Don't act like this isn't 90% of you cucks

Don't act like this isn't 90% of you cucks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Generalize much?

>Asian girls

Sorry this isn't anime obsessed reddit.

>asian girls
In to the trash it goes.

I want a latina or black gf. I want to go to japan to visit but I'd never want to live there. If I were to ever go to Japan, I'd just do nerd shit, weird Japanese cultural shit and try to find pussy. Asian girls aren't exotic to me. I grew up with Southeast Asians and a few Chinese and Japanese, so I know they're normal people, even the recent immigrants. I prefer thiccness over petite. But petite is cool sometimes, as long as there's a substantial amount of meat on the ass.

I used to be BIG into asian girls, but it sort of went away over time. Right now my ideal girl is hispanic.

Nah I want a black girl, Japan is just extremely xenophobic as well

im currently dating a tall but skinny black chick.

honestly it's pretty sweet. their skin feels slightly different (less soft), and they smell slightly different. once you get used to those two things its mostly a visual thing.

also its the first chick i ever dated that also liked hiphop which is nice

>honestly it's pretty sweet. their skin feels slightly different (less soft), and they smell slightly different.
I've noticed the opposite. They have the best skin cause all the lotions and moisturizers they use. I like the smell of coco butter so that's a plus

Black people do have thicker skin I believe so maybe that's what he's talking about

I used to live and study in china (only for a year but still), and I'll admit back in Scandinavia I used to buy in to the meme, but after having literally thousands of girls (pic related, from a dating app) who wanted to go out with you, it kind of loses its charm...
>inb4 shitty china memes

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I want to marry a k-pop idol (male)

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>They have the best skin cause all the lotions and moisturizers they use

they use so much lotion because their skins are naturally more dry than white peoples' skin.

my gf is smooth as fuck, but if she's gone a few days her skin becomes a lot less soft and if she scratches an itch it becomes "ashy".

It's not because our skin is more dry, it's because dry skin is visible on us. White people can walk around ashy as fuck all day but you can't see it. Scratch your skin and look close, I bet there's a little white streak there.

Fucking hell that looks exactly like me in my teenage years when I tried glasses. I have a picture which I'm not going to post but fuuuck it's literally me in Ops pic. And I do agree with all the statements

they're just another flavor of my primary fetish

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yeah i know white people get ashy too. but like you said, it's not visible so we don't use cocoa butter and stuff for it.

you fellas do seem to have slightly coarser skin though.

>they use so much lotion because their skins are naturally more dry than white peoples' skin.
That's actually not true. Black skin retains more moisture as an adaptation to living in dry lands. They use lotion cause you can see when their skin starts to dry out

how do i get black gf

yeah, you're right. i was conflating skin texture and this with dryer skin.

Race mixing is awful. Watch at around 3:00 to 6:00 or more if ya want:

Shut up faggot I don't care I'm not even white you stupid fuck

oh fuck off cunt, take a long walk off a short pier

I'm white I plan on marrying either a black or asian girl to do my part to getting rid of whiteoids

No you cuck, i'm going to japan to become a porn actor since i have a massive cock and a face as ugly as a horse.

well if this isnt the most retarded shit ive read all night.

>this triggers the Jow Forumstard
stay mad fag

im the dude thats dating a black chick. i dont care about race mixing bullshit. i put my dick where i want.

I honestly know two men like this. It's kind of funny and they're both in Japan and are English teachers.
Both only had a Japanese "girlfriend" for a short time.

Ok, carry on then. Why so touchy?

That's not an argument.

It works for some of them, my cousin did JET came back three years later with a japanese wife, they just recently moved back to japan and are having their first kid soon, I'm too dumb to get a degree to do it myself but it's not like it's impossible that a weeb could go over there and achieve it

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I don't understand why robots shill the race issues so hard when their own race don't want them. They're willingly sacrificing their own happiness to preserve white women for future Chad to fuck.

>Why so touchy?
Because no one asked you about your opinions on racemixing

black people do it too. it's not a white thing.

people are fucking stupid.

I want a Finnish gf which I suppose is a type of Asian

i want a british gf which is the same as having a russian gf

Stop shaming men who have preferences you evil wretch.

Thats right, keep your retarded genes away from other whites.

It's probably easy as fuck to become a pornstar in Japan ifyoure not asian and have an average penis size by non Asian standards. You'd mostly be in interracial fetish porn like the white sex tourist or the tribal African role but pussy is pussy and money is money.

Without a coalition of minorities and Jews there'd be no feminism.

stormfront and Jow Forums have somehow convinced your average robot into believing that they're somehow magically going to find a pure traditional white gf like it's still the fucking 1950s and they don't carry the internet in their pocket to ditch you at any moment through any number of services

>black people do it too
No they don't black men are obsessed with chasing white women and black women want to marry white men because they're higher earners and less likely to leave, in reality they normally end up staying with black men because it's harder for them to find a white guy but ask any of them and I guarantee you without exception they'd prefer to mix

>I prefer thiccness over petite. But petite is cool sometimes, as long as there's a substantial amount of meat on the ass.


