ITT: list things that women has ruined. I'll start:
>this board
ITT: list things that women has ruined. I'll start:
civilization (in general)
the world as a whole
since they gave birth to you, im going to say op
My Workplace and my heart
Based on this writing style I'm going to guess you're a woman and if that's the case this thread would be yet another thing women have ruined.
>1 sentence is enough for user to analyze and conclude im a woman
>a lifetime hasnt been enough to get user laid
I don't really have anything clever to say like did but that doesn't take away from the fact that OP is a fucking faggot.
yeah you're underage, ban this little nigger please.
>Life is all about sex
Typical women all they think about is genitals.
look how fast they showed up
hahahaha fuck roasties go back to your own space
women have literally ruined everything in this world
like pottery
never said that life is all about sex (although it is a large part) i was just making fun of that faggot you nerd
Women only ruin what men are weak willed enough to allow them to ruin
Hey look it's that one "arguing with holes" meme. Anyways, fornication is a sin and you'll burn in hell for eternity so making fun of someone for being a virgin is wicked and evil.
>mfw people actually get triggered from things i am posting
off to a great start
>hate women and think they're inferior
>be obsessed with them and want nothing more than to appease them
>your whole life revolves around them
>the don't spend a second thinking about you and want anything to do with you
>still can't leave them alone, every waking moment they are rent free in your head
the absolute state of you incels, get yourself together, get a life ffs
>feelfags think women ruined this board
>feelfags continuously bloxpost and make repetitive posts about how they want to get laid and hate anyone who isn't an exact copy of themselves
>be victimized by women
>think this is a negative reflection on women and not on the pathetic state of men
>be victimized by women
>get an erection
lmaoing @ the retarded roastie posting le memee faces
idk it's more guys who defend women that are the problem, the ones who come to threads like these and try to argue
I can tell you're definitely either a woman or a child by the memes you're posting.
Since you don't understand the difference, I'll explain the difference between good trolling and being retarded.
If you were actually trolling on purpose, you'd have thought of something elaborate that gets lots of people to fall for the sarcasm and react.
What you're doing is coming to a discussion about what women have ruined, and proceeded to counter someone's deduction about you by making fun of his supposed sexual purity.
Let me tell you something, if you're a woman, and you're not a virgin, you're tainted. You're less of a woman. You've taken the most intimate form of human bonding and made it into a casual activity, and the wrath of god is upon you for it. Not only that, but shaming someone else for not having fornicated encourages them to do so, which means you're quite literally playing the part of satan. You're a wicked person. I hope you come to realize this so you can be saved.
Unironically this. I wish women were banned from mentioning thier gender on this board, much like crystal cafe. I don't have a problem with women themselves, though. I have a problem with the robots who can't stop thinking with their dicks and bumping every FEMBOT HEAR TEEHEE UWU thread to page one. Women are only a problem because a lot of men can't think about anything other than sex and worship stacies 24/7.
Don't say bad things about the poor male victims, they can't help it they're like little babies.
Oh wait with babies you still have to take the candy away by force - men hand it out willingly!
deku baba deku nuts deez nuts haha legend of zelda style
>still replying to me
>quite literally playing the part of satan.
If it pisses off Christboos it makes me happy.
>actually takes her serious
>Oh wait with babies you still have to take the candy away by force - men hand it out willingly!
Exactly. I wish we all could rise above things like this and treat each other with kindness and respect, but that's not going to happen until men stop debasing themselves and until women stop taking advantage of this debasement. I can't really blame them, though.
/u/ ironically enough
this board was never good op
6.5/10 user like to see the effort
>women dont ruin anything
>proceed to ruin this thread
You showed them.
>assuming I'm a girl because you don't like my posts
>thinking this thread was any good to begin with
>REEEEEE women have every right to post here. Let them post about their Facebook problems. Losing 4 Instagram followers is as worse as a lifetime of loneliness. Sure sex is easy and there is a fetish for every kind of women but its still a dilemma being a women.
>implying that OP isnt a butt baby
Have you considered the fact that this board is not for complaining, but for original stuff such as greentext stories that aren't about women not wanting to have sex with you
Fetishes are for brainlets, thats why there are no women who give a shit if you want to sniff their dirty socks and underpants nigger
>Electronic music
>TV/Netflix shows
>Video game streaming
>Some video games
But hey, NAWALT
>mfw a faggot larping as a woman ruined this thread
>my face when user thought this thread had any chance of being good, let alone started out good enough to be considered "ruined"
fuck off retard, defend women on reddit
I'm not defending women at all. I just hate feelfags who don't realize they're the problem, the ones "ruining" the board, etc
Please elaborate
>Yas queen slay, #strong ##single independent. The struggle is real for women, no man can understand. Sure i can mail bags if piss to guys for thousands of dollars but im so lonely (sad emoji) I go to the club and black out at parties but i really do have social anxiety. This board has no topic so i'll spam facebook trash which i consider good content for r9k. Im a queen, how dare you incels try to fuck me. You dont know what suffering is.
Guess i was wrong
That very post proves you're one of the ones who falsely think you aren't part of the problem, and you shouldn't post here
Guess it took 1 sentence for you to break down. It seems you actually have no argument at all and you're just trolling for the lulz
>get outwitted by a snake
>condemn the entire world and allow people to die
dumbass mods ruined this board. 2 years ago there'd always be a thread with fembots posting nudes like good girls.
Yep, I "broke down." Totally. If you really don't know what's wrong with that post, you need to leave this board forever.
I'm going to work, bye
Yes, shift the blame, never take responsibility for anything
what a gay thread. Just a bunch if faggies faggin up the place for the sake of faggin. I mean arguing about what women have ruined? well let me tell you guys. Ever hesrd of a little couple called Adam and Eve? Yeah, thats as fsr as im goinf with that but i mean its pretty obvious the extent of female desttuction is limitless. One last thumg guys i literally just took a big NASTY shit. I mean this thing was a real fuckin stinker. An absolute putrid mess of human waste that im will not soon forget. It was large too, boy was it big. Anyways im gonna play video games now. Boys rule woman drool.
How is my fault? I'm not the larping as a girl unlike 50% of the posts here. At least back then people knew they were larpers and got ignored unless it posted nudes with timestanp
>look im also a robot like yiu user, but yiu need to understand. Sure a girl can possibly walk down a street and get piped down before she makes it to the corner, but its more complicated than that. Imagine being at a buffet and not know what to eat. Thats as bad as a starving homeless man in my eyes dont you agree? Now one day when you mature you can have the privilege of dating these goddesses. She may not be able to cook, clean, or hold a conversation, but she is great. Do you understand now user?
Yes i think i do "user"
>leave the board forever
>came here a week ago
ok buddy
soinigger or woman confirmed
your writing style reveals you're a woman because his mother is a singular entity but you said they which can only mean you have a small zigzaggy female brain.