bloody bloody basterd bitch facking fack edition
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1st for aredag Ziggeh
Attempt number two,
Lads gimme a bit of help, I'll try to keep it short
>coworker female who is legit 10/10 (to me anyway) call her B, get on really well, flirt a bit but she's got a bf, just for fun
>Friend (L) picks her up from work one day, meets me for legit 10 seconds, exchange a few lines of conversation
>that night B messages me saying I should hook up with L , she asked about me blah blah , say fuck it, why not
>go out as a group, L shows up late, is kinda standoffish and leaves early, but get on with everyone else fine have a good time.
>2nd time L is suuuuper friendly, all over me, on my lap getting off with me etc , really keen
>message her from time to time, she always answers back and talks and stuff
>try to arrange going out sometime, suddenly she's got plans, she's working, busy etc all the time
>think w/e she met some other dude or just doesn't like me, whatever, stop messaging her
>2 days later B is talking to me saying why haven't I messaged L , she was worried she'd annoyed me or whatever or I don't like her
Why the fuck are women like this? Just pick up the fucking phone and message me if you want to talk. I've blanked her off for 3 days now, I figure if she wants me, she'll text me and I should stop chasing but idk , I don't wanna miss out desu because she's pretty fucking fit and I REALLY need to bust a nut. And yes Im aware how pathetic asking r9k for women advice is
fuck sake you fool
Starting a job driving a forklift on Monday.
Mayuri is after some crystallized snow to give him the courage to take her out
>average jeremy corbyn enthusiast
Jeremy Corbyn, FKA Job Center
Burnt my tongue on my dinner lads, quite badly in fact
I have strong romantic feelings for a poster here.
Want to take a guess?
Yorkie chocolates are way too hard lads jesus fucking christ
feels like im going to bite my teeth off
I can't believe it. It has happened again. For shame.
Sexy kev? me too
I heard this story last time and it isn't any more interesting this time.
Some bellend and some other bellend, am I close?
really lad, you should get into 40K
Alirhgt lad is this you?
Absolute state of teethlets. All my chocolate goes in the freezer, I did chip a tooth on a particularly solid wispa though
You're a beta male so you don't deserve our help, fuck off loser.
Is it Ebin, I don't blame you if it is
Kill Jesus Christ (he's meant to die for our sins anyway)
Marry Jarvis Cocker (beautiful man)
Fuck Jeremy Corbyn (he's a faggot)
do you want to shag amer?
Do one normalfaggot.
Fair but do you think Jarvis Cocker wants Jeremy Corbyn's oniony left overs?
Good luck mate, hope you enjoy it.
Hope you won't get up to any forklift antics
is it user? who doesnt love user
ziggeh knotted you raw lad
Bill Burr worked as a forklift driver
Got some brie and stilton on the go, very tasty
>really thick hair
>goes wavy
>get a number 1 every month
>family hate it
why can' t they just fuck off? it looks terrible if I let it grow, so I might as well not have any
Newcastle meet up when? we could all walk around Grainger Market and have some cake
Mayuri the actual state of you mate. Look at this ask her out!
Everyone loves Big Dick Ziggeh
How's Burt Reynolds getting on lad?
Thanks pal. Hopefully I wont struggle too much or be too rusty on it, been a neet for 6 months.
I'll try to be safe but will have to race the other forklift lads to assert dominance. Hope they dont throw me into the canal for hazing.
Girl who looks like Georgia Toffollo is dropping massive hints she wants the dick. She has kids. I work with her.
What do?
Going to lie down on the couch and drink irn bru now
She looks a bit like this
What are some of your worst/weirdest faps lads? Not meme shit you say online to impress people, I'm talking genuine stuff you've done and regretted.
For me it was when Little Britain was going on, years ago. I had a wank over Bubbles. Yes I fully knew it was Matt Lucas in a fat suit.
