So robots recognise the unjust hierarchy of lookism and how it screws people over...

So robots recognise the unjust hierarchy of lookism and how it screws people over. They revcognise the rigged game against manlets and how they are basically just fucked in the sexual marketplace. They understand that the top 20% of men take the top 80% of women on dating apps and that this inequality is creating big problems for society. They can see all these unjust hierarchies and oppression and yet, still, they do not understand that the inequality between the worker and the capitalist is exploitation, and that capitalism is destroying the world and will one day destroy itself.

Why is that?

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just btfo all capitalists in arguments and i'll join your revolution

Because that's their mind on right-wing propaganda and the scent of Cheeto Benito's tiny orange balls. What else, comrade?

because under a communism those lazy fucks would have to work

>muh workers
Wagecucks aren't people.

Almost all leftists support peoples' refusal to work and some even support the total abolition of work. The idea that NEETs would be any worse off under socialism than they are now is a total joke.

Also, to add to this, the popularization of the idea of wageslavery literally comes from Proudhon and Marx.

Read some theory, pretty sure they've already been btfo.

We need social marxism.
Just like economic marxists tried to end capitalism by demonstrating and raiding governments and companies, we social marxists (robots) demonstrate against the higher social classes (NOT necessarily the richest) by shooting up schools/malls/streets. I hope we have many school shootings this 2019. Every year more people wake up and realize the oppression of the normies against us.

Grab a rifle, a knife, a hammer or whatever is at your disposal, and let the revolution begin!

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And? I'm already a NEET king, what the fuck reason do I have to care about all the wagecucks? They're just slaves that exist to serve me.


orgasm orig

Communism is absolutely, positively cute. Will the commies give soviet partisan wife? If so, you have gained +1 upboat.

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>Current year
>Not promoting accelerationism for both the capital and sexual market to collapse.
The best option is to accelerate it and see if it crashes or not. In terms of sexual market we already dont have much to loose.
How do you even make "sexual communism"?
Are you gonna force people to engage in sexual harems? Like in Brave New World?

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Been thinking of writing "The Incel Manifesto" or something similar. Would anyone be interested in reading such a work? There's an incredible amount of parallels to be drawn between economics and the social/sexual marketplace

>robots/betas = the proletariat
>Chads = the bourgeoisie
>women = means of (re)production
>Brads/normalfags = the petite bourgeoisie
>white knights/orbiters = the lumpenproletariat (in the sense that they are exploited by reactionary elements in order to maintain the current society)

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Sexual market may in some ways work close to the economic market, but there are also many diferences. There arent a large chunk of robots or betas struggling to find a partner in the world and there arent really any "good" solutions unless we go full Brave New World dystopia shit.
Michel Houellebecq's Whatever already addreses this "sexual market" "problem". You should check it out.

I think that that would be funny and I would read it

As long as you write it without irony.

Those are American warships in the background, not soviet.
The soviet navy during WWII was pitiful as fuck.

>Sexual market may in some ways work close to the economic market, but there are also many diferences. There arent a large chunk of robots or betas struggling to find a partner in the world
Not yet, but you must admit that the spectre of inceldom is really beginning to haunt. The term is being used more and more all over the internet and on mainstream media. It is a problem that will only continue to grow unless dealt with.
>and there arent really any "good" solutions unless we go full Brave New World dystopia shit.
A "re-moralisation" of society could work in some way. The problem is that in pre-sexual revolution society the sexual market was entirely different, with things like virginity until marriage being the norm rather than the exception, and shite like open relationships being the exception rather than the norm. This was due to a much stronger faith in religion held by most of the world, but I can't really ever foresee such a change being reversed.
>Michel Houellebecq's Whatever already addreses this "sexual market" "problem". You should check it out.
Haven't heard of this, will definitely look into it.
Its not supposed to be. Ignoring the incel problem is just as dangerous as ignoring capitalism.
>As long as you write it without irony.
There won't be, don't worry.

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750 word is nothing wtf?

How's your first semester of college going?

Don't lump robots in with incels, robots don't give a shit about femoids you reddit retard.

Just looking at Whatever's Wikipedia article gives a bit of link interestingly enough
>The struggle of the original title is expressly associated with class struggle in a parody of slogans made popular by the Parisian student movement of 1968, in whichthe political revolution was extended to the sexual realm, as well as economic antagonism. "The thesis is that thesexual revolutionof the Sixties created notcommunismbutcapitalismin the sexual market, that the unattractive underclass is exiled while the privileged initiates are drained by corruption, sloth, and excess."

>robots don't give a shit about femoids

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>existing without irony

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>TFW no gf
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was

yes you retarded normalnigger.
failed normalniggers.

Keep coping retard. The majority of Jow Forums want and always have wanted girlfriends, and their loneliness has always played a great part in many robot's depression and overall lifeview.

Business property is bought and sold between capitalists and labourers alike literally every day.
You cannot buy better genes
You cannot labour yourself taller
You cannot revolt yourself better-looking
Thanks to the practical miracle of modern information-populist capitalism you could buy shares in "muh property" and become a labourer-capitalist within the hour, and so can almost everyone in the society you live in. Statistically, you can probably even take the product of your labour and use it to purchase dividend-paying shares in the company you work for at this very minute.
You could self-employ, you could profit share, you could start a Co-op, take stock options, or just invest your wages. If all these options are possible, then in a free market the parasitic capitalist classes would be simply less efficient than the other options and naturally competed out before revolution even needs thinking about.

Show me the height exchange, or the looks market. Show me the index-linked genetics fund that will let you swap your labour value for health and attractiveness.
The best thing communism will do for robots is take away the last advantage the people who come here could even have, and say "guess what ugly fuck, we're on a level social playing field now so you can't even be richer than Chadimir anymore! physical attractiveness is literally all that's left to matter!"

What you're doing is like comparing a man stuck out in the rain to a man drowning in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

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>Never read robot-core literature
Jesus, how did you never heard of the book?
Brave New World also makes points on this.
No longer Human talks more about society alienation, despite the dude being a massive womanizer.
Paying a visit to /lit/ for recs and getting into literature is a pretty good hobby mah dude.

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people decry the hypergamous nature of modern women and then talk about the "sexual marketplace", it's fucking ridiculous. also
>sexual marketplace
>complaining about capitalism

>see female
>reptilian brain immediately develops feelings for said female
>get "depressed" at the fact that said female will never "love" me
Those are the threads made by these so called "robots". They are subhumans, and in no way related to people like me. They are failed normalniggers, and no matter how much you redditfags claim to be robots, you are not, you are failed normalfaggots.

>"sexual communism"
sharia law

>total abolition of work
Economics 101

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Why does it need to be ironic?

There is no one set definition of a robot, user.