Imagine yourself as a girl. Would you like it?
Imagine yourself as a girl. Would you like it?
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Im so fat and disgusting no matter how much weight i lose i still look like a slob
I think it's easier to be born a cute girl than a cute guy. Just look on the street, lots of beautiful young girls and ugly boys
i hate myself as a guy and im pretty sure id hate myself alot mroe as a stupid faggot.
I'd like it a lot desu
I hate women so i would probably just hate myself for being an evil whore
I dunno man, I'm pretty used to being a guy, but I wouldn't mind being a woman either, except that I'd be a lesbian hehe
Why so much hate? You could be a singular woman.
i would still probably be dissatisfied but at least the bare minimum amount needed to get by would be slightly lower
I'd enjoy it but do exactly what I do now, just play shitty Strategy games and roleplay. I might have to not voice chat anymore though because I'll be treated worse.
If I were a girl I'd probably look a lot like OPs pic, just with smaller cheeks and bigger lips.
Your hormones would make you feminine and attracted to men
Fuck off tranny psyops
I think he meant more in an alternate timeline kind of way where you are a woman since birth.
Yes. I have genes that are good for being a girl.
>skin with almost no blemishes
>thick, shiny hair
>long legs
>shoulders as wide as hips
>grey eyes
>big eye lashes
>nice ass for a guy
>can eat what I want without gaining weight
My life would be so much better than it is now desu. Pic related is what I'd assume to look like if tit genetics were generous to me.
damn who is this hottie?
Seeing as I have large breasts and wide hips, I'd probably make a decent woman.
I'm not a fucking tranny and never will be though, you sick fuck.
Some Japanese-American """shut-in""" from like a decade ago. She probably has a Chad boyfriend and a kid now.
you would be ugly then
I wouldn't like the unwanted attention from men all the time.
I'd probably dress to make myself look less attractive, if I ever went out.
It could be cool to have a one year trial at an alternative timeline or dimension. The ideal age would be middle-school teenager that hasn't still being used by Chad, and as blank as it can get, so you can build a personality or adapt your own during that year.
I be no dude wants to try out being a Stacy in her mid to late 20's, that already went thru the cock carrousel.
Yeah, I wish I was born a girl. I'm not a tranny at all and I have no desire to change my gender but if I was born a girl I wouldn't have a lot of the problems I currently have.
I'd be pretty cute desu
would also be easy being a neet selling my feet pics and socks
god why couldn't i be a girl
Long legs is masculine. Women have shorter legs.
Wide hips is also masculine. Men have wider hips than women. It's the ratio of hip width to shoulder width that determines whether it's feminine or otherwise.
Wide hips is also a European genetic trait.
>Long legs is masculine
>Wide hips is also masculine
Not sure if you're baiting or actually retarded
I'd hate it. Life is a pop of the cherry when you're a boy. It's much better.
Even though I'm not that attractive, I could definitely get laid as a 6/10 female and probably get a decent bf and also get jobs easier in my field, have a social life etc, assuming my wealth, education, looks, etc. roughly transitioned to equal from male -> female
So yeah I'm about 90% sure I'd be considerably better off. Fat/ugly/mental issues is a different story, but the average normie female lives life on easy mode.
I wouldn't like being so pathetic and weak. But I'd have fun
i grew up with fucked up hormones and ive been railroaded into becoming a cute girl because otherwise i'll be paying 10,000$ to get puberty tits removed
Look up the studies, retard. Estrogen causes limbs to be short like a baby. Androgens develop the bones thus longer limbs.
One way to spot a tranny is by limb length. Trannies have long limbs.
no because I'm better off rarely getting sex and always hoping for it than I am skilled at resisting temptations.
I'd be a drug addicted slut.
why did you post this girl? answer honestly
Proportionately long and proportionately wide. Not overall.
interesting, i guess that clears up some questions
I appreciate her.
>imagine switching life difficulty from nightmare to Very Easy, would you like it?
what a stupid question.
What the fuck does that mean, you idiot?
Whatever it is proportionally long to, be it the torso, head, legs, whatever, it's still long overall.
no but for real what a cute....
nice fat tits
What are you talking about? I do not think it's her, she looks different behaviorally speaking
that was definitely 100% her
No, i would not like it.
I don't want to be a woman, everyone thinks they are weak and powerless.
And i don't want to be a man, everyone thinks they should be strong and powerful.
I just want to be left alone for fucks sake.