Not for girls mate man the fuck up
Reminder of the /Britfeel/ Manchester Meet. Gonna be quality mate
Quints confirm you're gonna ace it pal.
Cold lad? That lassie looks cold.
died last year
Not real Burt, dog Burt
Roger Taylor in I Want To Break Free.
She's of a similar physical build and looks.
drinking irn bru and eating monster munch. my tummy is going to be in a bad way tomoz
Can't remember exact details but some kind of aquatic creatures getting it on
She wants you to raise her kids
Just keep drinking the irn bru and you'll be fine
No. She's rich and her parents do lots of the child care.
Ulster is rightful Irish territory
Milk enemas and extreme spit stuff going on. Nasty
If the father's not in the picture it's probable she's looking for a replacement father figure for her kids. If a girl has kids, would she not take that into consideration when deciding if she wants to get with the guy she works with?
>Mayuri shags a bloke off /britfeel/
>has serious regrets
>now the lad he fucked won't leave him alone
Serves them both right
Found my mothers dildo and wanked while sniffing it. Came in like 20 seconds.
She's single though? Then go for it, don't need to be with her
Giving up your morals and betraying your friends to hug a bloke who calls himself Alison.
Underage girls I know, not pictures obviously, but imagination. Patty and Selma from the Simpsons. Wanking kneeling down in front of women on to their feet, don't even have a foot fetish, it's more the humiliation angle. Cousins. Traps. There is this one video where a lad is in chastity and his wife or whatever unlocks him and makes him wear two condoms and numbing cream and starts fucking a flesh light and only has a minute to cum. I mean in the end it's just a video of a guy fucking a flesh light, Pretty gay. Cum tributes and stuff like that.
Been NEET too long, you name it I've probably wanked to it.
Did you put it in your mouth?
>talk to a girl every day for a month
>realise I'm the one starting the conversation each time
>decide to leave it and see if she actually likes talking to me
>haven't spoken to her in a week
I know Yas my lad, I know.
Sometimes it be like that bro
I know that video. It's not gay lad. She's talking throughout it. You're getting off to her doing the humiliation, imagining what it would be like.
>Patty and Selma from the Simpsons
kek me too and I don't even know why
I always have problem that every message HAS to end with a question or I don't get a response.
>she makes him wear a condom
Am I a nonce if I wank to the memory of losing my virginity? We were both 14
For me it's that one episode where they invite the tv guy round and the tv is just unplugged, the sideshow bob one where he marries Selma and the one where she is wearing the slaggy dress.
She is single. I don't know about sleeping someone I work with.
I never put question marks at the end of my questions. Still get replies. Proper alpha here boys
you are a nonce and a normie so fuck off
Keep it up, see how long it goes, make a graphic, do it for the lads
50p for the jar please lad
Just know if either of you develop feelings it will EXTREMELY awkward if yous never actually go out. If yous do date it'll be fine, but if you's break up it will be awkward as fuck
This is so tumblr
this is the difference between being attractive and being ugly.
I wish squids were real
S3RL is proper cringe and 2013-core but this is lowkey hard
>girlfriend has been distant since coming back from uni
>she's now gone back for her second term and I haven't heard from her since
Any theories? Puzzled.
women in clothing catalogs mostly the feet and legs in stockings
they are mate they live in the sea lmao
Chuckling here lad, you must have some form of autism to notice that
You're not wrong but why do you type like an illiterate chav
>When quizzed Baker said she had got the idea from someone in the pub while Westwood said he had no money at the time the business was started up.
Pro life tip, never take business venture advice from that weird bloke in the pub
I didn't read the last thread and like Mayuri, wtf is going on? you do seem biased though but meh.
That's just an age thing lad. We grew up before internet porn.
she goit blacked lad
I don't know how to undo a bra
Anyone know how old tim byrne is? Need it for some copypasta im making
Not sure lad, can't say I noticed
Shes guilty about getting dicked while away.
he hooked up with a lad from here
it's saku and len 2.0
i could still wank to that easily.