At life's crossroads? Don't let it go to waste.
/go-getter/ 2019
what is this gay-ass motivational-poster-tier abomination of a meme?
fpbp eggy
>enough is enough
>doesn't have any social successes even after trying his best
>back to doomer
Bumping for positivity on this god-forsaken board. Exercise and attempting to be social really do help your mood.
eggy became /fa/ and got a gf last I heard of him
I thought the nigga died.
Has anyone here given up caffeine? I don't guzzle energy drinks but I feel like I'm jewing myself relying so heavily on a cuppa every morning. It just feels so good and the caffeine withdrawal headaches kill me.
Is it worth it bros?
quit completely, then use it only 2-3 times a week so you don't develop a tolerance/dependence. daily caffeine use is for brainlets.
Just brew your own coffee and get some sleep if you can. You don't have to impress anyone, fag.
is there a way to escape the doomer mindset right away after living it for years or do you just have to be disciplined and fake it til you make it
>is there a way to escape the doomer mindset
I went from Doomer to this at 25, went to college, got a career job despite having no previous work experience, and now I'm back to a Doomer at 26. I don't want to work, I don't want to go to college, I just want to consume myself with my hobbies.
>got a career job despite having no previous work experience
how the hell
Cops here are so desperate to hire they're practically hiring junkies.
You have to put a ton of effort into improving. Go to the gym for two years and don't miss a day, eat healthy every meal, read as much as possible to raise your intelligence and awareness, learn trade skills, get nice fitted clothing, whiten your teeth, and get a job making good money with your skills.
Obviously it's easier to post memes than it is to grind for two to three years, Wich is why 99% fail.
To see results in gym takes more than 2 years. It depends on what is your starting point.
I only managed to get to normal weight after the first year, and in the second year i made some noob gains, but i still don't look good.
That's pretty much me but 26 yo. Wish me luck fellow robots
>behind the curve
Anyone here basically playing catch-up? Doing stuff like finishing school, getting a driver's license, moving out etc.
I hope to be a licensed driver by the end of the year so I won't have to ride the bus or get dropped off by mommy anymore. Just have to get over myself and practice until the anxiety goes away
>tfw too stupid to do any of that
Hurr dee hur. Life sucks. Drop out.
>all that advice
>99% of people who take it fail
Tell me, Chief, why would I do all that stuff when it almost never works?
this. I used to think I was depressed and anxious but I've come to realise the reason I suck at life is just because I'm a fucking idiot
They fail because they give up from laziness, not because it doesn't work. What do you think the majority of posters in this subreddit are going to do, post wojaks or lift weights for three years and get a real job?
so basically Travis Bickle
then enjoy your miserable current state, lieutenant
this is my boss except hes like 35, but he slams monsters and preworkouts all day.
his shits must be incredible
oner would imagine. but hes a chad so he probably makes the most of it.