You ARE a robot if:

You ARE a robot if:
>You're so depressed that you dissociate constantly
>You live life without strong emotions like love, hate, etc
>You're desensitized to the world and don't really care about living or dying

You are NOT a robot if:
>You think being a robot has anything to do with virginity, girlfriends, friends, or social dynamics
Leave this board please newfags.

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Don't you mean fakefags

Fuck off normie, go find a some subreddit where you can be depressed with other normal sex havers

By your definitipn I am a robot even though I am a huge normalfag that, if I wanted to at this very moment, I could hang out with friends, hang out with a girl, even get laid maybe with a below average girl but still, I could get people to bring me drugs for free, hell I could even plan trips to other cities to visit friends.
But yeah I am totally a robot cause I'm depreased as fuck so I dont do any of that or go outside at all, even though I could easily do those things if I wanted to.

>Fuck off normie
>Some subreddit
>Normal sex havers
It's funny to me that these r/incel faggots like to tell other people to fuck off back to r*ddit. Stop trying to force your anti-sex, anti-self improvement mindset on Jow Forums.

>I am totally a robot cause i'm depressed as fuck so I dont do any of that or go outside at all, even though I could easily do those things if I wanted to
Yes, you are a robot.

Wow, you sure convinced me with the picture you scooped from google image search and the cool lingo.

I've had this image saved for years and i got it off Jow Forums big dumb retard

No I'm not. I used to think I was one, when I didn't have a choice. When I had no friends, was a virgin and nobody liked me. Now I have a choice. I chose to live like a robot, but I'm not one, cause the moment I get fed up with this shit I'll call somebody and have fun. You don't even begin to understand the amount of despair not having a choice causes.

>I chose to live like a robot
>implying its a choice

>You don't even begin to understand the amount of despair not having a choice causes
Are you implying I've never been at that level before? That I've never spent weeks on end not leaving my room? That I've never been totally dependent on the internet for any form of social interaction? That I've never had absolutely 0 people who loved me?
I've been through very dark places, worse than you could ever imagine. And despite that, I still recognize that being a robot isn't about virginity or friends. Someone can easily have a wife, children, and a couple friends yet be extremely depressed constantly, and never feel any emotion. That's all a robot ever was, someone who's been so beaten down through life that they're at the point where they don't feel anything, they're totally numb, or robotic.

>could go out and hang out with friends
>dont want to
This is ok.
>want to go out and hang out with friends
This is what truly hurts. This is what being a robot is about.

Are you a Robot if you use discord? If so, heres mine.
I need a supportive Robot friend...

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Being a robot has changed user. Most of the original pre shutdown robots are dead or gone. Having your virginity is quintessential to being dissociative in most people's eyes. At this point there isn't any Desu posters any more. Welcome to the new r9k this is the next generation you are now outnumbered.

It doesn't mean anything, you pretentious fucks. This is an user image board on the internet. That's it.

Being a robot is about being lonely. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend etc you are not lonely, and therefore not a robot.

Generally, you also have to be a virgin to be a robot, but I would make an exception for certain people. Like if someone had sex once in highschool and hasn't for the past 10 years maybe i would consider them a robot.

If you have the social skills to get someone to date you or fuck you, then its safe to say you are a normalfag.

>Being a robot is about being lonely
Wrong. Being a robot is literally what the name entails, being a robot. A robot is a shell of a human. On the outside, it looks real, it looks human, but on the inside, it's hollow. It doesn't have any emotions. It's numb, everything it does is fake. That's what a robot is.
The "You have to be a virgin to be a robot lol xD" meme only came around after the shutdown like said and after r/incels started flooding this board.
I think it's funny how people who have been using this board for maybe 4-5 years think they have any idea of what a robot is.

>You're so depressed that you dissociate constantly
>You live life without strong emotions like love, hate, etc
>You're desensitized to the world and don't really care about living or dying

Ok I agree with your poin-

>You think being a robot has anything to do with virginity, girlfriends, friends, or social dynamics
If you truly have any of these than you have no place here. Sure an user with people in their life who cause their grief or aren't supportive are welcomed but if you can attract the opposite sex, are surrounded by people who'll help you at what would seem like trivial bs to other average normalfags or can function completely normal in social situations then find the nearest exit facebook scum.

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Want me to tell you how I know you're a newfag?

Describe to me what it means to "disassociate"?

Dissociation is when you feel as if life is a game or movie. It's when you feel as though something else is controlling your body or mind, as if you're not really yourself, or like you're watching yourself from a 3rd person point of view. Look up depersonalization/derealization or DPDR

Thanks for explaining. When I first came here I was wondering why people where defining a robot as a lonely person which makes no fucking sense. Thanks for confirming the uncucked definintion.

You ARE a robot if:
>You're so depressed that you dissociate constantly
>You live life without strong emotions like love, hate, etc
>You're desensitized to the world and don't really care about living or dying

sounds really edgy and nothing like a robot but some sour millennial grapes

Failed normies are true "robots"
>Failed at sexual encounters
>Failed at getting gf's
>Failed at keeping/making friends
>Failed at integrating into social dynamics
>All around failure in life but not generic perma virgin retard.


Can anyone explain to an old man what the fuck any of you young people (mostly women) mean by this term? What is the actual experience?

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see my previous explanation
I dissociate because I used to abuse DXM heavily, and it had lasting effects kind of like HPPD or being stuck in a trip, but lots of people dissociate because of depression or just because it's how they were born. Research DPDR if you're still confused.

Reddit incels ruined this board. It wasn't always like this. True robots are not always the losers like the Reddit invadors portray them. There is no use complaining however, what's done is done. This is no longer a board for robots, the incels, trannies, sissies and other degenerates have taken over.