What the fuck is wrong with you people, why is this a normal thing?

What the fuck is wrong with you people, why is this a normal thing?

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I'm quite depressed about being circumcised. Parents are unapologetic about it and say they would do it again if I was born now. I feel inferior, like an incomplete male who isn't meant for sex or something.

The only thing that makes me feel better is complete celibacy/abstinence from masturbation and sexual activity, like an ascetic monk. I figure, if a tool is broken, you wouldn't use it. Why would you want to use a mutilated penis if it's not functioning correctly? If I can't have all the pleasure, I don't want any of it. I don't want to chase a pleasure I can't get, and delude myself that what I have is perfectly satisfactory.

There's a hypothesis that circumcised males are more likely to be addicted to porn/masturbation, because they can't get enough pleasure so they feel the need to do it more often. That disgusts me in a buddhist way

Not an anti-Semite like most of these faggots, but can't help but lol at the fact it's "a Cedars-Sinai affiliate"

I want to touch an uncut weenie

If my sexual organs are broken, then I'll just separate from the social world and find refuge in academia. if I ever get a GF, it's gonna be a sexless relationship

I've heard it takes 3 months to break a masturbation habit. At first you will be very horny, but testosterone eventually descends even lower than if you were sexually active, and you start to lose sexual urges

Even some of (((them))) are starting to realize it's retarded.

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I'm mtf trans and I still resent my parents for mutilating my genitals even though I don't like them. Why is it ok to mutilate the sex organs of a newborn child? It's fucking sickening.

What's the best way to get revenge for being circumcised? I'm thinking of suing my parents and the doctor who did it to me. If that doesn't work, I'm going to hunt down that kike doctor and burn his flesh off with thermite.

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>social world
*sexual world

Best thing you can do is vow to take a life of celibacy and abstinence from all sexual pleasure. The purpose of circumcision is to reduce sexual pleasure, and by chasing sexual pleasure but not getting as much as you were meant to have, like a dumbass, the Jew gods cackle. You wouldn't use a broken tool and delude yourself that its inferior functionality is good enough, would you?

I touch one practically every day - i.e., mine. It looks less sexy when it's soft.

I might also try drugging my parents and cutting off one of the fingers as punishment for them cutting off my foreskin.

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I'll suck any boys dick cheese for free

What the fuck is that supposed to accomplish? If people start brutally torturing and murdering their circumcision doctors and parents, people will be scared shitless to circumcise babies, since doing so might mean they will get fucking flayed alive decades later. Taking a vow of celibacy isn't going to change anything.

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It's a vicious cycle. Guys get their dicks cut up before they have a say in the matter, and to avoid having to deal with what happened to them, they do the same thing to their sons so they can act like it's perfectly normal. For American society to stop having it done to kids would be to admit that it made a mistake, and considering how many guys have been circumcised, that would make it a mistake so big I don't think people want to consider it.

>There's a hypothesis that circumcised males are more likely to be addicted to porn/masturbation
I don't know if I'm addicted, but I'm circumcised and I fap a lot. I think I have an opposite mindset to yours. The dude who popularized it was trying to get men to stop jerking off, so by beating my meat all the time, I'm spitting in his face. It still feels good, just not as good as it could have if I weren't mutilated.

I hope they make progress with the foregen stuff.

Or I might try killing myself so that my parents get to experience 20 years of sadness as punishment for what they did to me.

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I've read enough A People's History of the United States to know that your idea will never work. the rich circumcision lobby will simply get the media to program people into laughing at you

No one likes this shit.
They just don't care enough, it will take a person, or group of people devoting their better years to start a revolution against this mutilation.

We have no idea how this affects people over a long time period.
It is without doubt a traumatic experience that may or may not mentally scar the patient's psyche.
It is often tossed aside as being anti-Semitic.
It is also true this procedure was proliferated by Jewish doctors.
It is quite rich that the female equivalency of this procedure is scientifically called " Female Genital Mutilation".

The best approach to overturn this satanic ritual is to educate the public, academia, and media outlets about the abnormality of such an "treatment".
The machiavellian approach would be to proliferate female mutilation among the masses. In an attempt to shed the curtain of ignorance

>male circumcision

yeah bro that's a normal thing, people do it, don't get your panties in a twist lol

>female circumcision


What is the fastest/most painless way to kill yourself without damaging the brain?

>I hope they make progress with the foregen stuff.
It will definitely be possible in our lifetimes, but will cost like $10,000. Study hard in college and get a good job...

Nice quads btw.
I'll be honest I don't see Foregen doing it soon. Their grossly underfunded, and most likely foreskin regeneration will happen with just regrowing the entire dick with stem cells MUCH later from now. 20 years minimum maybe. I've been regrowing for two years and I'm almost done.

I hate women so much. I don't even care if they are good or bad and I'm not going to go there, I'll just never be able to like them for being treated so well.

One way I feel about circumcision is that it's like some caste assignment in brave new world.

