>lost all interest in vidya and see it as a chore
Share doomer feels
>get motivated to really try hard at something
>turns out to be wasted effort
>dont even feel sad or angry about it, knew i shouldn't have tried in the first place.
>masturbating to porn
>lose interest halfway through
>start losing erection too
>just stop, bored of the sight of a naked woman
>getting close to the end of a game
>realize there's going to be a another period of having nothing to play
>don't want to finish it anymore
what game are you playing brother?
>Buy games in Christmas sale
>Realise I won't enjoy them much anyway and never end up playing them
This is me.
My life used to revolve around vidya and porn but I've lost interest in both. I think I must be depressed.
I don't think i've ever been depersonalised but I go through life having people take the piss out of me and only getting it later.
>Get shitfaced with a Buddy, even worse than I planned on getting because the buddy's endless Stories about how He is cheating on his gf are more than i can take
>End up putting staples in my forearm and using sandpaper in them, then punching the Wall until knuckles bleed
>next day is hell of a Hangover, but today its 4chinks and movies again, cant even motivate myself to play Hatred which i planned on doing
It's an unfortunate life, I started watching random series, I quite like the american office at the moment. Purely because there's a girl at work I have a crush on and I can pretend we'll get married one day.
>be aspiring weeb artistfag
>get awesome idea for a comic, start storyboards
>doodle a few scratches
>remember that i wish i was never born
>go back to youtube instead
Stop playing video games for a few months or so and try some other hobby for a bit. Vidya will get a lot of its appeal back after you've taken a good break from it.
Kinda surprised i've never seen people say that about vidya before. I've been like that for a long time, however, i've never been huge into vidya. I'm like that with movies and TV series though. I watch YT videos and familiar movies/TV series but anything else it can be like i'm forcing myself to do it.
>spend most of the day/week in bed
>rather do absolutely nothing than vidya or tv
>only leave room to get beer
>only feel emotions when drunk
>only drinking buddies are other bots
this where furry traps come in
hey, pretty cool
yiff in hell, furfag
>15 mins till 2019
>drinking and close to pc
>have a bright idea
>turned it on
>installed roblox again
>played after 4 years of only playing one game that i would get bored of after 10 mins
>play it
>5 mins later
I thought it was a myth, but vidya gets boring after you spend most of your teenage years as an incel sitting on a chair for countless hours playing some games that will bring nothing useful to your life more than some sort of an escapism.
maybe you guys could find an interest that would improve your life. like, say you want to get a job in finance, you can start reading about finance. then what you are doing is 'real' and not this vidya nonsense
>When he does play vidya becomes frustrated over the smallest shit due to anger issues
Replace pbr piss water with this..
too expensive for doomers
>start programming project with the sole purpose of helping other people
>put about 10 hours into project
>realize no matter how good it is, no one will ever adopt it and I will probably waste the next 100+ hours of my life because not even I will use it
>give up
>spend time drinking with friends and gf
>she becomes abusive boyfriend when drunk
>friends comment something like "Man, I wouldn't ever let anyone say stuff like that to me"
>she finally pukes and passes out
>so does everyone else
>spend of the rest of the night talking to my friends gf
>definitely my favorite person in my small life
>she would never leave friend for me, bad idea anyways
>pick up gf and lug her to car
>not looking forward to having sex with her trying hard not to remember everything
>bought Stardew Valley on the steam sale
>Actually had a lot of fun with it for the first few days, played it almost constantly
>now starting to lose motivation to play it
>has a gf
get the FUCK out of here you normalfaggot SCUM
>Been playing competitive counter-strike and quake for 15+ years
>Now washed up at age 30
>drank, smoked, and abused my body regularly during teens and 20s
>reflexes, eyesight, hearing, etc all deteriorating now
>Realize I am past my peak
>getting rolled by the upcoming generation of zoomers
>will never be as good as i was a decade ago.
