Is it ok for White people to say the n-word?
What are your thoughts on the matter.
Is it ok for White people to say the n-word?
What are your thoughts on the matter.
I don't care.
t. white person
It's just a word lol. I don't see why white people want to say it but I think it's okay if they do
Hell yeah nigga foreal doh yall honkeys can say nigga
my rules for saying it:
>don't say it in the company of niggers
>among other white people, let someone else break the seal first
Ok thank you, screencapped and saved as my black card IRL
This is r9k not pol you dumb fuck go post that nigger shit elsewhere
>Always try to be polite
>Get black gf
>Doesn't mind me saying, or even calling her nigger
>convince pigskin friend he can say nigga
>Get him to say it around the thuggiest black guy ever
>He stops him while I run away
>He got beat up
It was revenge for stealing my match attax cards some weeks ago, feels good my crackers.
i say it all the time nobody gives a fuck
Getting upset over words gives the words more power. This is something everyone one this website should know from experience but there's too many fucking newfags thanks to le green text videos and reddits.
I only say it when I'm fucking niggers. Or when they are tounging my anus
In what contexts?
i'm nobody to decide what people should or shouldn't say.
say whatever you feel like it.
just dont say it
I think Eazy-E had the right answer here:
It really depends on the context. If a white person says it in the context of a word like "buddy" or "friend", then there's no problem.
But they're trying to use it in the context of an insult like "dickhead" or "asshole", then no, they shouldn't say it.
Usuall in regards to other black people.
>What are your thoughts on the matter.
fuck niggers
no, don't fuck them
I say nigger as I goddamn please
As a honky, I dont think it is like morally wrong or anything, but it seems pretty rude and pointless to say it, so I avoid it. I can definitely see how it would be perceived to mean something different coming from me than from another black person, regardless of what my intent is. If there are black people who get their feelings hurt by white people saying it, I feel like I should avoid it just for that. It isnt like I gain anything by saying it, and if I can spare people some discomfort that serves no purpose, that is fine by me.
you seriously cant even say nigger in an anonymous board? fucking faggot
Niggers should not be allowed to live much less be respected in any way
I too have a seething hatred for niggers.
Besides, "nigger" was coined by white people, we can and do use it with impunity. We own it just like blacks we used to own.
Everybody's a nigger except for me.
>nobody says anything
orginially checked original dubs orginalaliy