Reasons why these types of guys are never incel and never struggle with women?

Reasons why these types of guys are never incel and never struggle with women?

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They're functioning members of society and have normal mindsets and are otherwise average proles in every way. Also, every one of them seems to be married to some average chick and have tons of kids.

Because they have realistic standards. Most of these guys have very pedestrian looking wives/GFS, women who r9k virgins would balk at.

not really, a lot of them are drunks or drug addicts and they usually don't have a stable family/home life. but they do make good money and like OP said they're never incel, i think its just a result of having to do a lot of physical labor and getting tough physically and mentally

which is funny because r9k incels don't deserve the kinds of women they want at all

They often settle for used up whore cunts who divorce them and get fat.

Low IQ, Low inhib

I'm a mason and a incel, so your claim is retarded.

I am one of those guys and I'm a 29 y/o KV

>go to all-male private academy at age 14
>join military infantry at 18
>spend most of my enlistment sequestered from female contact while living in shitholes like pic related
>leave military 23 year old virgin
>since leaving military I've worked exclusively male occupations in isolated locations such as oilrigs and commercial fishing
>Now a 29 y/o KV who hasn't interacted socially with girls/women since 8th grade.

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Manual labor = strength op. Even though these guys generally treat their bodies like shit recreationally, they're pretty bullet proof.

I worked construction before I transitioned and virtually every guy had a wife and in the majority of cases they were pretty attractive looking. Yeah some guys had fat or frumpy wives but it seemed like they loved each other dearly and had good lives.

That's unironically why i asked the question cuz this line of work seems extremely male dominated and i am wondering how a guy who spends his career on this meets women in the first place. I thought most normies meet their wives at work or something related to work.

This x100

Working class knuckledraggers are the most low inhib people you will find. They simply don't have the IQ or cultural background to even think about anything outside of work, beer, football and sex.

The men are usually of good genetic stock, (physically speaking) and went through school being able to bully others and exert their will via their highly extravert and low inhib behaviours. This lead to positive experiences with the opposite sex (slags) at an early age. Hence, they carried no fears into adult life.

Not having the brains or inclination to pursue higher goals, they found themselves in menial work at the age of 16 and under the wing of older, more experienced knuckledraggers. This camaraderie helped to further toughen them up and accept hard, manual labour as simply a way of life that they are content with.

Why so bitter? I've worked manual labour jobs, most of them are decent people who respect hard work and a good sense of humour above anything else. You're right that they tend not to be especially intelligent and don't care a great deal about others opinions, but is that a reason to hate them?

do your coworkers know you're a KV? in my experience these types are the most merciless towards adult virgins.

I work in and around construction as an inspector and I cant approach or converse with women for shit. Course I'm an engineering type so that may be part of it.

>Reasons why these types of guys are never incel and never struggle with women?
gona need some source material on that claim

>working class knuckledraggers
>le I'm enlightened meme

What do you do for a living? Nerds and ivory tower "intellectuals" think plumbers are stupid until their shower breaks.

>ITT some cuck that dropped out of uni and works some shit desk job while convincing himself he's above the people who do all the work in society

You and anyone that actually thinks this unironically; kill yourself if this is how you actually feel

>he's above the people who do all the work in society
one of the most dumb fucking things I have ever read, hand yourself you low iq tard.

Just marry a stripper like every other grunt.

i kinda hate that i was sent to a school that pushed uni really hard
it was never a good fit for me and they never even considered trades or stuff
i'd quite like to have done something practical but i feel like its too late now im 25, i cant exactly get an apprenticeship ;_:

>low inhibitored people
>at the age of 16 and under the wing of older, more experienced ... This camaraderie helped
That part is right but everything else you said was wrong.
They are just better socialized. And they have friends and a job. They can chat up someone easy at a party or gathering becuase they have lots and lots of conversation pratice, both direct and by watching others talk.
Btw they still struggle with women, just not as much as a robot

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>Reasons why these types of guys are never incel and never struggle with women?

lol wut? working class men definitely struggle to get women. The only reason they're not incel is because they don't mind fucking cheap hookers.

i am one of them and im a incel who struggles with women
t. pipefitter

I work construction and I'm a 24yo khv. Funny thing is some of the more vocal guys think I'm some pussy slayer who goes clubbing every weekend and bangs girls because I'm not really that ugly or anything, just not really social.
Though I'm thinking they are about to know the truth soon. One of the guys had a girl friend who was looking for a fuck buddy and the guy asked if I was interested and I just panicked and said no.

