How the fuck is Jow Forums pro life?
I though you all wanted to die and kill other people?
How the fuck is Jow Forums pro life?
It's just Jow Forums and other normietards seeping in. True robots wish they were aborted.
It's the conservative view and Jow Forums is full of conservative Christian redditors from r/thedonald
because abortion enables roasties to fuck around with no consequences and ruin society
Robots aren't underage retards like you. Abortion is murder, and murder is a sin.
Go back to normieville please.
>Unironically using the word normie, instead of normalfag
Jow Forums really isn't the same anymore.
Personally, I don't really cae about abortion. I just don't want the money to come from my taxes. If Stacy wants to kill her fetus so she can whore around more, then that's ok, since it doesn't affect me. Just don't kill that fetus with my cash. Also, abortion keeps the population low, especially among lower class people that can't afford to raise their children. This results in a lower crime rate, from what I've heard. I could be wrong, though, so if someone wants to correct me I'm more than happy to read their points.
it's fetishism. it's always fetishism with pro-lifers, be it a pregnancy fetish or a legitimately sadistic desire to impose suffering on anyone who is not them.
>I just don't want the money to come from my taxes
You don't seem to have a problem paying taxes toward your local schools even though you don't have kids, what makes you think the government gives a shit where you want your pennies to go? They pay for abortions so they can get out of taking your money for 18 years so the kid can shit into diapers, eat junk food and get public education.
You have a point there. I guess abortion is cheaper than schools. Schools are always going to have to exist, though, because children will always exist. Also, I don't see how the government pays for junk food and diapers. Maybe food stamps...?
Don't get me wrong: I love the idea of killing unwanted babies; it's just that the notion of letting women make a decision doesn't sit well with me.
LARPing as a 54 year old conservative mom from Arkansas is en vogue
robots don't know what they want
I'm pro choice, the man should be able to force her to get an abortion
>pro life
>not antinatalist
Fuck that, I wish we could harvest fetuses for stem cells and breakfast meat
I don't give a fuck about antinatalism or any other kind of philosophy or ideology, I just want to make life harder for fucking roasts.
Probably because women are half the reason we want to die, so making them deal with actual consequences for once is a nice change of pace.
>kid can shit into diapers,
Kids always do this. You did too, user.
But they push it on to the guys they fuck over and whore around on.
>[r9k] is one person