>it didn't arrive edition
It's my mate's birthday tomorrow so we're doing acid in a caravan in a field in the Lake District, should be good.
You can do it kiwi! Hang on!
contemplating about getting half a g of amph tommorow for some fap marathon and maybe movie or vidya for the first time in about half a year.
I'm bored of doing acid alone, but nobody wants to do acid with me.
"I don't want to lose my mind. What if I never come back?"
People are so fucking dumb.
Helloo opioid nausea!
Hey man, I am scared of acid. Why shouldn't I be?
Physically harmless, mentally pretty safe as long as you don't have schizophrenia or horrible depression (although that second one's not for sure as they're looking into using psychs to cure depression)
I've taken it 3-4 times, I can't remember. Would I know if I had schizophrenia by now? Also I am depressed, maybe that's why my previous trips have been kind of bad. Sometimes they start out really well and then get really bad towards the end
I want to do acid with you user. All my friends acted the same after I told them I want to try acid.
first plat on dxm and 4 hours in
been a while since i have done dxm
now i realize how much i miss listening to music the real way
We need to start a drug feel commune.
What are you going to do now? How well can you function without your Oxy?
How old are you? But if you've taken acid then yeah you'd probably have had a mental breakdown if you were schizo. You could try combining acid with phenibut if you were interested in it again, I've got bad anxiety and that combo always makes trips enjoyable for me.
I would do acid with you user, I've done it 12 times now
You mean like a cult or something? The only way I can imagine a drug commune right now is a bunch of vegans and hippies who are dependant on a guru.
ik that feel OP. ordered some etizolam from some shitty indian company and i think i got scammed. maybe it'll show up at some point but it's gonna be way later than they advertised. such is life. crazy how much easier it was to get good benzos off the clearweb just a year or two ago.
Or maybe a meetup where everyone brings their own stuff. That would be pretty neat. With workshops teaching you different kinds of consuming your substances.
Im 23, first took it when I was 21, last took it a few months back. I noticed I have a lot better of a time if im just going with it, rather than observing the world around me. When I look at stuff deeply I am so confused as to how it is possible that what I am seeing is not real, thus starts the looping of anxiety. Maybe im just mentally weak
not a bad idea to be honest
got acid coming into town in two weeks and me and a buddy want to try candyflipping
any tips? this will be my first time trying acid but i have done MDMA before. he has tried both, but not at the same time
But it would be pretty hard to organize since the legal issues with drugs
tfw on probation for being black so can only do kratom and cbd
Dont candyflip without trying acid, its beyond what sober you can comprehend even at 100uq. That being said i've only ever had bad trips (3/3) and the worst one was off of 150uq only. All 3 taught me a lot. If you have anxiety dont (DONT) do it.
Can't you drink?
ty user I'm fuckin tryin. Kratom helped a little but fuck that's so much to just not feel like death
Well now I'm panicking. I get super skittish and distressed. Here's to hoping i don't fuck work up too bad
Tired of spamming your thread everyday?
I believe on some types of probation your officer can request a breathalyzer or they just ankle monitor you
(- :
easy sat laughs
A meetup would be great.
Some bootlicker from Jow Forums would most definitely lurk the thread, grab the location, and report it to the feds.
What does your bf say to ypur current psychological state? Since he seems cautious about you not getting addicted to H.
Oh well sucks
Never went to Jow Forums but it seems like nobody bjt themselves like them. Why are they trying to be the white knights?
Would love to come but sadly I live in Germany.
Any other robots from Germany here?
To feel better about themselves Jow Forumsfags will reeeee and LARP about killing anyone doing something they deem degenerate
Because they think that "degeneracy" is the ill that plagues our world.
What's it like taking LSD? I've read about experiences but I still don't get it.
Yet a ton of Jow Forums users are loners that watch anime and a lot of them secretly fap to traps.
How do they define degeneracy? Seems like they just take a controversial topic, do their research on it (barely any as far as I am concerned) and circlejerk about their discoveries in thier threads and on reddit
Very loosely defined and they often contradict themselves, but the theme seems to be anything that gives enjoyment, since they like to LARP about being religious crusaders and killing muslims
he's concerned to say the least but I should be living with him shortly so he should be able to make sure I dont die. Not that I particularly want to. He's into benzos but he never seems to get withdrawals or addicted and I'm jealous as fuck
My dumbass dealer forgot to tell me my order arrived cause he was high
Can you actually put dmt up your ass and trip on it?
Stay safe and maybe try benzos too
>tfw no genetically enhanced dmt-cum bf to fuck you up the ass and send you on a breakthrough trip while he holds you in post orgasmic bliss.
