does anyone feel more bold and stronger (not physically of course) since taking the blackpill? i've told a normie to get fucked and tried running him over with my car
Does anyone feel more bold and stronger (not physically of course) since taking the blackpill...
I haven't committed any crimes, but I will if I have to and I'll know when that time is if it happens
That's boldness to you? That's strength?
Feeling like a tough guy because you're in 1500 pounds of steel that can easily take you away from any danger at high speed?
yes, it's hard to really pinpoint what it is, and if i did i wouldn't tell the normies here, but I do feel like i have something they don't, i've escaped the matrix, and see them as the deluded cult members of society that they are and i hate them for being so fucking evil and bluepilled.
>tried running him over
t. scaredy shitless normalroach
you better fucking believe it and so what if it's a car. if i wasn't in the car i'd get my arse kicked easily without much of a fight.
Even 90 pound-soaking-wet roasties think they're badasses when they're in their car. But keep going, I'm loving this level of delusion. Road rage is nothing new, you're not some pioneer who's breaking the molds of society.
You're just another asshole making everything worse, along with your perceived opposing group. If the irony was any richer, it'd be chocolate cheesecake.
that guy looks like a dark elf sorcerer, lol.
it's blackpilledrage. there's a difference
So if OP could pull your head off with his bare hands you wouldn't have a point to make here, correct? It's all boiled down to physical prowess?
>took black pill
>doesn't kill himself
You're doing it wrong
no difference, lol. It's actually even more pathetic because you think it's unique somehow.
It's not boiled down to anything. It's funny.
>It's not boiled down to anything. It's funny.
I'm trying to ask you what the point you're trying to make is. OP made his clear.
I don't give a fuck what you're trying to ask me, to be honest.
self-destructive behaviour is blackpilled
I'm sorry I mistook you for a human being and not some shivering chimp smashing their knuckles on the keyboard.
No you're a white piIled faggot
>passive aggressive snark
Like clockwork.
I think a more accurate state would be
>I thought people would want to engage me in an intellectual discussion about hitting people with cars.
I think you're confused about who's actually the retard here, good luck with that.
If you wanted an intellectual discussion you had the opportunity before I even posted here, you passed it up to act like a smug fuck, and you have no point to make.
no you are you dumb fuck.
>If you wanted an intellectual discussion
But I didn't. That's my point.
I have no intellectual onus to engage in good faith with violent, cowardly people. You're an even bigger idiot than he is, for thinking anyone worth their salt would.
>I have no intellectual onus to engage in good faith with violent, cowardly people.
So it does or doesn't matter that they use a 1 ton car instead of their bare hands? Because, theoretically, both could fuck you up.
Your mother is a greasy reprobate of a whore.
It takes resolve to make that decision. The physical aspect is only one side of it.
Imagine being this empty-skulled
Why do you think I'm so pissed off all the time, at least I'm not some scared chickenshit moron who makes non-arguments on r9k
There's nothing stoic or disciplined about it. let's not paint a lead brick gold and call it bullion, hmm?
Is that actually the guy or a photoshop?
I never said it was stoic and disciplined though