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lmao did an electrician fuck your onetis, incel?

this is true. if you ever hang around working class people you'll see that men outnumber women and the women never stick around and are passed around by everyone

What the hell, faggot? Hit that shit. You have no excuse.

Among many other reasons, I have found that there is a confidence that you can only get by making things, especially physical things, it feels like you have achieved something. It's even better if you can see actual improvement in your craft. I think this helps them gain more self-confidence than an office drone for example, which in turns gives them that extra push to be more daring with women.

Plus, trades people banter, you absolutely need the confidence to assert yourself and give as much as you take or else you will be eaten alive on a construction site. This will help you when you talk to women and instantly able make them laugh with witty one-liners and comebacks. Plus, physical strength you gain from manual labour make people feel good about themselves, even if they also have a fat beer gut, which in turn leads to self-confidence and being able to stand tall.

I have barely talked to a girl in my life. I have no idea what to do. Also the chance went by already.

the working class internet defense force is here. they are by far the most vile, critical, small minded, and tribalistic group of normies. the depth of their imagination is sports, cars, and getting into credit card debt, and they cannot prepare for or perceive the consequences of anything more than one week into the future. the only good ones are skilled tradesmen and shipping workers who tend to be more worldly.

Everything about having a job (especially such a male dominated one) is about money. The arrangement between employer/employee and employee/employee is strictly business.

It doesn't matter if you're and incel. You can still use a theodolite, operate a backhoe, drive a truck, etc. You're a fool for assuming shit about guys who have a blue collar job.

I didn't have time for strippers. I served during the busiest period of operational tempo(2007-12) for the military when we were heavily involved in both Iraq and Afghanistan still, and the specific unit I was assigned to was the most deployed grunt battalion in the USMC during those years. We were constantly training or deployed, never had a chance to catch our breath. When I joined I was hopeful that I would get the opportunity to bang some exotic whores at some point during my enlistment but I never got sent anywhere cool and it never happened. I spent almost all of my time in deserts and mudhuts miles away from any female.

I did make the mistake of letting it slip that I was a virgin when i was working a job up in Alaska (25 y/o at the time). Everyone's tone towards me immediately changed and I became the butt of all the jokes. Some guys who i had gotten along well with were suddenly downright hateful towards me. I was not invited back for the following season. I haven't made that mistake since. I've learned to bullshit my way around those questions now.

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Ya a lot of construction guys I work with have attractive wives. A lot of girls like the macho man shit that comes with construction workers.

Pic always related

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yeah that's true for a lot of them. but they're still the kings of banter and are more pleasant to be around than you.

Not true. You're just saying this because you're mediocre office job is the only hope you're clinging to to impress a woman with but in reality it's not impressive and you're still a spergy nerd.

Women like strong men who do physical work, and have steady pay

They usually aren't incel but tons of them have problems with women. Tons of blue collars are divorced or have shitty marriages or are currently single with shit past relationships that never went anywhere. Blue collars are low-tier normalfags and incels are wannabe normalfags. Sex/marriage are horribly overrated.

*IS horribly overrated.

They are doing actual hard work which increases testosterone levels which makes you attractive to women

most working class men share a small pack of sluts in their social circles it seems

same shit applies to college students and white collar careers lol. sluts are gonna be sluts

I can't say that's accurate in my experience.

Lower iq helps you get women in high school.

because you're only thinking of people in skilled trades and not the bulk of construction workers and truckers and low level tradesmen that outnumber them all.

My post didnt defend working class plebs, just explained.
>is strictly business
>r if youre and (six) incel. You can still use a theodolite, operate a backhoe, drive a truck, etc.
>Youre a fool for assuming shit about guys who have a blue collar job.
You just dont understand the transformative power of a daily job. The enivioment will change you, being around out going men will change you, even if you never talk you will hear jokes and stories you can copy.
And even beyond that work has a uplifting force, there is a reason protestants valued work ethic as part of spiritual practice. Like it or not, in many ways you are your job. (Relax, In many ways you are not your job)
Btw most office workers dont have trouble with women either, it is only neets and the office workers who are programmers that do.

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Yeah, this goes along with low inhibition. They fall in with druggy or bitchy women easily and fast, end up in shouting matches on the apartment lawn. Where high inhibition would be put off by all the warning signs.

builders, plumbers and electricians make more money than the average "high iq' office drone, pus they're never out of work, always have the option of starting their own contracting company and the job keeps them physically in good keep.
even though their interests aren't super deep, they're not pretentious as their energy is infectious.

