My sister just told me she was raped last week.
... I have never felt this kind of rage before in my 23 years of life.
My sister just told me she was raped last week.
... I have never felt this kind of rage before in my 23 years of life.
Finally this board made me laugh
The fuck's so funny?
Revenge rape them
Post pics, originalllply of course
Did she know the guys? If so, I don't think I need to tell you what to do
You could always kill the guy but I bet you won't do anything. Just get mad and be useless.
Please give us a greentext of how she got raped, it will make for a good laugh.
OP just sits in his room has, the nogs conquer his sister's womb.
Get the bat/glock/knife, and do what you gotta' do. Dw about prison, once people find out your reason you'll have a relatively easy time.
Alternatively, pay a hitman.
Let me guess, Europe? if so you deserve it. if not i'm sorry for you user.
I would murder someone if they raped my sister/daughter/mother. I can't imagine even hesitating to find them.
She's 16. She and her friend went to a college campus in search of 'mature' older guys. She changed her mind once they arrived, but a guy at one of the dorms they visited wouldn't have any of it. Apparently he was around my age.
A roastie having sex and then later regretting it is not rape anons.
Does she know who did it?
If she does, get a few mates and go beat him up, until he is fucked for life or at least for a few years.
If you don't have friends, get a baseball bat and hit the fucker in the head.
Just do it while he is going home from a party or from work or some shit. Make sure you map out where there are cameras & such in your head.
Use a mask and disposable clothes, preferably something you can burn rather quickly after use.
That's what I would do if someone touched my sister desu.
If she doesn't know, get her to some therapy and get it talked out... It must be traumatic as hell for her...
As for you user, if you can't beat the fucker up, use the anger for something productive.. use it to go to a gym or to start fighting or something.
Hope you figure this shit out, and please post if you know who it is or not
Murder the perpetrator brutally and you'll get to be a taxpayer-funded neet for the rest of your life.
Don't listen to any of these anons. you will be in jail for life.
your sister should go to the police but i don't know if they can do anything since its so like a week ago and can be hard to find DNA
Report him to the school. They'll kick him out regardless of whether he goes to prison. Should dick up his life a bit.
Have her contact the Title IX coordinator at the university
That's right user, these thots need to be exterminated.
why dont you white knight some more, girls still find you revolting
This. Go full Golden State Killer
>Find the fucker who did this to her.
make them regret it
Go to the police you stupid cunts.
hahaha stupid whore goes looking for dick, gets dicked and expects us to believe she was raped
This is bullshit please be less autistic people...
Don't give a fuck if some random girl gets raped and killed, but I do care if it's someones sister.
I just said what I would do if someone raped my sister desu.
lmao. what a cuck. this is why you fuck your sister before everyone else.
His little sister is dumb hoe. citation here
following this thread to see if user is going to man up and kill someone soon.
>Rapist not only ruined the life of his sister but also her brothers
Epic advice my fellow brainlet
Ask her which dorm room. it was then. Make her describe him, and ask the school for surveillance camera footage
Just telling you this now, it's a larp you moron.
>raping roasties is funny haha
>oh noes someone actually got raped it's so sad
the absolute state of beta cucks changing their minds to appeal to women
if not larp then your sister knew exactly what she was doing and got a hot and hardest orgasm of her life
honour kill her
they should aresst his slut sister for making false accusations
inb4 victim blaming
Inb4 she didn't ask for it
now you listen here asshole and you listen good, a beautiful woman was just raped, defiled by some PRICK who should be six feet underground, and you have the absolute audacity to act like this is some joke? you are a piece of shit and you're damn ass lucky that this is just the internet because you would not like to see how pissed off I am right now. BELIEVE me.
Please stop posting now
Slow down hot stuff, she just changed her mind at the last second, she wasnt assaulted in the bushes
>Calling your sister beautiful
>kills himself in a very original way
My sister is the sweetest girl in the world. She looks out for people, and she devotes her time to people other than herself. Have some respect you animal.
>She changed her mind
Into the trash this goes.
My mom told me she was raped once. It was pretty surreal.
I guess it's natural to feel angry, but my advice to you would be to do what your sister asks. Don't go off trying to find this guy or scream about her pressing charges. People not respecting her boundaries was the core problem here, she doesn't need you wrestling this from her. Just be kind.
I'm not OP, believe it or not I'm just a human being who understands right from wrong
lol she wasn't raped probably banged some chad who then didn't text her back the next day
quit being so bluepilled you sound like a faggot
you realize it's literally and legally impossible for a 16 year old to consent, right?
I bet her tight little pussy and ass felt real good.
