My college just sent out a text to "help rape victims" by telling them that it isn't their fault. Its their fault and only their fault most of the time. If I go to a shooting range and paint a bullseye on my back, its not the shooter's fault if they kill me. Normie logic is so fucking flawed it pisses me off.
Why do normies think its the rapist's fault?
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why do normies obsess over males testosterone levels and masculinity best then throw people in prison for rape? this society is so schitzo, women want to be victims so they want to be raped.
Not always, some women actually want to be raped, not always for sympathy and attention. Depends. It depends on the situation.
Okay, sometimes the female gets it really bad, I doubt she'd want it.
It all goes down too how serious the situation was, and the age and shit.
If a girl has a sweater on, normal jeans, basically dressing normally walking home. Then all of a sudden she gets jumped and kidnapped, that isn't her fault. Sometimes it is the 'victims' fault, sometimes it isn't.
People are still living in the past when it comes to politics. Now a days its a good chance it is the girls fault considering its rape if she changes her mind afterwards.
I mean most rapists are minorities, so...
advice to incels: lose weight, lift weights, get new hobbies, meet new people, become social, join clubs, cold approach women
Women never think anything bad will happen to them. They have lived a life so sheltered and surrounded by white knights, that they think they can't get raped, attacked, mugged, etc. So they leave clubs and bars wearing baring anything while they walk drunk into the ghetto. Then they'll shocked when bad things happen.
>officer why am I being arrested
>I was only shooting at the logo of my local Target
>it's literally a target I don't understand why I'm not allowed to shoot at it
>targets are meant to be shot at, this is unfair
>this doesn't make any sense, normies are fucking retarded
They do this to encourage women to keep endangering themselves rather than taking sensible preventative measures so they develop a fear and resentment of men, and a hatred towards our society.
Causes of getting killed by niggers by percentage:
0% Wearing blackface.
0% Threatening people in a ghetto.
0% Punching black people.
0% Saying "Fuck the crips"
0% Saying "nigger"
100% Niggers
>If a girl has a sweater on, normal jeans, basically dressing normally walking home. Then all of a sudden she gets jumped and kidnapped, that isn't her fault.
Statistically, that sort of horror movie "rapists jumping out of the bushes" shit almost never happens.
If you can't control your sexual urges, you're a sub human.
>The background color is yellow
>the minorities notch is also yellow
Was this on purpose?
>get new hobbies
Why, out of all the things?
Subhumans are still humans.
>weather as a rape cause
sounds like doujin story
Are you color blind? It's not remotely the same yellow.
a different tone of yellow is still yellow. They could have went with grey or whatever
It's barely even yellow, more like lime green.
lol you might actually be colorblind thats definitely yellow
At most it's highlighter yellow but greener. It's definitely a vastly different yellow from the background, either way.
Look somebodys doin the raping
oh yeah i get what you mean
>arguing about the meaning of a minor detail such as the colour of the background of the OP image on an Indian metalworking forum
R9k autism levels are peaking
Y'all are just some horny incel fags
Find yourself a girl and protect her
Don't cry because you shrimp dick niggas got no puss
>stop being limp dicked /b/tards
Jow Forums out
Bet you think this is an orange board and not beige-dark beige, whatafag.
It's awfully autistic of you to go into the designated autist board and make a post complaining about autism.
If I walk through a shitty area alone whilst drunk at night is it my fault if I get mugged or stabbed?
some guy stalked me on the way home because I went to his house to get high and wouldn't share a beer with him, he asked me twice, there was an older woman there and he was around 40 himself, I was in my early 20's
for conversation's sake what would incelnormies say about whose fault that would have been had I not been in the company of someone who had a gun?
If you LITERALLY CANNOT CONTROL YOUR ACTIONS you are not a functioning member of society and need to be locked away.
fixed it
normalfags don't actually care about rape
if they did they'd BUILD THE FUCKING WALL
what normalfags care about is feeling good
calling people rapists feels good
going on witch hunts feels good
attacking "rapists" for breaking a plethora of "rules" that don't even require you to touch a person to "rape" feels good
virtue signaling and being a white knight feels good
fucking whores because you're part of the top 20% feels good
thinking you're so irresistible that 3/4 men want to rape you feels good
Jow Forums: Yes
Tumblr/MSM: No
Honest person: The person who mugged or stabbed you is not a force of nature and is ultimately the one chiefly at fault for the crime occurring, however you were knowingly irresponsible and thus a non-reducible part of making yourself less safe than you otherwise would have been.
>Find yourself a girl and protect her
>she doesn't want to get protected by the likes of you
>get accused of rape
>go to jail
the chart should be all orange retards
Does anyone know of any "raped by the weather" doujins? Sounds cute.