I'm inferior to uncircumcised men, and all women. They get to have their whole bodies and enjoy sex. But since circumcision makes sexual pleasure 90% less intense, and i don't want to delude myself into being happy with what pitiful excuse for pleasure i have... I'm forced to be celibate and dedicate my life to academia

From someone that has no circuncion in his country, why the FUCK would you do that?

People that do this to their children should be beheaded.

Being a Jew, a Muslim, or a moronic sheep from burgerland are the only non-emergency-medical "reasons" to do it.

this so much i cant take it anymore

I unironically am so fucked for life due to this. My entire body and sexual life is fucking ruined goddamnit i really am in constant pain

I was uncut and it fucked my dick up to. Never was taught to pull the foreskin back so I never jerked off correctly and now I have peyronies diseases and phimosis

but phimosis can be cured in many alternative ways too but subhuman jew doctors or lazy scumbag ones promote mgm as a solution

peyronies is incurable and phimosis can only be fixed if you treat it soon enough

how big is your sausage uncut user

id rather have a dick with phimosis rather than this one with a deep fucked up scar

>i never was taught to pull the foreskin back

This is a case for penis inspection day. Boys need to learn how to operate their equipment.

no peyronies is hell, your dick doesn't even get fully hard enough to penetrate. Literally cucked forever.

it is not a normal thing

are you really implying that currently i am not cucked? when even masturbation hurts from the mutilation and that my glans are so fucked up due to drying and pain?

Its not normal. Its even on the decline thankfully.

>Be my far off future grandson in the year 2150

>Sitting in my gay ass history class, teacher is going on about some medical procedures that happened during the early years of the turn of the century

>Teacher puts this image on the screen, and tells us that essentially when you were born, they'd mutilate your dick, putting the infant in so much pain that they go into shock


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You're not cucked you're just a cry baby.

then stop masturbating. see

fuck off samefag

That wont solve jack fucking shit

you are just a backwards jew


If you want to kys, your brain is already damaged. And what does it matter if your brain is damaged when you are dead anyways?

Wrong. They look tasty af

kill yourself roast/faggot

>implying fags aren't the largest consumer of uncut benis

What do you mean? Nothing is wrong with me. I didnt do it.

I was circumcised at 6 because of medical reasons. The psychological consequences of the circumcision, combined with the bullying and emotionally abusive relationships to family and people I've seen as friends made me completely deny my own sexuality and pretend to everyone that I was asexual for years. I really declared my asexuality to everyone and pretended like I was not interested in any romantic/sexual aspects of life at all. During this time, I developed a crippling porn addiction that further distorted my view of human sexuality. I then had two girlfriends who were emotionally abusive and, with both of them, I never had sex. I'm only attractive to women who have mental issues because they can see that I'm struggling myself but somehow surviving. I have rarely encountered a feeling so humiliating like lying on the bed after masturbating for the 6th time today, with a bleeding dick and sweaty hands, and tears in your eyes for not understanding why literally the entirety of western society is perfectly fine with cutting off a part of your genitals, because there's only benefits, right? I quite lack the words to describe that specific feeling of anger that I get when I think about how normalized this practice seems to be and how ignorant culture is about it.

I'm circumcised and my dick looks amazing, I actually get complimented by every person who has ever seen it

So your mom and your doctor then?

I very much feel your kind of pain as I lived through similar shit. But I am soon going to end it if that foregen doesnt come up with anything

Poster of here
Don't end it, user. I had suicidal thoughts for years and still have essentially zero self-worth. But would we back down to those that want to see us broken, or even dead? The fight is not in vain, even though the painful moments might be far more numerable than the beautiful ones. I've experienced situations that made me want to live, and the same will happen to you if you stand up for yourself. This is hard, because we don't have any self worth and are nihilistic, broken men, but trust me, there's still beauty in this ocean of shit and there's days that will show you life's worth again.

yudkowsky may be a kike but i think he still tries to approach things from a neutral and rational perspective pretty often, so i'm not surprised to see him come out against circumcision when asked about it

I wish I could find the doctor that did it so I could thank him on a job well done. I didn't have a choice but I think my dick looks better than any turtle neck faggot like you and looks just as good as the best of cutfags. Cry more smegma, fag

I know you're trolling, but there are people who genuinely go this hard trying to feel better about their irreversible surgery and it just makes me sad to see

Tfw I bring white cunts back from black

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Wanna hear about the Jews, OP? I know a few things about the Jews.

does it have to be helium? is there an advantage instead of using pure nitrogen?

Pressurized nitrogen causes painful interactions with your blood.

desu I don't believe you, but I don't know so okay

You ever heard of the bends. Thats caused by nitrogen.

It's not super long, but pretty thick (can't even squeeze into a toilet paper tube if I try)

The trick is to just cut off your entire penis, because it's better to have no penis than delude yourself into being happy with a defective one

stop doing weird things to children

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I dunno, Oscar Pistorius had defective legs and still managed to get (and murder) a girlfriend. By that reasoning, so could cutfags.