Tfw you like a guy but he is too aspie to get hints like leaning into him, trying to touch him randomly...

>tfw you like a guy but he is too aspie to get hints like leaning into him, trying to touch him randomly, and laughing at his jokes

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Just lean in real close to him some time, and whisper in his ear, "I want you to fuck me, nigga."

It doesn't really work like that for girls

>that feel when a chick likes you but I don't have the time or money to play with her right now.

Hes just a shy sissyboi go up to him and suck his dick maybe he will cum in your boioucci too

>no girls laugh at my jokes
>no girls lean into me
>no girls try to touch me
man, some aspies have all the luck

Just try having some fun dates and fucks with her

Leaning in his direction or leaning on him?

Leaning on him

He doesn't like you ugly whore. Imagine if a guy did the same thing to a girl her be accused of rape and have his life ruined

Then you should just straight up tell him. He knows and is just too pussy to do anything

>cute guy gets coffee in the evening
>ask "are you open new years eve?"
>say "ya definitely!"
>says thanks and walks out
>realize he meant the store
>see him dry humping the wall on new years eve

Flirt with chad in front of him so that he would get jealous and try to hit on you

If you seriously expect guys to pick up on hints, youre stupid. Just tell him out right. Dont expect him to make the first move, seeing as women have made asking a girl out a criminal offense

And you are too aspie to just tell him that you like him. You're made for each other.

Post the rest of that pic op

worst idea desu he would think that youre not into him and want chad cock

That's too bad, OP.

I love it when girls do that to me.

Maybe he just doesn't like you back lol

>he would think that youre not into him and want chad cock
Yeah, and then he would want to cuck chad and hit on op

he's getting the hints, but he tries to ignore them, because he's shy. He might be depressed, because of his shyness, the girl flirting with a chad would make him more depressed and feel pathetic

>and then he would want to cuck chad and hit on op

wrong. aspies are non-confrontational. Once he saw her hitting on chad he would simply accept defeat and move on.

Fuck you OP, my best friend just blurted right out one time when i was sleeping over if i wanted my dick sucked. Why cant you be as direct?
And keep in mind this is before id ever done anything sexual with him.

>my dick sucked

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He probably has a lot of insecurities (physical and social) that are overriding his immediate will of getting a gf.
Trust me.

If you really are into him then tell him straight, that is if you think he can change his ways. Some people are unsalvageable.

hey he asked me, but the point is if OP would be direct he/she would avoid this stuff.

Ask him out retard

so did you nut up in your bro that night or what?

can confirm

I'm not autistic I'm asexual, you idiot.

Was too nervous honestly, I just let him blow me.
Later though I did, but not that same night.

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>tfw don't reciprocate feelings with girls who throw hints my way unless they actual say it clearly to me
About time we men rise up.

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Do you want your dick sucked?
Nothing sexual or gay
I just like the taste of cock

And ofcouse, no homo, i just like the feeling of having it sucked, nothing gay either.

>tfw you like a guy
This has never happened to anyone ever

nice man, I wish I had a bro who wanted to do some pipe cleaning with me (no homo)

Female laughter is legit the most disgusting sound I've ever heard.

No, that person has probably been belittled by women for years. He probably thinks that you're not serious and are just doing it for lols. Not to mention the threat of false rape accusations and creep labels if he misinterprets one of a woman's signals.

Hello again, faggot. Come to get more yous, or are you tired of your imaginary boyfriend?

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Sorry "fembot" this is unirronicaly me. Not even joking. Got invited to a girls house before and she rested her head on my shoulder and put her feet on my lap and guess what? My ass literally sat there for 3 hours doing nothing but watching tv and then I said " its late imma go home "

She never really spoke with me again after that...