About to start another semester at a huge party school in the south and I've got more than my fair share of stories of how shitty women are, AMA
Roastie stories
i bet that girl has a triple digit body count
fucking fratboys make me seethe
>t. geed incel faggot
what's wrong with them? most of them aren't even that good looking
>whats wrong with them?
America is truly horrible nation
who are those girls
I come to this board to get away from people like you fuck off
cope faggot
but its not that much better on the other side
Back in college my chad friend gave 4 roasties gonorrhoea, shit was hilarious and taught them all a lesson about been a THOT
based. happened the other way around to one of my fraternity brothers
>in a fraternity
How did you even find this place?
What's up with woman wearing surplus military cloths these days, I've been noticing more and more womans wearing this type of clothing where I live
Just a fad. One does it and suddenly they all are
Makes sense, i remember seeing a girl wearing camo jacket with actual rank insignias. Weird taste in clothing for woman I think
What's so appealing about "the other side"? Decadence never seemed too enticing to me and I doubt you can find anyone worthwhile in such place. Are you supposed to just enjoy being around other self-proclaimed "alphas", who decide to stifle their morality with shit-grade alkohol?
Inb4 hurr durr, muh diGiNiTY
>What's so appealing about "the other side"?
Not all that much. Sex is fun no doubt, but it controls people. They totally change
>come to the incel board to get away from incels
it's not even actual milsurp but shit you can buy at bershka or h&m or whenever roasties shop
Not a incel board moron.
ahh, the neo-Jow Forums user
newfag detected, lurk moar, there are incels here but this isn't their board
well? out with it? give us a teaser....
Do orgies happen in colleges? I want to know if I am missing out.