does my gf look too much like a boy? should i dump?
Does my gf look too much like a boy? should i dump?
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She's a qt, but if I saw her on Tinder I'd swipe left in case she was a trap
Just convince her to grow her hair long
not sure how mnuch i like short hair on her, but omg she still so cute
Unironic 9/10, keep that bitch
If she grows out her dykey hair this girl is a serious 8/10.
If this is a trap or something I am fooled. I hope that isn't the case. As Jerry Seinfeld famously said in the 2018 season of Seinfeld "You can't cut your dick off.... that's crazy!"
She a qt, but I'm gay so take that as you will.
What a qt bf (female) you have!
[Reeeeees Originally]
Looks familiar, I met like three girls that look like her. Very common face. I have never met an unrelated lookalike, though.
How can you dump her when she's not your girlfriend?
Damn, op BTFO forever
The only solution is to impregnate her
1. that's not your gf
2. shes a fucking dream, what's her name?
She's not your GF.
She's adorable. Short hair girls are best.
Dress her like Robin and dress like Batman
>actually manages to get a gf
>wants to dump her cuz she looks "boyish"
I know this is r9k but are you retarded?
you are the one who is retarded, because these pictures are stolen
U gay for for going out with her in the first place.
How is nobody mentioning those cute tiddies? There are prettier traps but those tits, omg.
shes a cute jew girl
Who would guess that OP would lie on the internet?
>that's not his gf for those who scrolled through this thread and still haven't realized it
She looks like a boy but that isn't a bad thing.
I'm just gonna dump the rest of her pics because we all know OP's a faggot as usual
oh right, we dont have textless posts here
even if she had a dick I'd still suck it
pretty sure she doesn't have one though
>should i dump?
Yeah, so she could date someone that actually values her.
the girl would be decent if she grew her hair long and dressed as a proper woman
it's a pity she isn't your real gf OP, you could teach her some manners
exaggerated tomboyish style is a turn off imho
>im already tracer
OP shes cute as fuck, but just be sure shes not trying to transition into a boy
Looks like Brooklyn Beckham
9/10 would passionately stick weiner in
Fucking kill yourself normalnigger
Get her to hit the weights and start giving her anavar.
She won't look like a boy after that my dude.
Found the closet gay. Just date a trap and yes they're gay.
Yes dump her on my driveway.
Reddit probably had an answer for that
Fucking robot's pathetic attempt at validation is so pitiful to witness
Sigh. I really, really want a qt gf.
> male carrying angle
> doing weird shit with hands in every pic
just look at that bicep she 100% has a dick
>bicep vien
Thats a trap, no way.
>those fingers
legit a man
stormlight archive is a pretty good series though
Eh, it lacks a grounded villain.
Feels like Kaladin et al are just fighting generic bad force. Their struggle isn't all that good compared to their interpersonal relationships (which is its own good; just lacks the stakes of epic fantasy and a 10-book series).
Do you think she'd let me rub oil on her body after massaging away all her aches?
your gf is a dyke. she is eventually going to cheat on your with another female
She used to post on Jow Forumsbois but she deleted her account so I assume she was doxed
>tfw your gf has a bigger dick than yours
>childhood friend found the fit girls folder
are you retarded? No! You shouldn't
This should have been the only answer