Waifu General - /waifu/ #25

waiting for good translations of your waifu's content edition

Post your waifu, ask questions, discuss each other's waifus, and anything else interesting.

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I Iove Leah so much!

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we hit image limit already?

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Threadly husband posting as always.

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Well that was a quick thread
New thread, new Mio

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You can look for daki designs on that site? Seems interesting.
I pretty much think the same as , but I did get a little anxious when I saw some of the movie's leaks.
>I envy people whose waifu's media get new content
It's fairly surprising that she was even included in the movie considering she's not a main character. I guess that the animators listened to my prayers though.

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good afternoon, have a shego

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Mandatory Lizpost incoming.

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I will never stop loving Alice.

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suicidal afternoon posting

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Man I forget how quickly threads move sometimes. Not a bad thing of course.

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>suicidal afternoon posting
Anything in particular getting you down today? I'm sorry to hear you're not doing well

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I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone!

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Another thread, another post about how much I love her.

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eh, nothing in particular. Just feeling a bit down, maybe a bit of an over exaggeration on my part

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She's so perfect to me, /waifu/. I love her.

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sleep well GLaDOSposter

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Thank you. I'Il try

Shegoposter, I was curious what you think about the upcoming Kim Possible movie.

Hey shegoposter. I just wanted to let you know that shego was my first waifu ever,
even before I had internet access,, but the drakken shipping shit brought me out of it eventually

it looks like a straight to tv movie, which it is. They got shego wrong and ive seen cosplayers do a better job then they did she isnt even that nice pale green! kim looks fine I guess but overall im not interested

I think they were just friends as she makes it very clear she found him unattractive, they only made it seem that way for the movies because it appealed to the audience.

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wishing everyone a comfy evening/afternoon; goodnight.

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Hello everyone!
These are the comfiest threads on this board nowadays.

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Questione time:

>if your waifu suddenly became real, but her appearance is changed to fully realistic, would you still love her

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>if your waifu suddenly became real, but her appearance is changed to fully realistic, would you still love her
Absolutely, no question about it
>Black haired beauty with the personality of Mio

Sign me up please

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If she is introduced to me and I know it's her, I would definitely love her.

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Hi... it is comfy... honk honk...

>if your waifu suddenly became real, but her appearance is changed to fully realistic, would you still love her.
Of course I would. Her appearance caught my interest but what I really feel in love with was her character.

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Good night, user.
>if your waifu suddenly became real, but her appearance is changed to fully realistic, would you still love her
Absolutely, beyond the shadow of a doubt. She's already 3d so I don't think there would be a lot of changes anyway.

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Saika is such a qt
Great taste user

>if your waifu suddenly became real, but her appearance is changed to fully realistic, would you still love her
Indubitably! Besides, the in-game models are realistic enough to still look close to the original when transferred to reality. It's extremely easy for me to imagine how she would look like if she were real.

I'll be joining you soon enough, friends. I wish we all have sweet dreams of our favourite gals tonight.

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I don't know how she'd look if she was realistic but yes, I still would

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That's just a typical afternoon to me.
>if your waifu suddenly became real, but her appearance is changed to fully realistic, would you still love her
In 3D, she'd be the most beautiful that 3D can possibly be, so yes even if it would be a downgrade. Not that I care since I could finally be with her. Then again, I don't know if I'd want to condemn her to this awful existence. I hate this world with every fiber of my being, and I don't know if I'd be able to weigh my potential happiness with her against making her live in an inferior dimension that's beneath her.

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Oh ok, I was just checking in. Us waifufags need to look out for one another

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Obviously. Natural pink hair would be a hard thing to explain to people though. I'd be worried about her all the time if she were real because her oddities and tendency to find trouble might lead to bad things happening that I'd be powerless to prevent.

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Thanks for looking out for us user

Of course. Alice looks pretty realistic though. I think the only two unrealistic things about her are her a bit too big eyes and anorexic yet pretty healthy looking body. Other than that I think she wouldn't have problems existing in our world.

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He really is, thanks user

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I wish I looked as good as he does. My second wish in life, after my waifu being real is wishing id been born a short qt femboy that got mistaken for a girl constantly

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Of course I would.
As long as it's still her then I'd love her all the same. Only difference now is that I can actually hug her now.

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Bumping with Meri making faces.

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It's a real shame that there are so very few androgynous people let alone androgynous boys.

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He's got a really big fat elephant cock

You think that detracts from his perfection?

heres a mio making a face and laughing at herself

personally, i prefer tiny cute ones over meaty ones but hey its up to you

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I'm not too concerned with how he'd be sized. Either option is perfect. As long as he'd be submissive and the bottom, it's all good.

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When did you first encounter Mio?

a little over a year ago
December 20th was our anniversary

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Depending on how you look in real life you can become a femboy.

