R9K has been so overrun by normies that even the robot general has people talking about their ex, going to parties, having sex. Let this be a reminder that not only do you not belong here but you were too weird or lolrandum to hang with normies so you came here to feel better about yourself. TAKE THE TEST YOU FAGGOTS!! PROVE ME WRONG!!
i know there no robots left who care and its all normies now but lets have some fun yeah?

Attached: fuck you get off my board.jpg (1584x957, 424K)

R9k is improving were being overrun with more boipussy then we can handle

Same as last time...14

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>105, normalfag
>still KHV
This test is shit. Also what bothers me, is that this thing does not take age into account. Being virgin at 18 and at 25 cannot be really compared.

r9k is officially a failed board
90% of the threads are either underage normies baiting or trap/fag spam
literally no reason to come here anymore

37 m'dude

84. Cyborgs are the supremem beings


But this was not surprising

oh my fucking god shut the fuck up retard im sick of seeing you in every thread

96 but I have been suffering non stop for the last 12 years

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it was about 23 last time i took this

137, god why.
I just want happiness

64. Just by reading the categories beforehand i knew it

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this is too much work to even care about user

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80, expected tbqh

54. Every time I take it it gets lower.

>tfw when i score a little bit worse every time i do this
it's just going to get worse overtime isnt it

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13...thought id fit under 8

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Highest I've ever been was around 70 I think, and that was about 1 year ago. What the hell happened?


Don't worry lads that's just from taking the redpill at 16 and acting like a dick to girls

>tfw i left robothood behind and am slowly becoming the chad we all envy

Thank you anons, I won't forget you

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Fuck off to Reddit..

You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

Almost a robot...
gimme 1 month and ill be a brand new robot

just on the edge of apprentice with a 31..

>taking the redpill
>not a virgin
>fucked several thots
Yeah sure user. Go live your dream buddy :^)

No you're just a normalfag in denial
25 here, wizard apprentice. feels good man

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I got lucky when I was a teenager and found an emotional wreck of a girl
Haven't had any physical contact with women in over 5 years since she went to therapy and cheated on me

68, I'm declining

Do us cyborgs get a pass, op?

Also 18, can't apply some of that shit to myself.
Also scored in low hundreds.

Took it two days ago, got a 19. Almost completely in the physical category. At least I bathe regularly.

Promised myself I wouldn't take this test again until I had kissed a girl. Now I've gone from 88 to 94. Sorry for normie-ing up the board, but I've been here for many years and refuse to leave.

64 . Cyborg fag here. Would've gotten robot if it weren't for the bonus round

>Mfw started out as cyborg about 10 years ago
>Now in successfull category.

Feels good man.

And fuck you OP, I'm staying. Nobody can dictate to me where I can go or what I can do. I was here before most of the people on this board.

This is my first time taking this test, I didn't think I'd score so low.

>got 116
What the fuck guys

28. Wizard Apprentice. Not much to say here

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>took this test a year ago and was a cyborg
>went to college
>acne cleared up
>started working out
>got laid
>took it again and am now a normalfag

See ya virgins.

Most points come from the physical and mental side

I got 128, but only with the bonus.

i feel like this test is pretty accurate in its scoring and should be a wake up call to most of you who think youre a robot, if youre getting over 100, you should understand that your life is not that bad at all, and you could easily reach successful tier if you put just a little bit of effort in improving your life. you dont belong here, you need to leave

47. I have basically nothing in social or accomplishment, so the number puts me into robot category, but I feel more like a cyborg.

57. Mostly carried by physical health. I eat well and try to take care of my body. Mental/Social a total disaster. I have a job so scored some points in "accomplishments", but it's remote so I don't go out for days on end (which I think is killing me socially and mentally...) I'm just too depressed to care. Only work and watch anime. I think I'm slipping

So being college educated makes you the ultimate normalfag. In college you get loaded with accomplishment potential, there's a ton of dumb sluts to bang, your body is physically blooming (acne clearing up, physical fitness, etc.), you're surrounded by people your age, and you get to live out on your own...

Maybe that's why my life's so dead. I couldn't afford to go on vacation for 4 years after high school.

robots can't post here dumbass

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not bad desu
definitely original

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50 points
0 in social
mental/accomplisment few

26, 20 without bonus
It's not about to go up

you're probably a nice guy normiefag coming to this board to cry about not finding a girlfriend

just wait until your late twenties when all the roasties start knocking at your door looking for a handout and someone to take care of chads kids

and you'll do it because you're so desperate to be normal

Same, the only thing that really elevates me out of robot status is sex, that part seems rated too high.

because it's so unattainable nowadays

1% chads fucking 99% of the girls

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>ultimate normalfag
Locking yourself in your dorm room to avoid people isn't normal user, nor does it magically make you attractive or desirable.

