How is NoNut19 going?

How is NoNut19 going?

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they tried really hard to make the logic in that picture come full circle, didn't they?

i've already fapped 3 times each day of 2019 but i guess i can still try?

what if you're ugly though? you'd be depriving yourself of the only sexual gratification you will ever get

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Going good thanks for asking! My current streak is 6 days, I started a couple of days before new years so I got a bit of a head start. Hiw are you holding on?

Still managing. Helps that I keep somewhat busy too.

starting on the 9th.

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Not hard enough (lol)
Explain Chad, niggers. He jacks off when he wants and he gets laid when he wants.
Out of curiosity, how many of you nofap cuckolds were raised in sexually repressed guilt-ridden Judeo-Christian households?

Im convined that i can break my highscore-streak this year.

Also you should start now. Setting dates is usually not effective.

I want to start on the 9th to symbolize my kundalini rising

Holy shit man

Also, still a pretty fucked up /pornaddict/ here. Lasted like one day. Gotta sort shit out with my therapist I guess.

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the rapist is going to sort you out alright , user. with a straight up mind fuck

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your penis can literally shrink if you do not use it

no touch peepee

Happened to me back in 2014 or something. Was on a pretty long streak (like 28 days or something, I usually relapse after 2-3 days), and my dick was literally 2.5 inches.

my chi will be so strong the next time I cum ill shoot a bitch across the room!

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By this logic you can break the circle by stopping any of the other links aswell.
So if you just accept you're not weird for fapping you can fap

I know which one is easier

Pic is unconvincing reductionist horseshit.

Literally rebbit. Even recommends you to go to rebbit in the picture. Pure broscience

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If they don't doanything to maintain normal erections,theywill get shorteningof the penis," Kohler says. Without regular erections,peniletissuecanbecome less elastic andshrink, making thepenis1-2 centimeters shorter.

It's hard to resist the really good lewds out there, but I want to make it at least a month this time around. I had a really bad pain in my testicles the other day though

>you think you're a failure and kind of a pervert
No I'm just ugly. That's why I can't get a girl.

Jow Forumsnofap
aaaaand back to >>>/reddit/ you go nigger

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I'm not shy, I'm fucking ugly.

I jerk off and I get girls all the time. Then I jerk off to the nudes they send me.

>iF u sTOp mASturbAtiNG u GEt a giRL
no fap fags are retarded as fuck