>ask any of them and I guarantee you without exception they'd prefer to mix

fucking bullshit. black people are just as racist as white people.

when i started dating my black gf, one of the first serious talks was her telling me, "dont worry my family are really progressive and dont care if i dont date black guys"

Jow Forums has polluted your mind.

>Jow Forums has polluted your mind.
Jow Forums has polluted your mind if you unironically think they're against it

>this isn't anime obsessed reddit.
Maybe you should go back there newfag

I like tall girls and tits, so no.

So? 99% of comments replied to never asked for opinions. Lighten up.

famous black people get shit from the black community if they date white people. there is very much a communal sense of "keeping the race pure" amongst the black community, especially in american black culture.

you sound like a plebb

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>second highest thing that increases risk of divorce
>beaten by anxiety disorder
>tfw have anxiety disorder
Even if I somehow make it, it's over.

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Stormfront and Jow Forums are against the Jewish feminists who set up anti-male laws. They're against Silicon Valley kikes who own all those "internet services". They're against pro-single mother laws and thot acceptance that enable these women. They're against the loads of Jews and minorities that support the current political system with votes, intellectual work, or financing.

>No they don't black men are obsessed with chasing white women and black women want to marry white men because they're higher earners and less likely to leave, in reality they normally end up staying with black men because it's harder for them to find a white guy but ask any of them and I guarantee you without exception they'd prefer to mix

Black people hate "colonizers" and Jews are always writing books (Alan Dershowitz) complaining about exogamy to gentiles. Tribalism is an inherent part of human nature.

God Lord, those are some sad tits.

It's not so much about keeping it pure as much as it is about keeping it non white. Black celebrities who end up with latinos or Asians don't get as much backlash as those who are with whites. It's mostly just a history thing.

i wouldve posted bigger but its hard to tell how tall she would be

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how is that different from racism?

FYI i'm not being defensive, i'm genuinely asking this question. it's not a loaded question.

>Stormfront and Jow Forums are against the Jewish feminists who set up anti-male laws
Sure they are bud and hitler wasn't such a bad guy etc

It's not. I never said it was.

It's not really a size issue. I could write a whole book on breast shape. Konomi is much better, though, thanks.

fair enough. cheers for the perspective though, you worded it in a way that made me understand it differently.

Pic related sounds like it's coming from a salty roastie because asian girls > white girls

That's not an argument, guy.

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Jews are the only whites worth keeping around.

Are you trying to say Jow Forums doesn't hate the jews? What the fuck is your point

Definitely not me.
I only occasionally get yellow fever, and like fuck am I ever moving to Asia.
I think Japs are the most tolerable and most attractive Asians but I don't want to learn their insane language, it sounds impossible.

Just a friendly reminder about our Jow Forums neighbors.

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This, blacks are infamous for hating those who betray the community

Any Asian language seems impossible to me. How do you as a westerner even begin to wrap your head around a language that's written completely in symbols?

>2013 pic of small-time Stormfront OP from years earlier

And? There are more Communist, tranny, JIDF, and even a few SJW shills than there are Stormfronters.

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You normies are so retarded. The only people who think this are those retards with 50,000+ posts on random web forums

>There are more Communist, tranny, JIDF, and even a few SJW shills than there are Stormfronters.
The difference is that I can provide proof that swarmfront actively fucks with boards, you can't prove there are communist communities actively spamming cuck and blacked threads. It's a fucking bogeyman you made up and support only with quotes behind things jews say about being gods chosen or whatever the fuck, some being incredibly dubiously sourced at best (One about jews LITERALLY being God to some people sourced from a book about porn addiction from a literally insane Jehovah witness.)

Why do white roasties get so angry and jealous at the preferences of men they claim not to want?

really never got that interested in asian girls. maybe I was just contrarian and went the other way

>conveniently sidesteps the tranny callout

AWALT, always remember it. Even a Japanese study showed that 31% of Japanese women cheat on their partner.

Riceburner weebs make me cringe as much as everyone else, but the only people who really get mad about this issue are white roasties and bitter Asian dudes.

I can't blame socially awkward permavirgin white guys for going to Japan to get laid and get a gf. Why shouldn't they? Because a bunch of people make memes about it? Who gives a fuck.

>you can't prove there are communist communities actively spamming cuck and blacked threads

When the fuck did I say anything about cuck and black threads? You've been spamming your communist, anti-Jow Forums threads for months.

>some being incredibly dubiously sourced at best (One about jews LITERALLY being God to some people sourced from a book about porn addiction from a literally insane Jehovah witness.)

No idea wtf you're even talking about. But you're obviously that communist guy who posts around here (Possibly Jewish). So rather than talk to a bad faith actor I'll just post stuff for the other anons:

Here's an interview where a Jewish researcher goes into the Jewish ethnic lobby:

Here are some good book sources (Straight from the horse's mouth):

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Oh some roastie got triggered by Chad picking an Asian chick over her.

I'm willing to dating any woman who's caucasian, asian, or hispanic, but white skinny girls are my ideal goddesses.

>[insert thing I don't like or find odd]
>meme picture
>upvotes confirmed
wow OP haha so funny and original, cool Twitter meme, thanks for sharing

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Explain your faggot meme picture.
Is the kid supposed to be me? Or is he mad at what I'm saying? Or is he just a faggot hapa?