20 less from last time. I have risen in power.

then go to anime club and bang some weirdo 5

still got options ... in a couple of years that weirdo 5 will have a saggy vag, loads of stds, and looking to trap you with babies or something

>this test is pretty accurate
While I agree all green results would be normies given the questions, this test does ahve a few nonsensical questions. For example, "recreational screen-time up to 4h a day" should be removed or rewritten to "recreational screen-time limited to under 4h a day" , because if you have no life you are always in front of a screen. The pothead questions should go too since autists tend to hate druggies.

Why didn't you bang some weirdo 5 at your HS anime club? Not that it matters anyway, I have been out of university for years and I am still a loser.

Oof it's back to 51 after going up to 90 for a while. I hate myself.

a solid 48 seems like i can stay

yeah agreed

I dump all my addiction into anime and vidya that's my escapism . I work until I want to kill myself, and then I cope with anime/vidya, and then I sleep and do it again.

I don't touch drugs and hardly eat, nothing else really interests me

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because I didn't know any better, trying to wise up the young fags here before it's too late


Hue. Nice little ego boost.

I got 102

I still have eccentric features but I'm able to hide it most of the time

Exactly, the "Have at least several friends in real life" question needs to be worth 8 points like the virgin question, or at least 6 like the female question. It is one of the most normie things possible.

In 2014-early 2015 (the height of my depression) I was at a 43.

Today, in 2019, I'm at a 100. My goal is 116.

24. I think I was at like 13 last year so I guess that's an improvement.

Ask a wizard anything I guess.

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Scored a 40. Same as last year, but I like how I live, to some extent,

34, not terrible but pretty bad.

(no confirmed autism and gore is revolting)
(own a broken car, in uni, kind of moving forward & material items)
(i have a smartphone, and dont have a criminal record yet)

Total: 17

up from 15 last month, and by this time next month I'll be somewhere between 21-29; possibly back to Apprentice!

I strongly protest the smartphone being worth +3. Yes, it would be bad to not own one, but it shouldnt be worth 3 points. If some basement dweller had scored a total of 6, but then cried to his mommy that he wanted a smartphone and she got him one and pays for it, that really shouldnt make him go up to a 9 and lose his Grand Wizard status and the corresponding superpowers of GW.
V4.0 was made years ago, it was either 2015 or 2016 that this chart was made, and smartphones are cheaper and more practical for everyone at this point, making the +3 even less representative. It skews 98% of people who use the chart up 3 points that they dont deserve, myself included.
I think it would be good to include the word "biological" before female, otherwise delusional traps might give themselves an extra +6. This clarification is unfortunately necessary in this ridiculous time we live in.
Just another idea, maybe even minus 5 points for being a disgusting post-op tranny who regrets it because they are so fucking ugly and mangled and dont come anywhere close to passing.
The "Healthy view of the opposite sex +3" is a bit too subjective in my opinion. Many MGTOWish robots genuinely think that they have a healthy view and might give themselves the +3 when shouldn't.

Given how fucked up we all are mentally, for maximum accuracy we need to minimize the effects of unrealistic personal delusions in the scoring process.

Its time for someone to make a V5.0
No drastic changes needed, but just to fix the smartphone points and any other well reasoned gripes that you robots might have. Bring it up to 2019 essentially.

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There is absolutely nothing that separates a normie and a "robot" on text only communication other than their arguments, if the mentally subpar can't handle it then it's their own problem

im a cyborg but the social stuff just happens because im at school 74 btw

It matters because this board is supposed to be for a certain type of fucked up people to post. It's not supposed to be for everyone.

