Which body type does your GF have, Jow Forums?
Which body type does your GF have, Jow Forums?
M (((originalloly)))
My favoritr bodytype would be unknown brcause shed be 6 feet under
She's probably closest to i
Either a B or an F
John cena's
What does the "original" meme mean? Am newfag.
got any pics of her? F is best.
my ex looks exactly like c
I miss her...
That's gross. But why?
>Jow Forums
>having girlfriends
The real question is, if a wizard gave you the choice to turn into any of the women in OP's pic via magick, which one would you choose?
>Jow Forums
>asksing about gf
only virgins go to heaven
H is best body type
>that havemind
god dammit I hate this place
> On Jow Forums
Haha good one
Probably F, and I couldn't be happier
At first I thought L has a massive uncut erect peenor.
When you type a short message it says that it's not original so people put in stuff like origigigigig or original or something to make it longer
pls user post pics of your fatass gf
are you a khv? yes or no, newfag.
My Eugenia Cooney tulpa has the idea body type
G and I are top tier
C, the small tit big ass thigh combo
She is an I. I could see L too tho
> Mix between A & H
I love my girl, she has small tits and huge thighs. She is perfect
B with C's chest and the height of H.
Also, why do they all have glasses?
Same Here user
Oregon Comment
Bottom row is best row.
>Bottom Row
Thigh Gang?
It means you should kill yourself fucking newfag GET THE FUCK OF MY BOARD
H is the best
followed by C
thicc thighs, soft tum to nap on, boobs to nuzzle into, best hugs in general
but probably the fact she's a fucking amazing person in general mostly
> on Jow Forums
> doesn't know the all-seeing all-knowing robot
Nah, I'm only luke warm on H. The rest are gold, though.
I guess that would be C
She smol.
Temperamental, but tiny.
Thighs are my favorite things ever
Thanks user.
how long ago did you start browsing Jow Forums
Yes, of course.
Just a month I think
F. Why do you ask OP?
You'll learn our unspoken rules soon enough
E... I hate myself
Shhh don't, E really is the best one
this thread prooves that r9k is no more, just n9k
she was closer to B before Christmas, but now she's an F
I'm a little disappointed but she lost 5lbs recently so here's to hoping!
H, but with thinner hips and the skin tone of A.
Imagine dating E and cooking for her and helping her become F.
Why does this appeal to so few women?
I know a tranner that looks like E, should I?
Fuck, was she eating a whole ham every day? That's an impressive rate of weight gain but medically inappropriate.
Hahahaha that's a good one
I wonder how this image makes women feel that literally all of these besides H are an hourglass figure when it's actually rare.
There was a short (like 5'0" or shorter), pudgy girl who kind of looked like F with longer hair in one of my college classes. She had a really pretty, angelic-looking face. She kind of flirted with me but also hinted that she had a boyfriend which sent my dick into a state of confusion. If I hadn't been so autistic and beta, I could have cucked her boyfriend.
small tits, big ass gf plx
Why are you dating a cow?
You lucky bastard. Is she tall? Is she taller than you?
The only gf I ever had started out as an H and began to develop into a C or an E. She was cute and tiny when I started dating her, but she got increasingly tall and lanky (and mean when she realized I was just a manlet the whole time and she was out of my league).
You started dating as kids?
How tall are you and how tall did she get?
Apart from her becoming mean, what's it like to be outgrown by a gf like that?
Before she left me it was K
We started dating when she was 14 and I was 17 (almost 18). I didn't make my move quick enough and turned 18 before I could have sex with her which means I never lost my virginity. The most we ever did was kiss and cuddle and she sat on my lap a few times.
Over a span of about 2 1/2 years, she grew to be about my height (5'8") whereas I never got any taller. She may have gotten taller after we broke up, but I'm not sure.
>Apart from her becoming mean, what's it like to be outgrown by a gf like that? Kind of humiliating. She also went to be a better college and has hundreds of friends and acquaintances while I have zero.
Asian gf. So closest is E
My favorite bodytype would probably be E. I like tall skinny girls with small breasts and a tight ass. I don't know why.
Your Asian is 6' tall or just shapeless?
She's thin and lanky. 5'7 so taller than most Asians which are 5'0-5'3
One is B
The other 2 are H
Tier 1: C, D, E and G are my top tier.
Tier 2: A and K are not bad but I don't like them
Tier 3: H is a womanlet
Nah Tier: I, J and L's cowtits make them grotesque-looking
Yikes and gadzooks tier: B and F are outright disgustingly fat.
B with the height of h I like f as well
Kind of E, but not super tall. 172cm
>tranny shit
Shut the fuck up holy jesus stop pushing this shit everywhere?
Any lurking fembots want an E GF?
Depends, do you also want an E GF?
Very very close to A in terms of colour and proportions
Preferably H or K but E is fine.
Where do I get one of these gfs?
L is the thinking man's choice. K, I, G, and B are also acceptable choices.
Orig Orig Originalli
J > A > B = I
too lazy to rank the rest
J is mine, ori
None of those really, my gf is a smol sticc.
They are reserved for Tyrone
Any femanons have a body type not depicted? If so, please reply describing what you look like (and/or share a pic).
Try the middle school.
My ex was kind of like E, except slightly more athletic. She was an inch taller than me so I got to be the little spoon when we cuddled. I think it may have also been because she didn't want to hotdog my boner.
My (imaginary) gf is like D, except more cheerful.
>Mommy Tier: B, C, I
>Big Sister Tier: A, G, E
>Girl Next Door Tier: D, K, J
>Imouto Tier: H, L
>Cellulite Tier: F
>tfw no anxious little H to protect and reassure
Can I have one without glasses? jfc
They're little from a set called "Big Glasses Girls".
I'll take L for the corset and hair rolls. I can deal with the glasses but they are not preferred. Thanks for listening.
My ex-gf was between C and E. Her face and style was closer to E except she had the haircut of C.
E but with Ls body god am I a lucky man
>Yikes and gadzooks tier: B and F are outright disgustingly fat.
Yikes, we have a homosexual here.
Also how come you don't like I? She has the same body type as G
H, L, C, D, K in that order
G but with H demeanor
>Tier 3: H is a womanlet
Do not bully H
Fucking hell user, you are a man of taste. I wish you luck.
>tfw blend of e and c
No wonder the boys don't talk to me
>Yikes, we have a homosexual here.
>he bought the thicc meme
>Also how come you don't like I
G has way better body proportions. I's tits are too big for her frame and her torso is too short.
You're tall and Asian?
You are literally the ideal woman.