>People will pay you hundreds of dollars for art like this
Why the FUCK haven't you learned to draw yet? It's the perfect NEET hobby that actually generates an income
>People will pay you hundreds of dollars for art like this
Why the FUCK haven't you learned to draw yet? It's the perfect NEET hobby that actually generates an income
I already make over fifty bucks an hour just fucking around with javascript
post your art OP or kill yourself, it's the only way to prove you're not a hypocrite
So artists who draw this shit for money like to call me uppity for not drawing fetish shit to pay rent, and I know a man and his money are easy to separate but god damn. Imagine if something you spent 48+ hours on ended up on r9k as a joke. Artists have such shitty self awareness they can actually convince themselves what they do is somehow worthy of admiration when they're basically slaves to footfags and guro niggers.
alright, where do i go and how do i get the monies? i can already draw.
haven't because iirc you need to "build a following" for months before you get commission offers, and that entails dozens if not a hundred drawings completed for a portfolio before you can start getting paid
How? Please elaborate.
Trying to learn now from what I've seen furries will toss up to a thousand dollars from their fursona
I've been working at the same place for nine years now.
I have to look busy, but that's it.
where do you work/live? 104k seems kind of low for 9 years experience right now
You have to be a total degenerate to begin with I guess
maybe go on /d/ and drawfag for the degenerates there
please theres no content for my fetish
Pfff I just don't ask for raises or job hop
just trying to slack off.
I'm better off financially than everyone that I know, besides some of my coworkers
perhaps. people from my college make 120k+ fresh out of school, so it always feels like if you couldn't do that your time in college was a waste
i couldn't even get a job and i dropped out because i'm a failure
fucking zoomers
starting salary was $60k if you were average when I graduated
That's about a 10-20$ commission, the art quality in that pic isn't that high
>tfw making 40k over a year out of college
s-shut up
>please theres no content for my fetish
well honey are you willing to pay?
Suck every fucking dime out of these pillow humpers if you're going all the way with this
Buy yourself some fucking bath bombs and useless crap with their money and send them a pic with the receipt.
60-80 depending on where you live
but if you wanted to be an average code monkey why the fuck did you go to college?
because believe it or not you can't actually get a job without a bachelor's
we know how to spot each other and that's what the interview is really looking for
college is a meme and i seriously regret going. no degree makes it much harder but i could have spent the last 4 years better.
i want to forget i ever went
same. i should have done anything other than take on the debt. but stupid high school me had no idea what to do to support myself and college was a delay to that decision. desu i had no other option, hometown was economically dead and my parents were abusive. still, shit, could have done without this debt for a fucking degree in shit I hate.