50 years from now, how are we going to look back at 2019?
50 years from now, how are we going to look back at 2019?
Chick in the blue has the right titties for the job.
>remember when we defunded education for decades and like 90% of the country drank leaded tap water?
fondly. Considering things are going to get much, much worse.
dude public school is shit and will always be shit and not for lack of funding get over it
We won't because we'll be killed once women take over everything and confine Chads to breeding chambers and everybody else to the death camps.
Gonna view past technology as simple. I think it will leap forward.
>make public education worse every year
>complain that it gets worse every year as an excuse to make it worse next year
Relublicucks game for decades.
If Congress is a Netflix original we're going to realize by season 3 there isn't a plot.
>d-democrat vs r-rebuplicun
fuck off mouth breather
Education doesn't work. Public, private, or home. If your parents give half a shit and your IQ is above room temperature you're golden. If that isn't the case you're fucked.
why are they all ugly and fat?
Because we diversified the school system, Thomas Sowell has written a few good books on it. Charter schools do well, as soon as you start accepting lower standards the standards drop. It's the main problem with the current political parties, people wanna sound good not do good.
Double that pair, my man
You don't need a football stadium, swimming pool, and other high budget items in order to learn.
It's so amazing because they are female and various shades of brown. What a progressive era in which we live. We truly have reached peak humanity
I don't think any of look fat and none of them are hideous desu.
>50 years from now
We'll all have surely died off to the terrible mid 21st century crises, very few humans if any are going to survive for the next 50 years and they're all going to be rich and hyper intelligent.
This universe as we know it now will not exist in 50 years. The beginnings of a new creation will be there.
I feel like I am going to throw up thinking about this.
Everything is for nothing.
The anti-cosmic gods will devour everything, wiping the slate clean.
It is going to get so much worse so fucking quickly before it all ends though. It will be insane. And it already is.
Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer, for God stays silent until the day of wrath, when the dark rises, and the light falls onto the dark in merciless retribution and vengeance.
Not that any one of you would know about it anyway. You are all too busy thi king about being virgins.
>You are all too busy being depressed because you lack a basic human necessity of healthy interpersonal relationships
First, those programs are self-funded usually; and second, the education some kids get on a football field is better for them than the education they get inside the school.
A human necessity, maybe. But humanity is going to all die very soon. Don't hurt yourself unnecessarily, just be aware and watchful.
I probably should go throw up now.
Problem? This is great, of course racist fuckers will complain about us finally getting representation
Women don't exist to please you, you ugly bloated cunt
you triggered that theyre all dumpy and ugly?
> us finally getting representation
We let a nigger be president and he was completly useless. The congress is fucked at the moment because a bunch of shitskins got in there somehow
Women to me are only good for physical pleasure and cooking. I've never been intellectually stimulated by a woman. Every single one I have met has been illogical and emotional. They're fucking fragile loving creatures. Can't hold a deep conversation with them, but they'll hold me while I cry.
>remember that 70 year era where a single ethno religious group which comprised only 1% of the population had complete domination of our media, economy, government, and culture
>yea what the fuck were we thinking? kek
>the education some kids get on a football field is better for them than the education they get inside the school
This is your mind on America
l mean the public education system is trash and at least in football theyre moving their fat asses lol
obama was straight up destructive. bush turned away the patriot act like 3 times and he's supposed to be the idiot?
>why pypo dont get no educashun enem we care about dope ass stadiums
This is your mind on America also
At least I'm not a virgin with no friends (like you)
Orgies now
50 years from now there will be no record of history. The apocalyptic fires will burn away everything. We're marching straight towards nuclear holocaust.
God help us all.
Unless you were serious. Do you actually believe affirmative action elects qualified people to uphold the Constitution? Oh holy shit you're serious oh fuck never reproduce
>women hating virgin basement dwellers hate that some women have political power
Squinting. Nukes are fuckin bright
lol they have no power
>implying we'll have 50 more years
Not at this rate.
>ugly obese mulatto womxn
Average American citizen lmao
>At least I'm not a virgin with no friends (like you)
>posting here
Sure thing pal
>remember when white men existed
Nuclear holocaust is a fucking joke, the world is ending but it's not going to be nukes. A nuclear apocalypse would be a blessing comparatively.
i dont get it
the world IS SHIT and disfuntional and its leader by man
maybe if we put woman everything would be alright
nigger are you serious
women in charge would make everything worse