Because they dont spend most of their life in front of a screen surfing on weird anime forums. They are out, spending time with friends, family, coworkers living a normal and happy life.

This. Also I find the
>not smart
Thing to be sort of a sterotype.
There are some dumb as rocks ones, but there are many that are pretty quick and can discuss things too

What the fuck, I'm blue collar:
-Carpenter, reinforcing ironworker, and I do dirt grades.

I'm literally an incel. Fuck you OP you nigger. Never has a post triggered me this hard.

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dumb people can discuss things

>not at work in the afternoon

>it is simultaneously afternoon everywhere on the planet

that's how dumb you sound

Heavy compound lifts are what increase testosterone, the hardest working grocery store employee isn't getting the same benefits.

The hardest working grocery store employee are the ones unloading the trucks, and there are plenty of compound lifts to be had there.

I got layed off 2 weeks ago. Civil work is done. Temporary neet now.

Rates of childlessness and inceldom is highest among working class men

>At the risk of generalising, it can be said they are more likely to be fans of spectator sports like football and might prefer to remain single to retain control over leisure time. Some working class men choose not to have children. Others are simply not found sufficiently attractive by women.

My sister works in tech, and wants a mate who's handy around the house as far as someone who can do the things she can't (lift heavy things, mount a picture, fix shit, etc.). All the guys she meets, though, end up being drug addicts, have fucked past marriages, illegitimate children, etc.
Otherwise cool dudes. Her past bfs helped me mount a bookshelf, fix my car, among other things lol

You're just lazy. Half of these guys were drunks or druggies throughout their 20s.

Fair enough. How did you know I was in skilled trades?

>Work construction
>Start at 6:30
>End at 2:30 unless I want those sweet overtime dollars.


>might prefer to remain single
lol. They're always afraid to say that these men were forced to be single.
>they must have chosen to be that way

There is a high rate of drug/alcohol abuse in construction/trades. Like 5 times that of the rest of society. However, that still work aves plenty that don't abuse these substances.

And I've also heard the "it's manly/I like having someone who is handy and can make my house pretty" a lot.

I do construction and I'm a 27 to KV

>while convincing himself he's above the people who do all the work in society

The middle class intellectual needs to do this to justify their place in society since looking at themselves from any pragmatical point of view will immediately reveal their redundancy.

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The middle class is the most important part of society and the fact that it's shrinking is terrifying and probably means the end of ideas of equality.

this. I work construction maybe maybe 1 out of 5 has a good family home

I actually cringed at this post thanks Jow Forums. It just absolutely drips of some lonely nerd spewing opinions on things he has zero experience with.

If you pulled your head out of your ass and worked hard at a job like that they would like you and maybe you would be stable and normal which is what girls like believe it or not and why am I even explaining this to you. Please tell me more about women or work or camaraderie or anything else you are too terrified to experience fuck

"The middle class intellectual" isn't the same thing though. Most construction workers in the first world certainly fall into middle class as well. Haven't really looked into the stats of wealth distribution but I'm sure in some countries it's an accurate claim. Why is it that the middle class is shrinking tho, are the robots taking our jobs?

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do you guys respect anyone at all?

>Reasons why these types of guys are never incel and never struggle with women?

But user, I am like that.

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No, least of all ourselves.

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The middle class intellectual as a good life choice is all a big lie. Sure it can work sometimes. There are certainly scammy/chaddy middle class who sometimes do really well. But as OP suggests it's the trades people who get girls.

I believe the reason is simple - time. You can add to that energy and stress, but it all comes back to time you have to yourself. When you're a trades person, that's your professional life taken care of. There's no paranoia about your career path. There's no stress on making everyone happy. There's no searching up jobs listings all hours of the night. There's no working all hours overtime and so on. If you have the misfortune of taking something like CS, your work is basically never ending. It's a never ending rat race. Maybe trades people is a rat race as well, but they're never going to be left on a curb without options, they're never going to be a slave to an employer.

Trades people do shit all in school, all that time is spent figuring out social life. They don't go to college so they don't have this pseudo pretend "society" built up - they face the real world right away.

The upper class are also after catching on - they are going for the easy degrees and jobs in things like art or social science or psychology. You won't catch them working all hours over coffee trying to get some stupid technical thing working. It's the people that think - you have to be smart to be a middle class intellectual therefore these jobs must be in high demand and pay well that are the real chumps. If they are smart, then they're wasting their potential that could get into a trades job where they could end up running their own company or something.

