Boyfriend cancelled our trip to Anime Expo due to "financial reasons"

>boyfriend cancelled our trip to Anime Expo due to "financial reasons"

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hah, that's what you get for dating a poor retard

>tfw would also cancel for financial reasons at the present time

>anime expo
i'd cancel to if my boyfriend was into that

desu i wouldn't take a romantic partner to one of those things. too many fucking creeps and orgies and shit. About as risky as letting her stay a weekend with her old friend Tyrone.

Well that's certainly a nice way of saying "I'm not wasting my money on that garbage."

Oh look! You're bf is being responsible

>on r9k
>has a bf
Why are you even here? Do you think you belong here? Do you think anyone even wants you here or likes your posts?

found the cheap bf

found the literal prostitute

wrong. lmao cheapo bf btfo

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I was thinking about going to the next one since I've never been, is that a mistake?

wrong. literal prostitute buttbtfo

girl you stupid. I would never go with a bf to an Anime Expo. If you don't want to go alone go with a group of your girlfriends, thats REALLY fun.

desu, i would enjoy taking a literal prosty to an anime con on my dime.

ya senpai
maybe if I give OP a dollar I can stick it in her pooper

I'd love to pay an escort to con with me, I'd have her take pictures with all the dbz muscleweebs and try at fulfilling my ntr fantasies

i wanna feed that pooper many expensive meals at nice restaurants desu.

tfw no prosty friend to blow my savings on

ya. i would be outside of our hotel room posting on r9k about how much it hurts that my con gf is cucking me with some dbz normie

All fembots have bfs, you let one in and they all come

tfw no gf to take to fogo de chao

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femanon, you don't need a hotel room or even money for food and drinks. you can easily find a guy to let you sleep in their room and put all your stuff

May God forgive you because I certainly don't.

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