Then why are people always commenting on women saying they have such "nice long legs"?
They are deleted. Thank god for desuarchive
I would like to see more photos
Reminder that women literally CANNOT experience true loneliness (true utter and complete invisibility) the way a man can
Reminder that roasties will prove this by saying "B-but it's not the attention I WANT!," failing to realize that
a) the ten thousand subpar men with ulterior motives who try to kiss your ass, be nice to you, and get you to notice them on a daily basis still contribute to your psychological health and ego by at least reminding you that you exist
b) for every one hundred of those guys, 1 is always surprisingly decent and willing to date you the instant you let him, and for every 10 merely decent guys, there is a truly high quality man who will probably date you even though you're fat or ugly or (free square) boring and stupid
No man will ever experience anything like this. Anything below 6/10, 5'8," caucasian, psychologically AND socially normal in a man is total invisible dog shit to women, and many men who meet those qualifications are still dog shit anyway because they're slightly shy or weird or don't have a wide enough social circle to hit critical mass.
Look at this pic. Eggman, not even a female Eggman, JUST PLAIN EGGMAN, can have hundreds of suitors any time he wants BY THE MERE TECHNICALITY of being a woman. Not edited to look like a woman. Just technically a woman. Somewhere lurking in those bad odds are a handful of fairly normal, decent men who would be willing to worship Eggman and pay for his shit for a thousand years because they are biologically programmed to think women are worthwhile people and to crave their presence.
You cannot even fathom being a woman. It is like a slave who has never been outside a medieval silver mine trying to understand what being born into royalty is like, based on stories.
Why do they want women to be thin? That's not feminine either.
Why do men like women who are horny and hypersexual? That's not feminine either.
Why are "petite" women sought after? That's not feminine either.
What I read is that it's some Victorian age standard of beauty that is still being used.
Well, I believe that beauty is objective and so on so it may be objectively beautiful.
Women like men who show signs of feminization whereas men tend to like women who show some mild signs of masculinization. "Whore" women are masculine women.
If long limbs are masculine and short limbs feminine, why do hypermasculine men like Mike Tyson always have shorter limbs? Interestingly, why do they always act like women?
I might know the answer but it's still interesting to think about.
That's probably why men on average are taller than women.
I am a dumb tranny though
No. Estrogen reduces serum igf-1 and also reduces growth hormone levels, among other hormones.
Androgens by binding to androgen receptors do the opposite, increasing serum igf-1 and growth hormone.
This is the reason.
The reason that masculine men tend to be below average in height, besides irrelevant mutations in their DNA that are common in various races and ethnicities, is that you need both estrogen and testosterone to close your growth plates and testosterone converts to estrogen, thus high testosterone results in high estrogen, too. And thus growth plates that close early.
But I was over 2 meters at 13 years of age.
I don't get where you're going with this. You're basically saying that the things people like are not feminine. Who cares if it's feminine, as long as people like the traits?
I replied to the OP that I'd probably have a better life because my current traits would be hotter on a woman.
Yes, probably a lot. Though I'd probably be far more more isolated for my hobbies.
A lot my problems stem from avoidance of taking the risk for certain things (eg. asking a girl out, etc). As a girl, the social demand or social expectation that I take the lead in doing so would be slightly more absolved, at least relationship-wise. I wouldn't have to put effort in, and my naive belief that someone would approach me or make the first move would be likely to happen. It'd also be easier get into grad schools or the like, or advance further in my career (if I wanted), as there aren't many women who do geophysics/astronomy.
Female version of myself always looks very attractive whenever I've done a faceapp/facemorph thing.
yes. I'd get a sugar daddy so fast.
100% I would pound that QT
the thing i want the most desu
Doubt it but it would be infinitely easier to get a GF as a girl
femeggy is an underappreciated blackpill imo, i think it's got more potential
It would be sweet, I could have free sex at demand even if I'm fat thanks to T H I C C memers
Bobby toucj lol
hey there is a world of difference between properly thicc (full-bodied) and fat. Although fat chicks could still get laid in 30 mins or less in an urban area if their life depended on it via tinder
just become a woman than, it's an option in 2019
Nah, I recently made a tinder account and only got 2 messages and 7 matches after a day on there.
