If there is no god and life has no meaning, why do you stay alive?
If there is no god and life has no meaning, why do you stay alive?
So that i may hope to one day make the lives of several other people worse than my own, nigger.
Burritos, carnitas, avacado, my waifu, pizza, cummies, blankies
because i don't have enough courage to end it, obviously.
I fear death is consciousness but without the five senses
Life has no meaning by default, you're supposed to give it some meaning.
For me the meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness
If there is objective meaning i fail to see how it's any better. I also fail to see how anything no matter how powerful could make meaning objective.
If God existed and assigned meaning to an otherwise pointless life of suffering, what makes you think ai'd want to live in that reality any more than this one?
you're what i like to call a "practice body"
Because I can.
It amuses me.
There is god, meaning is a human desire and purely a product of our heightened intellect. The base package of life is simply to be/experience, if you are burdened with a desire for meaning, the existentialists were right: it's up to you.
Anyway I stay alive because we live in rather interesting times and I'm curious to see how the next 10-15 years unfold. Also there are spirits I very much like spending time with here. Even if life it's kind of shitty, to experience at all is so absurd and beautiful in its own way, seems disrespectful to throw away a life you likely asked for. But honestly, living past 40 seems like a meme.
>There is god
More people should start whatever they're saying with their insane beliefs so we don't have to read as much
So God made us just to fart around and look at pretty colors till we die?
Or are you just totally full of shit and like to think you sound smart.
How intelligent of you, yes, dismiss anything you don't agree with immediately. Kek, insane, could you go any more fedora? I don't know what you think I mean by god, but it isn't skydaddy.
Do you actually think "fedora" is a legitimate argument? Fucking end yourself you brainlet normalfaggot.
waiting for the perfect moment for revenge.
>doesn't read the post
>"haha, I didn't read it!"
>gets called out on it
>"t-that's not an argument!"
do you suggest that "brainlets" commit suicide because you are one, and have extreme self-hatred?
What did I miss in your post that would actually lend credibility to ANYTHING you said here today? You are absolute filth
Because life is fun. Not everything needs a meaning. Everything fun that you do is usually meaningless.
1. God could exist, not all gaps are closed
2. There is the philosophical problem of solipsism so it could be you are special and this is just a test
3. Problems and suffering have the potential to get solved, think of all the planets in this universe for example, what if something contains something that could solve many problems, but isn't discovered yet
4. Artificial Intelligence + 3.
5. Maybe you and everyone else gets an afterlife if you contribute to the progress of mankind, because of a certain discovery in the future. Think of a weird restoration, etc.
Frig off fembot, youre not wanted
Nothing has killed me yet, as Newton says, an object stays in motion until it is stopped
The way I view things is emanationist. The concept of the monad is generally how I view it. It's more like the one emanated into everything we experience now. Even If you look at things from a purely material perspective, that is fine, because even in the big bang model there is an implication that that initial singularity contained consciousness whether it was realized yet or not. Personally I see consciousness as an eternal property of the universe and that basically god was pure self contained consciousness/being, but emanated into reality as we know out now for the sake of experience. Basically everything is just god samefagging in a giant vr. You can hate it or see it as self indulgent if you want, but I think the human notion of what consciousness is clouds things. Seems like the universe was born it out loneliness or boredom when you look at out this way, but those don't seem like very godly traits so I assume that is my human projection. Basically a neutral deist thing. Anyway I am relatively certain there is "god", but I don't think it matters that much, just a mystery of the universe type deal.
>You are absolute filth
lel no u
go to church nigger
No, it was just me making fun of your hubris.
isn't even me btw
But Jesus Christ you are awfully butthurt about someone else's benign beliefs. You are the bitter reddit fedora atheist caricature.
How EVER will I live without worshipping a giant Jewish man!???
(If u cant tell, I'm being sarcastic)
Opioids feel really good and sex does too.
I am not that user.
It's "hubris" to call sloppy, shitty word salad your "beliefs" if anything. Fucking animals.
>go to church nigger
Literally Only niggers goto church, so not arguing wit that
Just because you can't follow does not mean it is word salad.
Are you talking about the literal mental diarrhea user insists on passing off as spirituality ITT?
Being dead is no different from being alive so whats the point of killing yourself
when you can murder other people!
Why yes, yes I am. But it will go over your head if you don't have a background in the concepts mentioned or have a chip on your shoulder about god existing. Don't play ignorance off as intelligence.
I don't need to fuck around in academia to tell that user thinks his brain farts smell like flowers because he read some wikipedia articles. Smug nigger fuck go back to lebbit with your halfassed bullshit.
Dying and living is the same thing.
There's no difference.
>there is no god
>therefore there is no meaning
Because as painful as life is for the most part, the alternative is just so dull when I know what the end result is. Also I'm too chicken shit to take the rope anyway so there's that.
Belief in god and/or religion isn't the be-all to life, it's just how some people choose to embrace life rather than face the far more likely scenario that life just plain sucks and we're all going to become worm food while having achieved very little in the scheme of things.
Easier to deal with something being bad when you come to terms with it, I guess.
>implying that humans are entirely rational agents
Really showing your colors. I never intended for my initial post to even be responded to, but the highschool atheists can never resist autistically screaming about someone believing in god, so of course I'm going to bother to explain myself. My thoughts cause you cognitive dissonance and your choices as a logical thing are assimilate the information or attack it. You're just projecting that on me, it's obvious by how worked up you are over nothing.
Saying "there might be some shit somewhere and you can make up your own purpose if you want to" is NOT spiritual, profound, unique or indicative of a high functioning mind. Its just pointless mental slop dressed up as something people might actually want to read.
>Life has no meaning
Life is like a canvas. On it's own, just a worthless piece of paper. Draw something on it and it becomes the most priceless object in the world.
Because I want to be happy, but for some reason my brain incapable of releasing enough dopamine for it to happen unless I'm with a girl I like...
there is no objective meaning, you create your own meaning. You are your own god
He never said they were connected, he didn't even imply it.
we are already ai , what do you think a fully automated perfect in all things ai would look like , its already us
that was a typo but you're right
>you're supposed to give it some meaning
This only works if meaning is a multiple-choice quiz provided by others (i.e., society). If you try and invent meaning whole cloth, you'll always know that's what you did, so you'll always know it's a personal contrivance. This isn't what anybody has in mind when they talk about "the meaning of life," so it falls apart.
Hence this sentiment is for people who look at meaning as, you can choose A, B, or C, and A is no good--so take your pick between B and C.
I just want to see society collapse and all of humanity suffer. Hopefully it will happen in my lifetime.
Well yeah, that's what im saying
Life has no set in stone meaning so constantly pondering what the meaning of life is objectively is pointless
Why do I need meaning to stay alive?
what's a monad
if you can show me an easy way to not exist i'm all ears
When you're alive you can experience suffering