Kiwi this oxy comedown sucks I'm dizzy and nauseous and feel a little drunk
pic so fuckin related
just picked it up 90 minutes ago. dosed out my first test of the shit 60 minutes ago.
best dope ive ever had imo.
oh sure ive been clean for a while, but fuck that shit, this is so fucking comfy.
I feel like this is close to the apex of hedonism. But I still havent tried IV yet, so I dont feel as though there are no drug(s) left to look forward to.
I look forward to IV some day, but I dread it too cause I know it will do so much more damage. Its just really nice knowing that I have at least one tiny experience in life to look forward to that I've never felt before.
Anybody else here have a lot of vivid daydreams when high on meth? This is one effect I got from meth that I didn't get from any other stim, not even dexedrine, which is the closest thing to meth in the pharma world. The effect is kinda hard to explain. It's like I would think about something so deeply it would begin to play as a movie in my head.
>best dope ive ever had imo.
> Dope
People use dope to refer to both heroin and meth. Which is it?
You're pretty much describing lucid dreaming
This feels like how people describe lucid dreaming, but I'm awake when it's happening, just really lost in the thoughts. Isn't lucid dreaming when you're asleep but control the dream in your head?
Also here's an article where someone describes getting caught up in daydreams on meth for days at a time. This is pretty similar to the ones I experienced (i.e. I'd imagine myself doing awesome things) but mine never lasted for days at a time, only a few hours.
I only read dreaming. I think it's pretty cool to daydream like this but have you ever experienced something like a nightmare where you died or almost died?
heroin in my case. god tier #4.
I dont live in a meth area. Its kind of funny how regional meth, crack and heroin use are. thats probably the cause of the slang overlap.
I have done both, usualy are bit uneasy on come down and have benzos for that or if needed to calm down during tripping.
Any tips on candyflipping, isnt teeth grinding and energy load too much from mdma?
Different person than asked before.
is poppy seed tea an option in your country?
Fuck I feel like death. Fuck this job I'm tired of all the yelling and shit fuck fuck
I'm too poor rn for benzos, spent everything on oxy Adderall and food for bf
Id have to order that and my oxy would be here by then which is why I tried kratom cos shops here carry it
currently rolling on some molly, hows everybody else doing
Can't your bf give you some so that you don't have to cooe with being sober?
He's states away helping with family stuff, visiting soon but fuck I wish I had something.have a 1/4 of a 40 left which I'm about to use and then there's fucking nothing fuck why the fuck
lol you are insane
get kratom or lope
In the later stages of a meth binge I would often start just flat-out hallucinating and that was never fun. The voices were always hostile, the shadow people were always scary looking and tended to jump out at me, etc. But earlier on when the break from reality was milder, more just a feeling of being lost in your thoughts, it was incredibly euphoric.
where there's dope there's hope.
There was an user here a long time ago which described it as a "hippy fun time", and I agree with that. The best way I can put it is, while you're lucid, it makes you more susceptible to your emotions, both the ups and downs. You can feel the greatest joy in the world one moment, and the next you may feel the weight of the world and deep sorrow, to the point you want to kill yourself.
At "normal" doses it makes me energetic and excited and more apt to have fun. Also really aroused, but my brain has wired itself to where, if anything goes up my nose, I get a hardon now..
At high doses, I usually have dreamlike hallucinations for an hour or two, then become lucid enough that I can't "dive" into them anymore. At that point, I don't have full reality-bending hallucinations anymore, just tracers, waviness, and moodiness.
The dreamlike hallucinations are usually alike shrooms, but not as visually represented; they're mostly "internal hallucinations". They're usually silent, although I can still hear my internal monologue, and they're not as visual in the sense that I can see them with my eyes, but I know and understand the hallucination's plotline, the characters involved, and I can "see" them like I can imagine something right now. I'm never unaware that I'm hallucinating, though.
For normal/heavy doses, when you're lucid, you're usually wired and will have trouble thinking straight for the next 8 hours, and you'll be unable to fall asleep without the assistance of sleep meds or benzos. So, don't take it if you're already sleep deprived. It's an all-day activity.
I don't have the introspection on LSD that I do on shrooms, but that's a different topic. LSD is purely for fun for me because that's all it allows.
Does anyone know a good way to find a proper drop house for buying off the deepweb?
Order to your own house or get a PO box. Having a "drop house" or falsifying shipping info is a one way ticket to seized packages.
Do the experiences with the shadow people keep you away from doing it and have you tried redosing when the voices and shadow people appear?
Walk outside and take down the numbers on your house, then write down the street name/number. Then look up your postal code using that information. You now have a drop house.
not sure if this counts, but I just took about 8g of kratom. Made some tea. People complain about the taste, but I like it. Good with a small drop of honey.
>There was an user here a long time ago which described it as a "hippy fun time", and I agree with that.
