Just took the robot test

Just took the robot test.
What did y'all get bots
I'm on the cusp of robot and wiziard apprentice

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I forgo this was r9gay and needs original content.
This sure is original, and thoughtful

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I'm convinced I was never human.

Attached: IamWizard.png (150x64, 956)

link the test you massive faggot

hhhghghghghg dont warn me you pathetic jannies

You need to go on Grindr and creampie a sissy bottom and boigasm

I got chad lmao fucking virgin robots

though because of the things i answered yes to i cant be called a robot, to you all im more of a cyborg.

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I'd consider myself to be disgusting, lazy, mentally unstable and autistic enough to accept this score.

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Got 137 you fucking retards

I guess I'm ok with this??
Nice middle ground between normie and wizard.

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120. Guess I need to get off here. I still can't easily get a girlfriend though despite apparently being a Chad

Too good looking for anything lower. Too autistic for anything higher

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19, but all in the physical category, so at least I can say that I practice adequate hygiene.

im 36
pretty good

how the fuck does anyone score more than an 8?

I got Cyborg and I'm a woman.

this is the ideal grade on the robot test

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These magic powers, they're overwhelming!

Attached: wizard.png (340x67, 2K)

If I just didnt live with the parents still I'd be successful:(

well poopity scoop

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last year i scored "Cyborg", the time before that, "slightly strange", what is this hell
Your total: 43
Your class: Robot

27 im such a lifelet

Anyone who scores higher than slightly strange or lower than cyborg should rope immediately

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>tfw killed for being awkward

Honestly if you're lower than 60 you need to find another board, nu-Jow Forums isn't for (You)

>tfw you're "at least 6 ft tall" but you're on the part of the graph that's equivalent to 5 ft 4

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Your total: 82
Your class: Slightly Strange
Makes sense. I want to fuck practically every single female I see