Post your YouTube channels, music, art, computer programs, writings, or just whatever you've made that you're proud of!
Be sure to give and receive some good constructive criticism while you're here so you can thrive and grow!
/creative robots/
Other urls found in this thread:
It's good to see /creative/ again. I haven't seen it in like 2 weeks.
I'm working on some new music that I'm extremely excited to share. It will also be a first time I'm trying to make a music video. But for now I can share this.
I've seent one everyday. They just die fast because the only thing that gets posted is shitty music.
came back from a 2 month dry spell for music. here is what I came up with by fucking with samples and my voice.
ear rape trigger warning
guess ill shill here too, finally finished the trailer for this autistic osrs series
forgot link lol
No offense taken. Well I haven't been on Jow Forums recently often recently so maybe that's the reason.
I'd post my 5 soundcloud accounts, 2 bandcamp profiles, 3 youtube channels and 6 deviantart pages BUT:
>1. I have crippling anxiety
>2. I hate myself and everything I do
>3. I don't deserve any positive feedback and/or encouragement whatsoever
>4. I do, however, deserve any negative feedback, insults or criticism and anyone who gave these to me probably went easy on me anyway
>5. I am a bother to people and I harm them if I post anything I made
>6. I need to quit
>7. My creative pursuits are pointless
>8. Even if my creative pursuits weren't pointless, I would find a way to fuck something up
>9. There is no escape from this
>10. I have crippling anxiety
If you had enough courage to tell us all this stuff you won't make yourself any more vulnerable by posting your music.
Current work in progress
>tfw no qt to stab you in a shallow river
made a christmas special for my channel.
I had this idea once. Extremely Ultimate Ironman. You get banned if you open the wiki
you probably dont need all of these accounts especially if you are not willing to share your content. maybe you should cut down and focus on less projects. they will probably be better and you would not be as afraid to show your stuff. how bout you show us a lil sample so we can help ya.
brillant work user
bump for more creative brobots
Lots of nice music in here as always, keep up the good work boys.
I have an art account on IG @husninjan if anyone wants to check it out.
merry christmas every thot
stab as in penis?
Working on this atm. It's far from finished but it's shaping up nicely.
bump two for creative brobots
I really dig the aesthetic. Nice work user.
I'm not pirating FL Studio. I don't mind shelling out money. What is the best purchasing point for a complete beginner?
i have a lot of time so i make these images but i dont know why
wtf why would she stab him in the dick?
Just pirate something you retarded nigger. Once you've used two or three DAWs to the point that you can comfortably create a song from scratch on them, decide which is best and maybe then purcharse it. But if you're new just pirate FL or ableton. All the cool kids did it.
That's what people are telling me but I literally have enough money where I don't care about paying at this point.
I was just asking if it was better to pay plugin by plugin or to get the full set I guess.
You just dont know what you're getting yourself into. You're still gonna have to pirate a shitload of plug ins cause the native ones will be nowhere near good enough. Also you will need hardware. An interface, good heaphones, monitors, a microphone, maybe a MIDI keyboard... it's all money better spent.
And it might turn out that you paid for FL but what you truly need is Ableton. Or Reaper idk. Don't waste your money just yet.
Sign up for a college course or get ahold of an .edu address depending on what each company wants and pay student discount for programs.
Some colleges even have student copies or software you can use on the computers in like a lab preinstalled via a college wide license. Ask the techs or email the computer professors.
Im new and im in the middle of producing a new album with much more quality, but i do have my things that i have produced most of them in december if you care to have a listen
(in my bandcamp i only release full albums or unrelated singles but in my soundcloud i post the tracks that im done with as soon as i finish them)
I-im originally sorry user....
Any tips for editing audio?
Just spoken word stuff.
Just producing beats as a hobby. I want to start soundcloud when I start to rap, but for now I need some critiques on this beat
Love the creativity from everyone
adding super short fade in and fade outs on clips helps reduce the differences of volume cutouts in between clips
tu waifu vale pico jajaja
rough draft of an acoustic pop song!
is it pretty? emotional? catchy?
you be the judge. but go easy on me
(lyrics are kinda disposable, i'll change them to something good later)
>garage rock
It's also a case of everyone posts nobody reads (or listens) except nobody posts because few people are actually creative.
hey man, i think i'm creative :
I designed a cutting jig this week for a very specific purpose in making a difficult cut in metal. Not bothering posting it because you guys wouldn't get it.
Ever since I saw pic related threads I've always thought about a story set in this place, but the apartment building is in a small floating island in a sky dimension or something, with arable land the size of a car park the only thing outside of the building - plus invisible barriers so no one can fall off the islands cliff.
