Yoooooooo let's get this PAY DAY thread started. Post those balances!

Yoooooooo let's get this PAY DAY thread started. Post those balances!

Couple of things: I've gone quite down this week. Lots of expenses coming up. Getting hard to save. I'll press on and try to get back to my previous high. Also I'll only be getting paid biweekly beginning next week, so these threads will be less frequent.

But let's get it on! Post yours!

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does that mean your next check will be on the 18th and every other friday after?

that kinda sucks for me because your paychecks are a week off from mine always.

I have 3,534 in davings. I makre 9 buvks an hour parttime

buy a gf already good gracious

I'm at least 10k down from late last year because of the market, but I'm dumping more in to take advantage of the sale.

Attached: asdf.gif (128x101, 2K)

i got my final mortgage statement of 2018 back since the last thread, and it turns out that i paid 2,300 in principal, and about 2,000 in interest on my house in the first year of the mortgage. All my goal was for this year was to pay more in principal than in interest this year, though next year i want to go over 5,000 in principal.

Other than that, my credit card balances will be back to normal, non-holiday levels after next friday's paycheck (that is, I won't be taking advantage of different statement dates to avoid paying interest, and i'll be back to paying my balances off every paycheck). My student loans were >7,000 this time last year and now they're at 2,187, so my goal is to get them paid off before i get my tax returns.

Finally, I have 500 in savings now, adding 50 every paycheck automatically, but i'll be ramping that up soon, and I have 500 in stash, which i'll resume putting into (probably at 50 per paycheck) after i pay my student loans off. End of year savings goals is to be over 3,000 in savings. Ultimately, I want to keep 10k in the bank to live off if i find myself unemployed for a spell, but saving money has the opportunity cost of not paying down your principal faster (increasing the amount of interest you pay), so I wanted all my >5% interest debts gone before i started saving too aggressively.

that sucks man. an that's exactly why I don't want to put any money in the market. cash is king!

$12600 as a fastfook cuck. I never have to spend on food since they are okay with me stealing, and I don't really buy anything else. I did spend $800 on clothes recently, which also happens to be the first time I've bought clothes for myself.

>$800 on clothes
why spend so much? You can get clothes so much cheaper than that

I got a shitton of clothes, and I'm a brainlet on that stuff so I wanted to try out some stuff. I only really bought one expensive pair of shoes that was $120, but they're made for my feet and my favorite shoe now. I wanted quality clothes though, not too cheap of shit, and thrift stores by me are absolute garbage, I have better luck on eBay

Actually, since it's dropped, now is a good time. Stocks are on a post-Christmas sale. I'm not worried.

please don't tell me you've ever bought clothes on ebay...

>tfw paid in replies

Attached: payday is everyday.png (300x396, 188K)

>your payment is being processed...

Attached: download (2).png (193x261, 2K)

I have, what you a germ freak?

no, it's just you can't try them on or see how they look/fit IRL, and getting your money back means fucking over some other guy instead of a big sweatshopping company.

Buy smart, check measurements. I've only had to return one that was shrunk to ludicrous degrees. Rest fit very well and are better than anything I saw at few places I checked in person. Also wouldn't not buying from them for fear of hurting there business be an ironic concept?

If it matters what schedule you're paid on it means you're a check to check living gutter rat. Anybody who looks forward to pay day is human garbage

What if you're looking forward to a specific payday? Don't disparage the unorganized, it only makes them more scatterbrained

i look forward to my payday because it's when i do all my financial tasks, pay off my various debts, reflect on how i did with spending the last two weeks, and strategize for the future

I like watching the numbers go up. Sue me