>if your waifu suddenly became real, but her appearance is changed to fully realistic, would you still love her?
The blue hair might be a little off putting and her outfit is just a little ridiculous by modern standards but I'd love her none the less. We might have to go clothes shopping so she doesn't stick out so much but for her its worth it. Although thinking about it, she is fond of male clothing so I'm sure I could just give her some of mine. I imagined her being pretty tall anyways.
My wife managed to convince people she was a man for several months. Does that count. By the way, cute husband there no homo.
Reisen poster, how do you feel about her design in LoLK? I like her old design better and that's coming from a guy that likes Newhu better than Oldhu.

Question for everyone else
>What is your favorite color
>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
>Your waifu has to marry someone else's. Who do they marry? (It can be gay even if the character isn't. Just make it someone that your waifu would at least enjoy spending time with.)

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Tomboys & andro girls are just as dreamy as Andro boys & femboys so it definitely counts.

>What is your favorite color
>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
I don't know. Probably not. She is perfect and I'm just a poster from Jow Forums. But I have changed for her. I will become the best version of myself for her.
>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
I think she would like her job being related to art or psychology.
>Your waifu has to marry someone else's. Who do they marry?
I don't know really. Whoever she would love I guess.

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>What is your favorite color
>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
Probably not. My lifestyle is too boring, unproductive, and unambitious for her. And I have no life goals.
>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
Assuming she isn't an heiress over here, she'd be a tea sommelier.
>Your waifu has to marry someone else's. Who do they marry? (It can be gay even if the character isn't. Just make it someone that your waifu would at least enjoy spending time with.)
Ragna the Bloodedge. It's who she canonically loves, so she would be happy and he would treat her right.

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>What is your favorite color
Red, a darker shade of it specifically.
>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
She would like what I put in to my love for her, but she would also want me to put that effort into other things. I feel that she would help me with this.
>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
I feel that her most important job would be to find where I am and be with me, not just because she loves me, but also because I know her and also know about this world.

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>I feel that her most important job would be to find where I am and be with me
being this deluded

>What is your favorite color
I have favourite colours. Red, cyan, magenta, violet, black, grey and yellow. There's maybe a few I'm forgetting right now.

>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
I'm sure she would want me to improve. My life goals involving making a lot of money so maybe she would, depending on her outlook in having large quantities of money. If I were rich I'd spoil her so badly, almost as much as her parents do.

>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
Maybe an archery instructor or a nature guide. I can also see her joining the military.

>Your waifu has to marry someone else's. Who do they marry? (It can be gay even if the character isn't. Just make it someone that your waifu would at least enjoy spending time with.)
Why would I want her to marry anyone other than myself?

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>What is your favorite color
Teal (because of her eyes)
>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
I honestly doubt it, but yeah she'd try to change me
>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
Maybe something revolving around politics, she was the liaison for one of the villages
>Your waifu has to marry someone else's. Who do they marry?
Her canon partner i guess

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Meant to post is last couple of threads but my reply got its text deleted so i just got angry and closed the thread
I don't really have a favorite color but I guess black. I doubt anyone approves of my life but me. I can't say that I'm happy living the way I do however every decision that led me here was mine regardles of how insane and abnormal it was. Most people would have suppressed their beliefs and ideas to fit in better or cause less damage to their reputation but every time I had that choice I did what I believed in instead of what others believed I should do. Even today bending my will to others' expectations disgusts me. At judgement day I'll make an account for what I have done candidly because I will not shy away from any action I committed under the guise of "everyone else thought it was the right thing to do" but yet still I have made errors, though my conviction was sure. Despite that I have no regrets, and I believe that regrets stem from not having 100% conviction in every important decision and trust in God's providence.
Yes I'd still love her, I like seeing her slightly flawed and unique in art so seeing her real would make her well. . . real. It's hard to describe

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I have a feeling that a realistic Yordle would look a lot like the realistic fluffy Pokemon from Detective Pikachu.
>What is your favorite color
Red and purple.
>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
Doubtful; although she might find my goal of writing books as interesting or something similar.
>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
Probably something blue collar since she's super strong.
waifu has to marry someone else's. Who do they marry? (It can be gay even if the character isn't. Just make it someone that your waifu would at least enjoy spending time with.)
I don't think she would marry someone until she found the hero

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>what is your favorite color
Orange or green
>would your husbando approve of your life?
As a neet most certainly not.
>would they approve of your life goals?
I lack those so absolutely not probably.
>what is their job while here
Student or probably an athlete.
>your husbando has to marry someone else's
I actually have no idea, whoever the most masculine is most likely.

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That's what love is.

Hey friendo... feeling quite lonely as usual... probably should have spoke up sooner

>won't even acknowledge the possibility that she might do something else with her life instead of sucking him off 24/7

Hey amigo. I assume most people here feel lonely that can't indulge in escapism. Did guitar go well?

Nods... it went alright at least... and you are right...

It hurts to be a monster... I just want to care... to be human...and yet all I have learned is I could never grasp the concept of love...

That's good to hear at least. You care about caring. I mean if you care about caring you are capable of caring I guess. Just have to get medication or something probably.

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Perhaps... I just wish I could be better... I wish I wasn't so autistic to fail to grasp the concept of love... I'm in a place of it... why can't I understand...

