Hello Jow Forums. I'm a 24-year old KV who has never approached a girl. I'm wondering if we could have a thread where robots post about when they first approached girls, what happened, if it was succesful or a disaster, etc.
Hello Jow Forums. I'm a 24-year old KV who has never approached a girl...
>"tell us about the first time you approached a girl"
>zero replies
Jow Forums writes itself.
>when they first approached girls
One and only time, junior high
>what happened
Sent notes to a girl, then her friend when she rejected me
>if it was succesful
No, because when she tried to talk about cutting herself I kept talking how much I jacked off. I really was an autist supreme back then
I've only expressed my feelings to 2 girls, and got turned down both times. It was after a long time of knowing each one, and I got really depressed after since I was too invested in them. It basically destroyed all motivation for me to approach girls so now I'm destined to be alone forever.
So I would suggest don't wait too long and don't get too attached before you ask them out.
I prefer living in my head rather than facing the harsh reality of never finding that one true love gf irl.
I'm afraid I can't tell you, senpai.
I am you three years ago.
Why not approach a sissyboi if you can't approach a girl?
All y ok u robots should go on Grindr and try to find a submissive bottom, anything past 16 and your still a virgin is 100% no hope at least you could be pounding boicunt and not be lonely
The only times I approached a girl, they always gave me their number, we had a fun time, but I can't get a date and I forget the lass 2 weeks later.
Boioucci is literally there only option user
Better die a virgin than live as a degenerate.
No one wants you sick people.
Seriously, just imagining myself with an unsound man in dress is insane, you are disgusting, leave this place.
I've done it a few times.
A lot of this depends on your definition of "success."
I've gotten a few numbers just randomly approaching women. But it never really went beyond that. We would text for a while or maybe hang out once or twice before I'd ghost them because of autism.
I will say that I've never experienced a disaster.
Every girl who has ever rejected me tried to do it in the kindest, most considerate way possible.
Begone with that gay shit
Soon 28 lvl virgin wizard apprentice.
I stopped carrying about women years ago so I don't really aproach them for any romantic reasons. But I remember this one time when a corowker aproached me.
>Working at shitty job
>She aproached me (coworker)
>We talk shit about the job
>She invites me for a beer
>I refuse saying I have plans
>*blend in level very high*
>I want to shitpost on Jow Forums and watch anime but I know It's better not to say that
>Days later she calls me on my phone
>how the fuck does she have my phone number
>She got it from other coworker and tries to invite me and him to go to a rock concert or some shit idk
>Refuse again
>Decide to give her a taste of my powers
>"I don't go outside very often..."
>She tries to convince me but I tell her that I'm busy and she beta out as I hung up
>Situation at job got serious
>Some of the coworkers got either fired or left on their own
>The rest of us talk about it in a small group
>Decide to quit and tell veryone I will hand my resignation after work
>The girl who wanted to hang out with me decides to quit as well
>Talk with my supervisor after work
>She takes it as an ultimatum for some reason and gives me a new contract so I can stay and work with them a little longer
>They need staff with experience and asks me to give them chance
>I know they will get rid off me soon anyway and it's a shitty job but new contract isn't that bad
>Agree on it
>Few hours later the girl calls me
>She told me she quit the job just as we were planning
>Asks me for a beer again
>Tell her I don't have time
>Don't mention my new contract
>Hung up
It's been years but I still smile when I think about it.
lol you are a real sperg. Congrats
I know you already got rid of her, but what if you went on a shitty date? She would be done with sooner, right? Would it be gossip later, so thats why you didnt accept? Sorry, idk anything about work environment.
>we had a fun time
>but I cant get a date
What do you mean by this? Like, you talk with her but never set anything up? Or you fuck her but never go out?
