fags and blacked shills do that

literally when does that happen
i can link you 100x more tranny/sissy/trap threads than interracial white guy pegging a black dude

>thinking you're above reddit

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>I don't like that this site has pol. reddit does not have pol, or tumbler.
Reality is not a safespace you retarded faggot.

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