I bet the guy who did it is right now laughing with his friends about the tight little holes he tore up.
still a dumb foid
No most places the age of consent is 16
a 16 year old is not nearly psychologically mature enough to understand sex.
How did she tell you the news? Was she crying?
Only in muttland where people are 10x dumber than normal humans
>my sister purposely went to a college looking to get dicked down
>then tried to back out when she got exactly what she wanted
That's just your opinion. An 18 year old girl is equally as dumb
The rapist deserves to have his life ruined, your hoe of a sister got what she wished for
she probably enjoyed it and came for the first time in her life, be happy for her
Greentext so i can cum faggot
>I flirted with hot chad and willing went up to his dorm room, enjoyed the touching and got horny, teehee I even felt his dick. Things progressed and somehow penis in vagina happened, I dont know how. Felt scared and weird. Femshit friends told me this was rape.
Fuck off.
Unless he dragged her to his dorm and held her down this is an insult to my friends who were real raped by a pack of men while jogging on the beach
What colour was his skin?
It was brown wasn't it.
Rape isn't a offence punished by death user don't be a retard, also false accusations exist and all too often a innocent guy gets lynched
Can we get a nice greentext user ?
I second this
oregano, motherfucker
Im sorry for what happened, I know what you want to do, Id want the same if it happened to my sister.
But you should know the way women can be, and dont make an exception for your sister. Investigate the claim, dont kill a man just because your sister changed her mind.
hey niggers, check this out!!
>... I have never felt this kind of rage before in my 23 years of life.
*posts cute anime girl* whatever nigger
>"She and her friend went to a college campus in search of 'mature' older guys. She changed her mind once they arrived"
Case dismissed boys
god I wish that were me... (the woman)
No one actually finds rape funny. It's just edgey tweens trying to provoke some tard to respond. See: Keep lurking and you'll figure out how things work, newfag.
>doing literally nothing with her arms to stop it
even jav has better acting
His life already sucks if he's on Jow Forums. He has nothing to lose by committing an honor killing. If anything, it's likely the best ending he can hope for.
just get a job not much difference
Me too that dude looks like a nice daddy
are you sure that isn't just something you made up because of that Gridman episode where the exact same thing happened minus the rape? I mean considering how your OP image is from the same anime. it kinda sounds like you were getting horny while watching Gridman so decided to tell some pity story on Jow Forums based on a sick fantasy of yours. but maybe that's just my imagination.
she was too traumatized to do anything duuudee likeeee fear was literally paralyzing her dudde.. poor thing :(
you can't change your mind after you already committed the deed
fucking roasties are stupid
Literally no one was raped.
OP go for it and kill the "rapist". You'll spend the majority of your life in prison over a pride battle, lmao.
>16yo are literally not sentience
>muh laws and shiiieet
Made you look rene
she is a CHILD, user. she is probably traumatized for life.
real women are even worse at resisting "rape"
women are biologically fully grown adults at age 16
You don't know what a child is, come back after educating yourself.
OP said the guy is around his age (23), his sister is 16, and lives in Florida.
Florida's age of consent is 18, but has close in age exemptions.
>Close in age exemptions exist, allowing minors aged 16 or 17 to engage in sexual intercourse with a partner no older than age 23.
So if the guy is actually 23, it's not rape purely because she can't consent.
Although that doesn't really matter considering the way he explained it is rape regardless.
16 is the age of convent you stupid Fuck
>t. amerimutt who got raped by a nigger
Retardo McHardo Dick For Rapes thinks you cant understand sex when 16, its not like theres been this law all over the world for decades. Brainlet.
AHA now i understand everything
> OP got rejected by his little sister
> went apeshit when she cucked him with Chad
> after 6 months of brainwashing she finally starts to believe his version that she was raped
OP is thte man i strive to be, not the alpha but epsilon beta
Of course you blame it on kids, nice argument buddy, Im sure youre real proud
>that picture
who is this testicle tamer?
illya desu
Is Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya fate stay night for pedos?
Ah, this guy gets it
Moralfaggot who believes women just because they said so.
Was she actually raped, or did she withdraw her consent after having perfectly consensual sex with a man?
>fat bitch with boyfriend who has a video game avatar
>U go gurl
And people say the NPC meme is unfair to normies...
>She's 16. She and her friend went to a college campus in search of 'mature' older guys.
Her own fault. Dumb bitch
What happened? She get drunk and cheat on her boyfriend?
i lol'd at this. great post, friend
even a four year old can consent. she might not know what she is consenting to but she can still do it
First post, best post. End of the question