I don't see a point in worry about emotion user. Just fake it. Real life love doesn't exist anyways you could eventually make an ideal partner in your head but I'd honestly focus more on just becoming content with your situation.

...I can't fake things... it goes against who I am... and I don't know how to improve my situation...

You'll have to learn how if you don't believe yourself capable of actual change. Or it'll be dependent on the medication.

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...how does one learn how? I

>What is your favorite color
>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
She would probably be disgusted and feel sorry for me but i think shed want to help me change my lifestyle. Shed like the few life goals i have and would think theyre sweet and show the side of me that she would love.
>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
Well, shed be in college so that she could get a job
>Your waifu has to marry someone else's. Who do they marry? (It can be gay even if the character isn't. Just make it someone that your waifu would at least enjoy spending time with.)
Probably mercy. Theyre both sweet, caring, and mature.

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I'm not sure, you simply start faking everything and eventually it becomes normal. You just force yourself into it.

I can't fake things... so I guess I am destined to be miserable...

yes well the way I look is not at all femboy tier and it makes me want to die

fav colour is pink

She would want me to help her do evil most likely not sit on my ass and paint 40k models. But I would help her as much as I can

she is a full credentialed teacher so that or just stealing and crime.


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do you honestly get off to self pity? It's kinda pathetic to read your comments

Self defeating will lead to relying on the medication indeed. But hopefully they'll actually respond to you one of these days, I assume you haven't heard back from the doctors yet?

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I am pathetic... I wish I was dead... but then I would hurt my father... now you see my problem...

He posts that garbage here in the waifu thread too because you guys are so nice and let him get away with it
t. lurker

Well we try to be nice
And i dont mind it too much usually
At most ill ignore it

i know, its annoying. Stop indulging him. If he was actually serious he'd seek help instead of having random people online act as his therapist

personally i dont indulge him but im not going to complain if other people do

At least you can filter him out by his ellipses.

bumping with my beautiful waifu Mio

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Where did you come across these threads? Just asking.

By fully realistic you mean like a cosplay or totally humab features? I guess she'd be the same but without her horns and black hair since she's japanese, no big deal

>What is your favorite color
Either cyan which is my wife's hair, or purple
>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
She'd probably be glad about how much I love her, besides that I don't really know. I try to be a honest person most of the time, since that's the kind of people we value the most.
>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
Something related to cooking, either that or just a housewife
>Your waifu has to marry someone else's. Who do they marry? (It can be gay even if the character isn't. Just make it someone that your waifu would at least enjoy spending time with.)
It'd be either the FGO protagonist since she's canonically in love with him even if it's just a one sided crush, or the gay monk of her legend that she was in live with even if she doesn't seem to care about him anymore and she accepts that he doesn't care about her either.

What do you think about Shikamaru temariposter? He's one of my favorite characters in Naruto

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>What do you think about Shikamaru
He triggers my insecurities, like alot. I tend to avoid anything related to him as i have no other way to cope

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Why do you write like my mom and use so many ellipses?

would you want your waifu to give you a good beating?

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Is he the one from oregairu?

Definitely not. Your waifu should love you and be loved by you.

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No, i don't have a femdom fetish

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As much as i would love to be beat by a woman in very many situations, i would not want Mio to beat me. Femdom is a fetish and my waifu is not for the use of my own sexual pleasure, only mutual love and compassion. I dont imagine Mio being willing to try very many fetishes for my own pleasure, including femdom, so i would not find it attractive to put her through such a thing.

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why was I made so wrong? I can give a long long list of things I hate about myself and only one thing I like. Why plant such a goal in my head when clearly I was made to be the opposite. im tall, wide and built to put on muscle and all I want is to be a cute short
femboy or a straight up girl. Why would I be made to be the opposite of what I want to be? Its like being stuck inside the wrong husk and its awful....

implying that one cant be loveingly beaten and cared for after

you are missing out

as much as I love shego I still know that she would have needs that I must attended to. She seems like she would be very rough to play with.

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>you are missing out
to each their own, you're obviously into the sissy/femboy stuff so it makes sense you'd have a submissive fetish
i'm pretty vanilla, i don't think i have any fetishes

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>What is your favorite color

>Would your waifu/husbando approve of your life? Would he/she approve of your life goals
i don't like to think about my own life very often.

>Your waifu/husbando got transported to our world. What is his/her job while here?
he was a professor and a psychologist before. given a fresh start, i can imagine he would be happy to take up teaching again.

>Your waifu has to marry someone else's. Who do they marry?
this is a horrible question. please go to jail

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>i'm pretty vanilla, i don't think i have any fetishes
im so sorry that your life is like this
you really really really dont know what youre missing out on
Fetishes make sexual acts 300x better

why would i care about sexual acts? Not like i'm going to be pursuing 3D any time soon

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Yep he's the one.
Not particularly. Not much of a masochist.

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I mean masturbation too
Masturbating to fetish porn is much better than masturbating to vanilla porn