Here's the general feeling of the story that I've set my mind on doing:
>story follows a 22 year old khv NEET, constantly fantasizes about starting high school again and doing things differently (hanging out with cooler friends, avoiding RPGs, etc.), believes it to be too late for his life to turn around due to growing apart from his childhood friends
>one day, he and 1199 other people teleport to the outside portion of the floating island and everyone reaches a massive state of panic
>these 1199 other people range from ages 18-40, about 70% of which are males
>after calming down, they notice new items in their pockets - keys to an apartment room and a brochure explaining what has happened to them.
>they're told they'll be living in the apartment on this sky island for 10 years
>the brochure also mentions that there is unlimited heating and electricity, but the raw food supplies located in the underground floor of the apartment building can only last the 1200 citizens about two weeks
>soon MC learns everyone is similar to him in that they also frequent robot/incel forums, concluding that is why its these particular 1200 people
>MC is overwhelmed with joy knowing he can have a fresh start and try and find himself a girlfriend
>inside each apartment is a suitcase with clothing the particular person likes to wear, along with toilet, shower, kitchen, bed, etc
>entertainment is limited to board games such as chess, monopoly, etc.
>friend circles form in the first week, with people swapping rooms to be closer to friends
>many 6/10 and above people act like normies, and soon MC realises as a 4/10 he was never meant to be one of them
Yeah but the few "creative" people just wanna dump their shit here and hope someone pays attention to it, but no one cares about the work of others.
Can't say I enjoy this very much. It's too dissonant for my taste. But I can appreciate the effort
This I like better. Not too dissonant, lyrics are interesting, overall a decent atmospheric piece
Now that's pretty fucking autistic. Reminds me a bit of old youtube. Along with the shit mic. The ironic meme humour isn't my thing though.
I like the blurry, undefined edges look to this. Is it inspired by metal gear? Sure looks like it to me.
Man that audio is low
Really like this one here. Not only because I'm an edgelord but the artstyle also looks pretty appealing
Sounds interesting so far. Drums sound pretty nice in particular. Though I would add something more to it. I dunno maybe a bass line or something to occupy that low end.
Image looks alright, however futile that search may be.
Innocence straight up sounds like visual novel background music to me. Your breakcore stuff is nice too. Can't go wrong with that drum beat. Whatever it's called. Egyptian Horsefuck also sounds like some good video game music. Maybe from an uncharted game or something. I dunno, never played those games but that's what I imagine it could fit in.
Sorry, haven't got much to say about this one. I hate rap so I can't really comment on it in any fair or not overly mean way
Instrumental sounds nice, voice seems to fit the music though it doesnt really stand out to me as anything to ear catching. But that could just be this not being my type of music. Could see other people liking this for sure
I think the verse and chorus are way too similar. Makes the whole thing sound a bit boring to me. Maybe make the chorus a bit more energetic. That solo just before the 3 minute mark was a nice touch though. The singing was also a bit grating since it lasted for the entire duration of the song. I'd also change that up for the chorus
Now follow my example you fags
Here's future events I plan on doing:
>the main character will go through a mental breakdown and fully understand why women are despised so much on incel/robot forums
>farms will be set up outside of the apartment, taken care of by a group of farmer autists resulting in a steady stream of raw supplies
>computers without internet connection, located in every room, is used for people to post in a forum and vote on issues that may arise
>soon enough there are public meetings in the ground floor where debates are held to discuss these issues
>suddenly politics comes into play and voting is done based on the distribution of wom
>a natural 80/20 will form with the women of the apartment going to the only two frat groups located at the top floor
>there will eventually be a riots of sorts as a response to this, the apartments will reach a state looking like the one in pic related after these chads are brutally murdered, however it only results in the women going for the next best options
>over the course of the 10 years time there are dangerous groups that form, primarily of sociopaths and psychopaths, and they naturally worm their way into key groups like the farmer autists
>after fucking around with his new incel friends and doing "stealth missions" which is mostly just sneaking around in the night and placing dumb signs on random apartments, MC eventually decides he wants to form a group of heroes, existing purely to stop any bad things happening to anyone
>it exists mostly to satisfy MC's need for a purpose, but soon he gets tangled up in the politics and tragedy befalls those he is close to
someone please reply
I remember you. You were in that favorites charts thread right?
Very interesting. Is there any kind of symbolism or message in this piece? It looks like one of the to have something like that.
So... How is the search going?
Sounds real pleasant.
My only grow about this is that I feel that it lacks enough bass and percussion. Otherwise it doesn't really sound like a "beat" imo.
You have a very nice voice. The lyrics were okay, and instrumental the sounded great, though the song overall felt a bit generic in my opinion.