I used a picture of a unattractive black woman, so maybe that's why.
she's a mentally ill hapa (half-Japanese) who was not only on antidepressants, but also anti-psychotics during her teenage years
at 00:25 she says she was put on Zoloft and Risperdal
Just think about that for a second. Consider the implications and ramifications of all of the above in a sexual setting
i was fat growing up and as a result ended up with perky titties and a feminine face. im going to transition and then move to hawaii and find a nice rich sugar daddy
Nah I'm 28 so too late for that. And I don't want to lose everyone I know because I decide to change my gender. Biologically female is the only way to go.
also check'd
I watched her videos, always, over and over again. I was not going to be a psychiatrist. After a while I went and he prescribed risperdal
>antidepressants, but also anti-psychotics
damn sucks she got her brain fried by the jews
Does any female character in any game
H-how did you know I always play female chars?
>7 matches after a day
kind of proving the point
you could be a fucking dark skinned fat 400 pound coal black gorilla ogre mentioning you got five kids in your profile and you'll still get matches if you're female
I have the exact same bed as her holy shit
looks like a prison bed or a hospice bed
100% agree. I'd much rather my women be truly feminine with a feminine penis amirite?
Imagine if Steve Austin and turned into a woman. Got it? Good. You now have me as a woman.
I'd be ugly as shit but at least I'd be tall.
I would immediately fondle my tits, just like it happens in my body-switching mongolian tapestry drawings.
I don't have to imagine because I'm transitioning.
She has sucked 54m50ns cock and is fucking or has fucked eggman
No, I would not have the same levels of ambition or creativity. Everything would revolve around getting attention.
>tfw this pic is literally me if i were a girl
>tfw it will ever happen
i remember over hearing my mom and grandma talking about how they were expecting a girl but out came a boy instead, saying how the ultrasounds were messed up or something.
i even ended up with a girls name in the end, mackenzie. i was gonna be named chris but they stuck with the first one i guess. apparently my name means "wise man" and they always told me that, but thats a load of shit.
its almost like fate.
If I were a 6/10 girl (/soc/ tells me I'm 6/10 as a guy) I'd have been a slut.
I'd have spent high school being a low energy whore and indulging in gossip and lewd activities and being a mindless cumdump. After that I'd get a beta provider and so on.
But if today I woke up and I was a woman and kept all my memories and personality, but everyone recognises that I've always been female, then I'd probably become overwhelmed and spend the rest of my life as a serial masturbator.
There's no good ending OP.
but what is your opinion on traps tho
Last thing i heard she killed herself...
well im gay so eh. its good if you're passable body wise, i don't care too much about face.
be like this guy lmao
do you have such light hair?
kind of. its just weird to see that pick and realize she is exactly like me.
the way she is holding her phone, the way her elbows are tucked in, small figure and small shoulders, her wrists and hands look exactly like mine.
also the fact she probably likes to wear shirts that are too big for her, i do the same exact thing. im wearing one right now.
its uncanny
>Would you like it?
i definitely would. much better than being a guy.
>Imagine yourself as a girl
Now I don't have a dick, lost some IQ points, became weaker and I'm bleeding every month for no reason.
I guess my life is even shittier than before. If you think being a girl would be better, you're fucking retarded.
>play vidya and legos with the boys as a kid
>suddenly chest starts swelling, pussy starts bleeding and makes me feel like shit once a month
>all my boy friends now want to fuck me
No, not at all.
Since I have a small dick, yeah I rather be a women. But ideally I would want to be born as a man with a bigger dick.
Y-yes, I already look pretty feminine and don't really have any masculinity so being a girl would be nice
I don't have to imagine, faceapp surprisingly didn't make a girl version of me look super ugly
No need to be a whore, even if you were a women you could still dress in a relatively conservative manner and not be a thot
I didn't realise AI knew how to make cute girls
It's a pretty egg thing to do, user. Egg meaning someone in denial about being non-binary or trans.
Damn, I've always played female characters as well and not for sexual reasons
Uh... Yeah
A lot
There is no me as a girl, that wouldn't be me. I can't change who I am, just the way I present myself.
i only do this because i don't like the way male models look in most games, either they're too bulky and muscular or they look like huge fags.
at least females are more realistic.
Rationally speaking I'd choose to be born female
>most women hate unattractive, weird, AND submissive guys but men are more likely to forgive poor looks and weird personality, and they usually seek submissive girls
>much more likely to find a partner with the same interests and hobbies
>expected much less to provide money
so on and so forth because women tend to live life on easy mode
Only if I can switch back at will. But otherwise yes I'd love it
>t. AGP