what do women find attractive about men, is it the benis?
What do women find attractive about men, is it the benis?
>what do men find attractive about women, is it the tiddies?
Just gonna speak for myself. It's more about being attracted to masculinity than a man. A guy can be as good looking as he wants but if he's feminine it's a turn off. Be good at doing man stuff and people will notice, namely women.
Move a couch, fix something, dress like a man.
As for physical attraction? That stuff is more objective as it is for what makes women attractive. Mostly genetic stuff and basic grooming
Eh, shit sound too hard I mean its not like Im getting much out of it anyway.
The penis is just about the only attractive part on a non-femmed male-oid, unfortunately.
cringe dyke
>Be good at doing man stuff and people will notice
What did you mean by this?
If people see you do typically masculine things, people will look at you as masculine. Being looked at as masculine is good
Children are attracted to Justin Bieber user. Also his talent and status makes up for what you perceive as a lack of masculinity.
It's not too hard for most men, it's just how most of us are. The "heavy" things that women have trouble carrying take no effort for me.
That was my point Good looks and social status> Manliness.
I just dont really see the point of putting in that effort if thats all Im supposed to be good for.
there goes my no fap
But the majority of men will never have the status of a celebrity so there's no point in comparing. We have to depend on our charisma and masculinity to attract women, that's just how it is.
The thing is, for most men it's not even effort. But you're not as masculine so you feel it's a chore to do masculine things.
Why is his bath water so dirty?
This gave me a small amount of hope.
You can improve your social status though. I fell for the "women want masculin men" meme. I already work construction and am jacked. But 90% of the girls my age date skinny lanklets who defend women on reddit in their spare time
I don't know why robots don't want to accept that looks are secondary to women and the most important aspects of a man to them are personality and mannerisms/behaviors. If you were one of the first human females living in an environment as hostile as sub Saharan Africa, where you're constantly dealing with rival tribes and giant monsters that can attack at any moment and you're weak and vulnerable, who would you rather belong to? A young Justin Bieber or a warrior?
Charisma, sense of humor, etc shows confidence and doing manly things show that you can protect them.
You'll never improve your social status to that of a celebrity unless you also become a celebrity. Women don't JUST like masculinity, they also like charisma, sense of humor, sweetness, etc.
I'm probably your age and I don't know any girls who like skinny reddit lanklets
>yummy cock
>hairless body
>probably qt as fuck
some boys have all the luck...
Just go to any college it's clear the effeminate pretty boys get more action then the "manly men".
I didn't go to college. I live in a different world (the real world) where women favor charisma and masculinity over cuteness.
>Charisma, sense of humor, etc
>doing manly things
In what proportions do these things affect a man's desirability?
This is false. You could be as masculine as ever but if you're the average incel you'd still come off as as a no go.
The laws of attraction are different for women. It isn't visual or even physical. Evolution has dictated that they be attracted to what ever is trendy to be attracted to by other women.
If a girl was raised in a society where it was socially typical to not even be attracted to men, but to other women, she would grow up a lesbian by choice and actually be attracted to women.
Today, a man could dress in tight jeans and a floral pink shirt and have no masculine qualities at all and even be ugly but as long as he is attractive to the women around the woman he is trying to attract, he will succeed every time.
This is why confidence is key.
You have to be good looking or none of that matters anyway
user please don't do this to me.
>just gonna speak for myself
>this is false
This is pretty hot, what's the sauce?
It's the wallet you dunce
I wish I could post some of my short ugly Mexican friends who fuck makeup artist youtubers with fake tits
>You could be as masculine as ever but if you're the average incel you'd still come off as as a no go.
but incels aren't masculine??? lol
>bisexual, prefer men
>effeminate and open about liking strong, masculine men who are taller than me
>voice is effeminate
>have gay ear pierced
>been lifting heavy since high school, fill out shirts and can barely find slacks that fit
>successful professional and academic career, dress like it
>very comfortable talking to women, becayse talking to a qt masc is 10x more daunting
>6ft 1
I have women of tinder asking me to do threesomes with their gay friend or cuck boyfriend, I have had conversations with women describing what a powerbottom and what kind of dicks I like before fucking them.
What does this mean? It means be who you want to be, just make sure you have money and can bench 2pl8s and women will fuck you regardless of how masculine or feminine you are.
>makeup artist youtubers with fake tits
I just want a nice average girl.
You keep posting this small penis
So you're just doing the sociologist fallacy, that everything is about groups, and because of that, it's impossible to know how groups form, change, and dissolve. Or in this case, you're taking for granted that the women around the woman you're interested in will independently determine whether you're attractive, in order to give the woman you're attracted to a baseline for her attraction. But since you've only defined women's attraction relative to other women's attraction, there is no baseline; your accounting is an infinite regress.
That's a however statement, user.
Its like some women pretend they are ethereal creatures that are only attracted to life force auras or something. So fucking ridiculous, its laughable.
Here is what women actually like physically, based on the limited number of women I have spoken to over the years about this. Mainly my ex and the odd thot here and there.
>Face is important, especially if the girl herself is pretty.
>Erect cocks
>Young looking/tight ass
>muscular body/tall
>large hands/feet
>hair is a preference thing
What does a warrior LOOK like? You kind of beat your own point there.
The trend is the baseline. Trends change when another trend takes it's place.
This is why a white girl in Idaho wouldn't even think of a black dude and is turned on by a manly redneck and why a white girl in Miami would love a soft faced Tyrone inside of her
NGL OP you ass is so soft i wanna fuck you