Would you rather be the boy on the left or the right?

Would you rather be the boy on the left or the right?

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Left for sure, who doesn't to make out with some cutie in a skirt

The left. If I was the one on the right, I'd find another one like the one on the right to fuck.

I'd rather be the girl (male) on the right but be hugged by a girl (female) instead of a boy (male)

i'd rather be the boy that stabs one of them in the femoral artery.

The one to the right, since i dont take well enough care of myself to be the one on the left

Left. The girl (male) on the right looks like >she has a really qt body.

> girl (male) on the right but be hugged by a girl (female) instead of a boy (male)
you are confused my son

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I'm not confused. I want to have soft hairless skin and wear cute feminine clothes and also be with someone else who is soft and feminine. I like vaginas more than penises so a girl (female) wins out over a girl (male) for me.

I'd probably rather be the boy on the right honestly

Left. Give me a petite sissy trap to make love to.

I would rather be neither because I am a straight man who likes women with natural vaginas who don't need to wear knee high socks to cover up their manly legs and bony feet.

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Since I am not a homo, my pick would be neither one.

I want to be the left but for the right to be a dom

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You want to be a straight girl (male) with a lesbian gf (female)?

Yeah. I like girls and I want to be a girl but it doesn't feel right calling myself a lesbian so I don't label myself

>only one
Dont half ass your work

wow my dude take care to not cut yourself on that edge

>two people bringing each other companionship and contentment
Why are you so angry?

I'd rather be the man pounding both their sissy holes

Your not that straight posting in a lewd boi thread senpai, you might as well join us!

right but fapping in front of the mirror because im schizosexual

Strange way of saying stabbing a boipussy with your boiclitty

Go away and you wont have to see any of these comments. There are plenty of sites and boards where you can be gay with the support of people. This is not one of them. Go away

Nope, I'm just as much of a robot as anyone here. I have no friends and never go out anywhere, where else do you suggest where I'll fit in?

Thats not unique to this board. /b/ has plenty of you. /trash/ was literally made for generals that didnt fit on any other board. Go there, you can set up a community for your own there where you full control and dont ever have to deal with a board that hates gays again. Its the win win scenario and the best solution for both of us

Don't want to, Jow Forums has a mostly comfy board culture, why don't you leave?

Jow Forums is a gay board and homophobic comments are against the rules.

You're welcome on /b/ or /trash/ if you want to gay bash with the rest of the retards. It's a win win!

Please stop making these threads, you colossal faggot.

Again, you cannot post on here and not expect to get hated on. This is simply not a gay friendly board. You are just causing yourself and others unecessary trouble. /trash/ was made for the exact purpose of hosting threads like these. Go there and save yourself the hurt feelings and save us having to put up with this shit. There is no point in being this stubborn. Its simply irrational.

the one on the right, though in reality im tall and fat as fuck and i could never be like that.

shut up, faggot

why are homos such lying little bitches? go neck yourself, faggot

It's funny. We're not all sissies in this thread you know? I fuck guys that are twice the man you are. They choke on my cock and thank me for it. You're the bitch here, sweetie.

I can put up with it personally, just always curious the rationale behind hating gays

definitely right :3

definitely left :3

you're a tough guy so your opinion matters? yeah, go neck yourself homo

Looks like its time for you two to fuck

My chad bf is gonna beat the fuck out of you little bitch


please user i need to do, cute trap doms are the best

Right. But that doesnt change anything.

ash wing, he does a lot of josou seme

None because I'm not a homosexual.

I am already the boy on the right, except I'm alone

>I am already the boy on the right, except I'm alone
I can change that op

The right but only if the left is fat.

reading this hurt me on the inside, user.

>tfw I'm like the boy on the right but want to be with a boy like the one on the right too

Fuck off back to /lgbt/

I'd rather be aiming a gun at both of them to be honest family.

Right. P L E A S E. Originally.

I am the one on the right, just without the boy on the left.

Both, i want to fuck myself in a very literal way.

I would make both those sissies swallow my cum

This feel is too powerful.