If you don't mind me being brutally honest for just a second, your voice kinda sounds like the got from the "I'm a snake" meme. I really don't want to sound harsh when I say this, but I couldn't finish the song without laughing. The instrumentals on the other hand were dope as fuck tho.
Sounds cool, but I think that it would be more fun if the story was a metaphor to a newfag's first day on Jow Forums and/or r9k. If you or anyone else sounds interest I'll post my full idea soon.
Can't do in-depth critiques on all the posts because I'm phone posting from my bed and my computer is in a whole other room. I don't feel like getting up.
Anyway here are my videos. I'm slowly starting to get better at this "YouTube" thing
These are my proudest videos. It'd be appreciated if you could give constructive criticism as well as like subscribe and share
>work way too hard on songs
>they always turn out boring and generic
>everybody unanimously agrees they're at best "ok"
>work extra hard
>doesn't make any difference
>only people who likes my songs are my relatives who are just trying to be nice
i think i'm about ready to fucking give up.
Post link. And music like every creative endeavour just takes practice.
keep going user. learn about pop music structure. keep learning how to produce. it's a long road but you'll start having some successes sooner or later.
You probably sing like shit. Not bad enough that people will laugh at you, but bad enough that your music sounds completely lackluster.
i'm like you can tell i've worked at it. i don't think it's complete shit, it's just not particularly good. and that's the end result of each song i write. they all get the same reaction :(
master one technique a day you fag and make a song every single day. reference tracks to learn structure. you'll fucking make it
sorry user, to autistic
Song I just uploaded actually. Been working on this with one my pals for about a month. There's more on my page if you like, but I don't upload too often.
As I said before this all takes a lot of practice and trial and error. When you make a song don't go in and expect yourself to make a masterpiece, instead just try to learn something and then move on. Posting gay ass anime pictures and giving up hasn't helped anybody
thats why I keep all the music I make strictly online. I would probably shit my pants if someone irl found out the name I produce music under
I'm like this except the opposite
>make more experimental stuff to suit my tastes
>no one cares
>make generic song in ~10 minutes
>link it somewhere, not giving away that it's me
>girl tells me it's her new favourite song
>I say "why, it's shit?"
>"No it's not, user, it's good"
>"I made it I think I'd know..."
And she freaked out that I made it and said it was cool I was creative. I'm still scared shitless of telling most people about the music I make because a lot of it is really personal and I really only like to show strangers.
Was in the final stages of the edit when my computer decided to be a little bitch at the airport. Gonna let it charge overnight, and let y'all see the rest in the morning.
Sadly, it wasn't the breakthrough masterpiece I was hoping for, and I don't think I'm truly happy with it, but I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I'll probably never be happy with my work and I should just keep plugging on because behind a camera is the only place I feel alive.
Here's a pic from the first day of shooting.
thanks for being so encouraging guys. i appreciate it. it's tough because i want to get really really good at songwriting but progress is always so slow. then i look at other people my age (19) and younger who've turned into pop stars. like it just comes so naturally to them. my cousin can just pump out songs like it's nothing.
but i agree with what you're saying. i think you just have to write an absolute dogshit load of music to get anywhere.
ps: fuck off, i like the gay anime pictures
>then i look at other people my age (19) and younger who've turned into pop stars
Well, first off comparing yourself to other people like that is always a bad idea. Why give a shit about what other people have done? You can always find someone that's better than you at something. But why care? Care about your own accomplishments. Furthermore, going in to this with the goal of becoming a popstar is a bad idea right off the bat. Do this because you love it and not for any other reason.
>like it just comes so naturally to them
Well, that might just be because modern day popstars barely do any work and are all manufactured garbage.
Don't worry though, once you mature a bit and actually get out of puberty you'll be thinking differently. Just keep working
Here's a shitty amv I made. It makes me feel like i'm back in 2005(?).
I tried watching some of the videos you posted a while back, thought they had potential but I could never really get into them.
Just now watched the NPC video and subbed. I think there's something here, man. You probably hear "get a better mic" a million times a day, but there's a couple other points that, based on that video, you could work on.
>Editing Speed
This is just a personal gripe, but for the kind of videos you're making your speed should be a little bit snappier. Not fucking breakneck fast, but keep a nice rhythm to it.
I got what you were going for with that whole speech about Trash Can Cleaning and Eating (btw your job sounds like it sucks, sorry about that) but I feel like that impotent rage could have been better suited to maybe less runtime. Maybe do that old gag where you just slowly build up to a violent scream and then cut it off citing "technical difficulties".
I do appreciate you not pandering to Normies though. That REEEEEEE was fucking impeccably placed.
yeah, that's all really true. seriously man, you're helping me out a lot
>wanting to become a popstar
i actually don't. i just want to make stuff i think is good, and other people can enjoy too. but i suppose that's much easier said than done.
here's another gay anime picture.