>be me, 23 year old virgin, never had gf
>have a younger chad brother (this will become relevant later)
>never approached girl before
>out drinking with 'friends'
>see qt grill
>literally the first person I have ever felt attracted to irl
>shes not even that attractive objectively but there was something about her that just instantly got my attention like never before
>a little drunk at this point so I approach and start talking to her
>immediately she starts talking about how hot my brother is
>makes comments about how unattractive I am compared to him
>basically just blanks me for the rest of the night
0/10 would not approach again
>be 16 yo
>friend with girl from my class
>one day I ask her if she wants to come home and spend the afternoon
>she says 'i'm sorry i have a bf" or something like that
>don't ever talk to her again
>be 17
>find girl pretty
>ask her to go eat somewhere
>she refuses
>never talk to her again
>be 17
>getting closer to a girl from my class
>we talk a lot one day, it gets a bit intimate
>next night she deletes me from social media
>she never talked to me again
>be 18
>friend with this qt goth girl
>she's always giving me signals that she likes me
>ask her out
>we date
>still dating her
I guess it worked out
tried once when i was 16. got rejected and never tried again. that was in 2009
Go to college and be outgoing in social situations. You'll always net yourself some pussy, even if you're fat and hairy and have a lazy eye and bring a switch to class and play it in class.
I always dumped girls in highschool because I have too lazy/faggoty to keep a relationship going. All I wanted to do was play UO and swim with my friends, girlfriends were time away from both.
Unwittingly I didn't just be a shitty person and get them to dump me, I became more desirable to girls and kept getting asked out because apparently dumping some other girl makes you a target for that shit.
Too bad that doesn't carry over into real life and they all get boyfriends permanently by the end of highschool unless you sell them drugs.
What the hell? I did that, except that it was 2011
>there are people out there so deeply ingrained in coping mechanisms that they force themselves to believe this
>Implying I have ever approached a girl in my 19 years of life
I am too autistic OP. I get approached a lot by women but if my austism does not scare them off then I get scared off. Having autism negates any looks you may have though I am not even that attractive.
I've never done such a thing and I will not ever
I possess zero (0) sexual market value to females because I'm an obese pile of shit and my dick doesn't work properly
its just a fact. maybe this will finally be the year I rejoin humanity, but I dont think so
I literally fucked 2 8/10 Mexican girls here because I told them I was studying to be a paralegal.
If by here you mean off of r9k I believe you. Mexican girls are some of the easiest femwhores right next to underage girls with daddy issues.
>I know you already got rid of her, but what if you went on a shitty date? She would be done with sooner, right? Would it be gossip later, so thats why you didnt accept?
It's quite simple. I genuinely didn't want to go outside after work. I actually prefered to watch anime.
Even when my roommate who was also my coworker invited people over I could literally stand up at 8 p.m say goodbyes and go to my room to enjoy my anime time.
I remember them making remarks about it but other than being bewildered some women said it's admirable in a way. They were either joking or impressed by my level of selfcontrol and discipline.
It was fine, it just turned out she has a bf right before date, funilly enough even when I asked outright If she has a bf and the answer was no, they'd still materialise out of thin air right before date.
I've been doing this shit for a week until stumbling on this young thot that was suffering from severe hang over after new year's celebrations and had nowhere to go. I'm trying to set her straight now, I'm not a fedora tipper, but we should probably go to a church. If she won't like this kind of lifestyle she can fuck off, I sure can find someone else if I already succeeded after a week. Also, she has baby girls in orphanage, if she'll obey me I'll take them home, I hope some rich guy will marry them, then we'll have money for my child.
>I'm a fedora tipper but we should go to the church
There is just no other way to set her straight for someone poor.
Also also, I insulted her yesterday for not trying harder to please me in bed, nearly forced her to do oral, she kissed me out of nowhere this morning when seeing me off to work, so this proves she will tolerate abuse. We'll get rid of alcohol first, then I'll start smacking her lips whenever she puts a cig in her mouth, a good tip how to get girl to stop smoking from an old female friend of mine. Thank God feminism is despised in this shithole it's even practically legal to force your gf to fuck and hit her.
I was pretty close to being a robot in my early teens. I kind of became normal when I started going out to parties and having sex when I was 18.
However I did not turn my life around until I was 21, then I could regular fuck girls and get into relationships
The way I succeed was going regularly to the gym, building muscles, and going out with friends, building social skills.
Once you get some muscle, you will transform from being invisible to an object of desire for women
>Once you get some muscle, you will transform from being invisible to an object of desire for women
No you fucking retard, they literally cannot tell your muscle size.
no its not, sinner
facts of life
1. only betas approach for the first move
2. the betas will always be rejected in their first move
3. girls will always make a move on the guy they like, women pick, not men
here lad, I saved you lot's of trouble