I just want to stomp some kid's skulls on de_cpl_mill in cs 1.6 again.
i'm that type of person who will just lay in bed for hours even in complete silence, nothing to do nothing interesting. i feel almost blank
im sitting in an ice bath with my dick and balls submerged in milk and it feels like the red pepper juice is crawling and ripping my dick off its like someone is chemical burn reverse vacuuming my balls through a vasectomy vortex i dont know what my life is HOLY FUCKKK
>convinced that the world will be undergo catastrophic collapse within my lifetime due to conflict over diminishing energy resources
>discovered that relationships are not satisfying, instead they're just another arena of conflict and deception
>have the components for an exit bag all ready
>no hope for fulfillment
>no hope for the future
It's all just a dream about nothing, leading nowhere, both for myself personally and for the species collectively. To live or to die makes no difference anymore, I'm just waiting until this dream becomes too painful to watch anymore before I check out.
Bloodborne. Killed Rom and trying to kill the Amygdala but I just don't really want to play anymore.
>try to self-improve
>give up cause I don't think it'll ever work
>hate myself cause I gave up once again
>go to wedding
>see happy couples everywhere
>see the marrying couple be happy
>become sad as fuck
This is literally me aside from the bachelors in memedesign.
Playing online vidya is alright because it's like for that one moment in time you have friends. Gay, autistic, 12 year old friends.
>games make me tired and bore me
>still do it rather than learning and doing my uni homework
these are my most important years fuck why cant I just get up and do akk of this?
I know your feels brother. The shitty thing is, all the useless people (ie us) are the ones who are gonna get the short end of the stick, as usual.
This hit way to close. Fuck, I just wanted to check out this board a quickie before bed. Guess it will be one of those nights again.
>low test
>no friends
>sit around all day on youtube and Jow Forums
I think the reason I'm like this is because I don't work out. In fact I don't remember ever working out in my life. I think I'm gonna start going to the gym, not just for gains and a good body, but just because I'm worried about my health mental and physical.
Waking up after a night of drinking vodka and being bombarded with all the fucked up things you did the night before and having to make up for them but you decide to get stoned and wasted again because it's too stressful and you just want to forget all the bad things you said/did
Are you me? Holy shit, I try to buy a new bottle of jack every 2 days.
Reminder that I think all of you doomers are super cool and that I believe you can do anything no matter how hopeless it may seem.
I'm actually realising now that Ive become a doomer.
>Used to love vidya between ages 16-17, i even got my first summer job to offered a gaming pc, now i only use it for YouTube and Jow Forums.
>The only thing i really enjoy is sleeping
>All day i just think about getting home from work and drinking beer to escape my misarable life and thoughts.
>I've lost interest in everything, i just don't care anymore, i don't even want a gf anymore
What happened to me? I used to be a kind of happy normalfag teen when i was 15
8 Liter beer. Now I go to sleep.
smoked zigaretts all the time.
good night.
played fallout new Vegas and watched John Wick 1-2
>immediately lose all interest in a game once the structured story ends, can't get myself to play sandboxes anymore
>most vidya is now boring in general anyways
fuckin hell this sucks
Same. Let's start our own game company.
Games for doomers - Low commitment, little no no grind, short, cheap.
First few will be gr8 until doomer devs give up
i hate this so fucking much. What is cheap and seems to work is NAC, but it only works for 2 hours and you can eat before or during it
I makes it easier to say no to impulses like youtube and gaming, and that is at least my biggest problem. If I drink coffee I just jerk off with more energy
Sounds good to me. I'm in.
Slap an anime girl in it and sell it for $2, doomer shack out in the woods where everyone sits in a different corner drunk on moonshine with a used $100 laptop
Do you think the media will pick up on /doomers/ eventually?
inb4 the media says they are all racist Nazis
you should do it, the gym is good for mental and physical health and wellbeing
I wonder at how common this really is, even among non-robots.