They do, but the mindset these dudes tend to have is very much roll with the punches. It's "keep trying until one lands".

Generally, seems like a decent line of reasoning, user. Have a you for typing all that.

They are not introverted neurotics that spend their time becoming more autistic through anime and vidya.

Hahahaha you've never worked a day in your life boy.

Ah man, I know a dude like that. Did fuck all in school, all he did was underage drink, smoke and look cool. Dud no study and gave zero fucks. He approached girls left right and center and pulled all round. I was a bit jealous and told myself I'd get the chicks in college. While I was busy with my stem degree and completely broke. He was training to be an electrician and getting a few Bob for his troubles. He would go on the last every Thursday night and pull college bitches. He gave zero fucks because he would never have a fear of bumping into them on campus. He was off with the trade lads telling them how he was fingering a blonde thot at the bar last night. The crual ironey is he probably gets paid more then me today. He works as a mantainence tech in a pharma plant. Gets shift bonus, overtime and all the benefits. While I'm getting fuck all in a lab because the work force is flooded with my kind. And I listen to the women in the lab talk about how handsome the maintenance guys look in their snickers.

This is 100% accurate.

I went to the top high school in my state, got kicked out for being a lazy fuck and ended up going to my local shitty high school full of blue collar types (my hs' statistics showed half of the students after graduating never went to college). 100% accurate description of them, dunno why so many posters here are seething since its a fairly positive description. I wish I was them instead of being the cuck beta male who got bullied

how hard is it to get into construction ? I've been considering it but I'm worried that I'll fuck it up because I'm fat and a brainlet


43143Relatable. I'm a 22 y/o trucker who never dated or scored. I don't look like a trucker either. I'm tall and skinny.

incredibly easy. you'll learn what to do on the job if you don't know shit. enjoy not being fat(but probably still retarded but slightly less) if you get a job in it.

Your occupation does not directly affect your social skills, but you could make the case that people who work construction are less likely to be socially inept and thus more likely to get women.

It's not that hard to get into, just show up everyday on time not drunk or high. I know plenty of people trying to hire helpers but most people cant seem to not be able to do that

>I did make the mistake of letting it slip that I was a virgin when i was working a job up in Alaska (25 y/o at the time). Everyone's tone towards me immediately changed and I became the butt of all the jokes. Some guys who i had gotten along well with were suddenly downright hateful towards me. I was not invited back for the following season. I haven't made that mistake since. I've learned to bullshit my way around those questions now.
jesus. I do similar kinds of bs, whether having spent a lot of time as a NEET or never socializing. This may be a bit different, but once I was going for therapy and I disclosed that a many years ago I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, not for violence or anything like that or considered a danger, and I didn't think the diagnosis was correct, but holy shit you should have seen the immediate change in demeanour, asking if I was on meds now and you could see he was visibly trying to get rid of me from then on. Like holy shit you're supposed to be an understanding person, I never did anything. I guess the moral is, don't ever ever tell people certain things or they will judge you into the ground. It's pretty sad when you think about it.

>show up everyday on time
welp this is going to be hard. i can manage to be on time the first week or two, but after that i start to get too comfortable and i wake up later and later thinking it doesn't really matter if i'm 10-15 minutes late. this has been a problem all my life, i can't fix it.

I work in the construction industry and I've never had so much as a fucking friend. Stop generalizing you bellend.

Every day I hope I die in an industrial accident.

wow really? what is your age?

getting sucked up by one of those paper machine rollers would be an interesting way to go

I don't want anything like that, I don't want it to be too traumatising for anybody else there, or leave a mangled corpse for my family to deal with, or result in more safety regulations to piss people off.

I just want something quick that doesn't leave a mess.

fuck what a relatable feel. I have almost the exact same story except for the end, because it hasn't happened yet, but I know it's going to

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Hahahaha oh man, I know know that after 1.5 years of college I am never continuing to uni, you're just setting yourself up for wage-cuckery and not realizing you choose the wrong path, academics are a fucking meme.

>Reasons why these types of guys are never incel and never struggle with wmn?

m8 you're an embarrassment to white collar workers.
Yet again you're probably a neet 19 year old who thinks being retarded is the height of wit.

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>They simply don't have the IQ or cultural background to even think about anything outside of work, beer, football and sex.
this is pretty much a proven fact, only thing i cant argue with

They can fix or make shit. Women can save thousands of dollars per life time if they fuck an electrician or plumber.