Thank you user, I was going for a "pretty fucking autistic" vibe
I actually really like this user.
i posted this one a while ago
since that i haven't written anything, mainly because of anxiety and poor sleep cycles
just looking for some feedback on the good parts so i can start again
Why are you putting so much effort into things nobody gives a shit about? If you want views, just leech off some more drama and be like "AHHAHAHAHAAH UR JUST MAD" when nearly everyone tells you that they hate what you're doing.
Just remember, as long as you're laughing, you don't look stupid!
Hadn't made anything for 6 months before this and wanted to make something before the year ended.
My laptop decided to cooperate with me juuuust long enough to get this fucking thing out of the render queue and onto Youtube, and I'm really happy with it despite the areas where I obviously need to improve.
I'm glad I visited this thread and you posted here so I could find your soundcloud.
Thanks. Warning though, I don't know shit about sound design or drum patterns and it shows the further back you listen. There will be screechy saw wave synths with unchanging timbres and lots of general midi with no dynamics.
That's cool, I like hearing how people have progressed, it inspires me in a way. I'm learning too so really any "faults" I find in your old stuff I can just make sure not to repeat in anything I happen to make. It doesn't sound bad at all though. I like it, it's goofy.
I'm trying to write erotic mpreg fiction but I don't know how to properly write a realistic sissy/trap since I self insert as the one who gets him pregnant.
Also make some gay animations on YouTube sometimes
Here's my new album, not 100% mixed and mastered yet, so it sounds kinda meh right now.
Let me know what you guys think.
I really like the talking heads one.
I'm glad you do. I've enjoyed a lot working on it. It's the first thing I've made that I'm happy with in a long time and there's still more work to be done.
Thanks man, sounds corny but I think the drawing can be interpreted differently by whoever views it, so you'll have to find meaning yourself.
As for your videos, I think you have a good narration voice! It gets slightly mumbly at times though. Also, when inserting video clips, you might want to cut out the background music, both to make it more obvious that it's not you talking and so that their voice isn't obscured by it. Generally good editing, just work on the sound mixing and it'll be great! Subbed
just made this new demo today, been
experimenting with sound collages recently.
Here is my channel again:
I haven't been working on much recently due to illness but hoping to upload some new short films eventually.
Your work is awesome. Goatfacekiller has a cool style and the music video one is really well done. I like the colouring.
My Youtube Channel:
Piano covers of goth tunes, heavy metal tracks and a whole bunch of normie tracks as well.
I hate my fucking "music" and it's cringy but making it helps with my anxiety so I guess here u go, shitty music alert
I managed to come up with a trailer for my channel:
Currently working on an extended version.
I've got a couple vids waiting to be released as well.
I'm also planning on subimitting edits to dedicated channels during this year.
im Thanks for the feedback! this is the first time someone says something good about my """""music"""""" im starting to sintetize my own sounds and adding more layers, also using more tools and better all around quality
Should I get a tele or a strat? Is there a significant difference? I tried playing a tele at a guitar store and liked the sound a lot but I may be able to secure a deal for a used MIJ Fernandes strat for cheap instead of a squire tele.
I thought my editing was quite snappy, especially in the beginning. I put diligent effort into making the pictures and memes change to the beat of the music. Which parts were bad exactly?
Also, I did get a better mic, and you can definitely tell in my Spider-Man video and my 2018 video.
>when inserting video clips, you might want to cut out the background music, both to make it more obvious that it's not you talking and so that their voice isn't obscured by it
You must be talking about my MadThad video. Yeah, that's the only big thing I realized was a mistake after I uploaded the video.
Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely practically apply it, and hopefully my videos will get even better quality from doing so!
Also, sorry for the late reply.
I've made this song, epic metal, the singer is a Vocaloid:
2019 may as well be our year.
Painted this guy before work, translates to I feel lonely because I'm a sad fggt.
This is actually kinda sick. Keep making music dude.
I love it... Do you have a DeviantArt account?
I have no accounts unfortunately user, I should probably start one but I'd probably wouldn't be able to handle it well. I usually keep my doodles confined to here and /ic/
13k words so far. Only 1k in 2019, but I was sick for a few days
digital painting is comfy
I like it user, you been reading Scott Robertson's how to draw because your perspective skills are gettin there.
Creative Robots,
I'm putting together a team.
That sounds fuckin lame.
What's so lame about it exactly?
Everyone and their fuckin' mom does le ebic CWC documenteries now. Also y'know, it just sounds lame on its own even without that factor.
I'd be up for a collab but Id rather do something that is a representation of the robot condition. It be far more artistically intriguing, like a short music video maybe lasting a minute.
Ye it sounds lame af. If anything we should make a visual novel.