Heres my analogy:
Some low-income native americans living on reservations set up a website for them to all interact online with each other. The intent was to just create a little cove where they were around people who looked, thought, acted and lived similarly to them even though they might live far apart.
But then people start coming to the site who dont live on the reservations even though that is one of the criteria to be a member.
Then a bunch of white people who took a crappy DNA test and think theyre 1/64th Cherokee all come on the site and begin to dominate the posts.
Then people who have no racial or social connection to native americans whatsoever all start using the site and posting about how much more difficult things are for their own race, complaining about poverty, alcoholism etc. (real problems at irl reservations). While they may have some legitimate problems to complain about somewhere, these people dont belong on the site and when they whine about their problems it cheapens the perceived legitimacy of the REAL USERS' issues.
Then some of the invaders start saying racist shit to the native users, saying that they deserve all the bad things that happened to their kind, that theyre just shitty people and need to get a life. Other invader-posters make threads to brag about how rich and white they are, how great their lives are, and why they are superior to native americans.
All the original users wanted was just a place to communicate with people they felt similar to, where they could comfortably discuss the issues they have, without the rest of the world's input.
But instead they just have a site full of the people they didnt want to talk to, who are all either complaining about their own petty problems, bragging about their superiority, or saying cruel shit about the site's intended userbase.

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Let's not pretend that the "intended" demographic aren't scum, I'll take a few brag posts over pissbottle mgee ranting about women and Jews any day of the week

scored a 44 on the test

>be me
>first time taking test
>score 118
>be Chad
>pic related

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39. Yup still got it.

Physical - 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2
Mental - 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3
Social - 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2
Accomp. - 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3
Bonus - 6, 2, 1, 1
>Total: 70
Verdict: Cyborg

2018 = cyborg
2019 = robot

Oh well my one year of cyborg is gone, back down to robot retard I go

We are scum sure, the board would still be toxic if it were only us, I know that. It would however only be toxic from the intended userbase's natural hostility towards themselves and each other, not toxic in every imaginable way, like it is now.
>I'll take a few brag posts over pissbottle mgee ranting about women and Jews any day of the week
thats a fair opinion that any robot could have, and I wouldnt argue against it cause its subjective.
but think about the latter part of your comparison; anti-jew/anti-feminist shitposting. This ISN'T a good example of an authentic robot's posts because it ALSO comes from outside the board! it comes from Jow Forums invaders, who are equally fucking annoying. Yes, some legitimate robots do identify with many of the same points of view and they share that on this board, but not all robots think half a dozen jews are the puppeteers of the whole world. viewpoints on women vary widely; from orbiters to elliots, anyone in between could still be a robot. political stances are subjective and not hard coded into every robot the same way. Being a loser does cause depression and hostility towards each other, but it doesnt directly cause antisemitism and shit like that. that is all outside influence.
>brag posts being preferable
This i think really depends on how far below the bragposter you are and how well you isolate yourself from people like them. It pisses me off a lot cause I dont use other social media and thus keep my exposure to normalbragging to a minimum.
A cyborg on the other hand might see a brag post from a regular normie and think its just mildly irritating, because they arent really that much worse.

im a normie, but me...

Score of 16, wizard.
I'm on the edge of non-humanity and I might just take a plunge.

>Am wizard
>Still don't even know a single cantrip

59 i think that isnt that bad

I scored 137 you fucking losers

>mfw unironically "Successful" after 1 term of university
>return tomorrow

Attached: frankline.jpg (200x200, 36K)

>34 y.o.
>Still have acne
>Not strong
>Haven't worked out in 2 months
>Score a 132

Checks out though, I'm happy with my life pretty much every day. I don't care if you want me off this board, I'm not here for an ego trip. You guys remind me of my friends when I was a kid. I think you're cool.

....i got 43...thought i would be in the middle off all you robots.....I have been on Jow Forums for like 2 days wtf does this mean. Was I made to be here?

34, on the edge of regressing to a simple robot for a long while, how long does this fucking apprentice internship goes for anyway

64 faggot
can I join?
I only pass bc martial arts and Jow Forums

Cyborg reporting in. Been improving but I will never give up on my fucked up hobies or love of fucked up people.

so you're saying that r9k actually failed at being r9k

how the fuck is that even possible dude


I don't think I belong on this board with you wizards and robits.

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78. Guess im lost in this cosmic void forever

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yea they can. 18+ virgins are losers.

Scored exactly 34. need to hone my powers, can't slip into the normie realm

>itt: normalfags attempt to justify their unwarranted self-pity

41, and nearly a half of that (17 points) comes from the fact that i'm stable mentally
if you unironically get more than 58 you really don't belong here


I got literally zero points in the mental category, they all came from social because when i was younger my autism tricked people into thinking I was cool

>he actually ascended
congrats user

got: 43 "Robot"

well fuck

>job, car, apartment

Got 106, Normalfag.

58 to 93 since the last time I took it
Guess I made it, guys. See you around

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