I never really got any 'hippy' kind of vibe off LSD, or any other psychedelic for that matter. Shrooms seemed to make things more colorful, that's the closest thing to hippie aesthetics I ever got off psychedelics. In my experience, acid itself was always a mix of stimulation, derealization, introspection, and emotional sensitivity (picked up 'strong vibes' from people). I only ever got hallucinations very intermittently on acid.
Anyone in Denver want to meet up? I am really lonely, I just want someone to hang out do drugs and watch anime with.
Alright then, I'll probably just get a PO box.
I don't do it anymore, because I now live in a city where it's not available. That was the extent I had to go to to get clean. I'm aware of darkwebz but I deliberately avoid learning how to use it for obvious reasons.
So do you still have cravings for meth?
Candyflipping is fucking brilliant but it will be alot for someone whos never done acid, if you do keep the mdma to like 100mg 150 if your feeling courageous and stick with a tab of lucy and you're good
Not him but I smoked meth literally once and now have dreams about doing it again
I only smoke weed and have those cravings already. Not like dreamkng about it but I feel like there is something missing if I don't smoke. That's also why I am hesistant to try amphetamines or opiates and benzos
Yes. It was overall my favorite high ever. With that said, I do think I have somewhat of a tendency to selectively remember it. When I'm being honest with myself, I know that there were tons of times with meth where I would be shitting myself scared, and other times where I'd feel the high wasn't strong enough. But when the high was 'just right,' it was incredible.
Also, if you're the same person who posted I just realized that I missed the second half of your question... The answer is that re-dosing would make the shadow people worse. They come when either you've taken too much or been awake too long or both.
Maybe the shadow people wanted to tell you to stop?
Yeah I've never been up until the two day mark, never saw any shadow people or anything
>I never really got any 'hippy' kind of vibe off LSD, or any other psychedelic for that matter
It's the happiness, moodiness, and energetic nature of it that makes me describe it like that. Our experiences seem mostly the same, so I guess we just have different definitions of "hippy"
I got a hippy kind of feeling on acid too. Flowing energy, sense of one-ness, feeling of a pure state of being, opening of the mind to every kind of thought, and feeling nice just to sit a while and look at all the pretty things. that felt like a hippy fun time to me.
It was nice, I miss it a lot.
>Microdose turn out to be a fucking heroic dose
Is acid dangerous for low IQ people, seriously my friend is what we may call a retard and prob has a two digit IQ but I'd love to share some tabs with him.
>I never really got any 'hippy' kind of vibe off LSD, or any other psychedelic for that matter.
LSD made me a bit of a hippy desu. Grew my hair, got into spiritual shit. Really changed my whole outlook on life.
The auditory hallucinations often told me shit like they'd kill me if I ever used meth again.
Yeah they come after several days into it, although there were definitely times where I'd be getting into a pretty weird headspace on day 2
Look up Terence Mckenna talking about psychedelics and stupid people. His theory is that psychedelics are "consciousness expanding drugs" and people with low IQ or lack of insight just get confused. I can say that in my observations, my dumb friends talk about bad trips/confusing experiences more. So, it's not dangerous but it's not helpful.
nah nah
Alright, thank you guys. I don't wan't to turn the poor lad into a vegetable.
Maybe your consciousness telling you to stop or do you not believe in that?
>tfw even weed gives me anxiety attacks
literally too stupid to take drugs
>this is all I had
I'll be lucky if I even feel better desu
developing anxiety attacks from weed is one of my worst fears. it's the only drug I still enjoy, I don't want to lose it.
High tolerance maybe?
I used to experience intense paranoia and schizophrenic symptoms my first times smoking after a T break. After a week of daily use, I see myself being able to control my anxiety and enjoy the high better
>tfw weed makes me twitch really bad, dissociate really bad because of previous DXM abuse, gives me bad heart pain and has possibly given me a seizure before
>tfw don't know why this happens, especially considering I used to be fine plus I have hypertension so my blood pressure shouldn't drop that low so easily
>tfw still won't stop smoking despite this because I hate being sober
ill take a rip just for you user
/drugfeel/ should add this link to the OP
Are you me?
A year ago, I used to smoke like half a gram of trees and be totally twitch and anxiety free. After the 3 month t break I had, I noticed the potency of cannabis grew so much in so little time. What happened?
What sort of symptoms do you get? I used to twitch a little bit when I first started but never got anything else. Then, after taking multiple huge gravity bong hits one day my vision started going black like when you stand up too fast, then later while trying to get some water I passed out. After I used the DXM it seemed like everything got worse, but it was actually going away very slightly over a couple months. All of a sudden I got sent to a mental hospital for a week, got put on depakote and lexapro(stopped taking it after getting out) and now I'm getting bad heart pains, along with the twitching and dissociation.
This is fucked, I just want to enjoy weed like a normal person and get stoned without having to worry about if I might've smoked too much.