Society has truly gone down the shitter and there must be a lot of men who have given up on life and just exist to exist
who else /bipolar/ here
dad killed himself 2 years back
he was terrible to me but I feel sad for him
im 29 and stuck in an existential loop
i always wanted to draw, consider yourself lucky you can do so before reaching this state
>The only thing i really enjoy is sleeping
I think you'll find you also enjoy shitting and pissing
>have friends and people who care about me
>have a job
>had sex (once)
>still feel extremely lonely
I don't get it bros. My life isn't even that bad and yet my mind is stuck in this constant negative spiral that always leaves me feeling depressed and isolated. I don't even find enjoyment in normal things I used to enjoy like music and vidya. The only reprieve I feel is from smoking weed and being alone in bed on my phone until 2am and the cycle just begins again the next day. I don't ever think about self harm or becoming an hero and I just want this weight to be lifted off my mind. What can I do?
Does anyone get bouts of depersonalization? Sometimes I slip into autopilot without realizing it, only to snap back into awareness a few minutes later.
>have no friends
>Actually don't feel lonely at all
Still depressed as fuck though because everything else is falling apart. Strange world
plz delet this
>used to power through loneliness and depression throughout highschool and early 20s by being a god-tier progression tank in W*W
>the only thing i ever was and ever will be good at
>made myself artificially wanted and appreciated through neccesity by the people i was playing with
>got older and the game became shit
>was falsely confident enough to just up and quit
>months went by, then years, and i couldn't find another mmo to get that good at again
>less escapism meant more depression which meant more drugs
>neetbux meant no car which meant walking across town to score weed and otc opiates
>lost some weight and got a pity fuck from the chick that sold me weed
>she was a 6/10, it was alright, but getting laid didn't blow my mind so nothing really changed
>didn't keep in touch with any of the people i used to play with
>weed chick's burner went dead one day and we only did first names, hope she's doing better than me
>logged bnet for the first time in years to see if literally anyone was still around, literally nobody was
>just fucking can't find another game to get into that autistically or be bothered to start fucking W*W all over again without any of the glorious faggots i used to play with
>haven't smoked bud in over a year cuz i'm too autistic to find another dealer
>cwe-ing otc opiates and drinking shit beer every fucking day
>unironically missing the voip social life i had when i was playing fucking W*W because i had and still have literally nothing else
I want to fucking die guys.
>living with parents at 26
>just graduated from college
>still dont feel proud
>ex was fucking crazy and used me for money and a roof over her head
>cant find enjoyment in vidya anymore
>no health insurance and I have a badly ingrown toenail
>hate my job
>start online vidya match
>get bored 5 mins in
>cant leave the match because i will get temporarily banned
>spend entire match waiting until i can leave
>finish match
>realize i have nothing else to do and start another match
stop please I don't like this
not long and hopefully we all become boomers
Silly OP
people change, and with that, their vidya likes change too. I was really like this until i started playing rocket league recently
Haha that sounds like rocket league
>have no genuine or passionate emotion to anything
>only feel when drinking
>they aren't good feels
>want to experience them anyway to feel alive
I think a lot of men are experiencing similar feelings like those, and it's because we have no great cause in our era, no great war or a crusade, nor a great enemy like they had in the cold war. I think that it's just that men don't have a cause or something like that. I think that we need a ww3 or something
Hard times create strong men...
>STEM-maxxed and got a good job just to make my grandfather proud
>tfw he's the only person on this planet that I care about and respect
>really hate my job and my field, but keep it up to avoid disappointing him
>he's getting up there in age, might kill myself once he passes
>will probably pussy out and wait until my parents are dead before actually doing it
Fuck, I just want to cease existing forever without having to actually kill myself and upset my family. If I could press a button to stop all of existence right now (myself and others), I wouldn't hesitate to do it.
you must live in a dumpster
>The only reason you haven't killed yourself is you don't want to make your Mom cry
Anyone else?
It would be nice to go to war. You either die or come back a man, either is better than this existence.