Always had a thing for women in uniform
Are any fembots here soldiers or veterans?
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Even if I wanted to join they wouldn't take someone like me in
Yep, girls in uniform are the cutest
Not me but my wife was a marine.
Erwin a cute!
She is attractive but the only one I want is anchovy, I wonder if anyone looks like her irl
Fuck off normie, women cant do anything right and you're gonna trust them with a rifle?
Hot. Did she kill anyone?
Bet I am a better shot than you
I'll let you play with my gun femanon.
Really? I here a lot of militarybots complain how useless they are.
What guns do you have?
To be expected of an inferior sex
>tfw you frequently masturbate to the thought of raping female prisoners of war
Since dropping out during training, I no longer feel anything but shame and self loathing at the idea of female soldiers.
If a girl can accomplish what I could not, do I even deserve to live?
What have we done to deserve this, maybe this is the reason no girl would fuck you guys
That would be pretty embarrassing lmao, you need to get stronger user
>Females in the military
Lol do you know how many guys she would have fucked? Wooks are literal cum dumpsters
I highly doubt you can sweety. Moreover you couldnt do it after youve marched 40kms with a 45kg bag on your back. You wouldnt even make it to the battle.
DESU towards then end of my career when I was over it not being showed up by girls was what made me put in. One time I shaved a good 30 seconds off my run time because a girl was beating me and I refused to let her do so. I ran far beyond what I was capable of but I beat her but went down with heat stroke and spent 2 days in hospital pissing blood because my kidneys were fucked. Women should not be allowed in uniform.
I was fit enough, I just couldn't handle the stress.
I lack confidence and mental constitution and I don't know how to fix myself, so I've just taken to politely avoiding anyone who's served or serving or works as a cop or anything like that.
I served in the military for 8 years and every single chick is a raging slut. This isn't a exaggeration. They literally join so they can ride a cock carousel and get free boob jobs. They get pregnant to avoid deployments, get injured all the time, cause dissension in the ranks by sleeping around, fuck the most popular or high ranking dudes in their sub units for social protection, get promoted and put on courses faster then Men when they are aren't qualified.
You talk shit but you almost lost to a girl if you had not hauled ass AND you passed out. I wished I had balls to teabag your passed out ass after saving you from ragheads
>What have we done to deserve this
Jeez where do we start
>ruined r9k
>ruined the military
>ruined pretty much every boys club type activity or group that ever existed
>Youre weaker than us
>Youre slutty
>You reject us
>You fuck chads
>You cant handle the banter
>Youre nepotistic at heart
Women are just shit all round. I could care less about getting laid or not.
I love that show, HAIL ANCHOVY
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you couldnt even do a push up you fat cunt. If I wanted to I could hold you down and fuck your asshole you wouldnt be able to stop me.
She was a professional athlete before she joined the Army and she was 19. I was 27 and an alcoholic and I beat her with no training. Goes to show that even an average Man is better than a top tier woman.
woman are a disgrace to the uniform.
Oh come on, I think you're exaggerating. Where ALL of them useless?
>Where ALL of them useless?
Yes. I mean they were good for fucking chads and spreading STIs but that was about it.
>I wear muh medals
I'm a guy in the military atm, females in uniform aren't all that cut out to be unless they are officers/chiefs in dress blue.
t. Navy
Also, no females in the military would bat an eye to some faggot on Jow Forums
Civilianfag here, is the military full of cringy nonsense like this or does it just look ridiculous from the outside?
retards, wearing medals is a must in the military, you literally get in trouble not doing it because it's part of the uniform
>Also, no females in the military would bat an eye to some faggot on Jow Forums
Why would they? When they can just get posted to San Diego and fuck SEAL trainees every weekend.
Its full of it but its forced on us. Very few people actually believe in it and the ones who do are very quiet about it.
You just dont get it you dumb slut. This is why women shouldn't be allowed in.
I girl in the Philippine Army wanted to be my egf, but I'm so I said no.
>or veterans?
Veterans of wut? Giving blowjobs in FOBs?
There seems to be a lot of hate for females in the military here but user most uniforms in today's ground forces don't look like the pic. I doubt many women look good in an American uniform. What you want is a pipedream, no army has fascist like uniforms like that
>There seems to be a lot of hate for females in the military here
You mean everywhere. Go and spend time with serving soldiers and ask them what they honestly think about women in uniform. The most liberal answer youll get will be "If they can keep up with me they can serve' but 99% out right dont respect them.
Ok sure, women would most likely not keep up to most men but they have got to be good for something. Maybe they could be cumdumpsters waiting for the ACTUAL soldiers to get back from combat and let loose some steam
My only advice for everyone in this thread is the old phrase "You can never turn a ho into a house wife". I have multiple friends and family members that have served in the marines, air force, navy, ect. All of them have said across the board only two types of women are in the service. Raging bull dykes, and whores. Never marry / date a woman that said she was in the service at all. She has been passed around more than 2 dollar bill. She will also have her had many STD's and abortions. Thanks for reading my blog.
If they don't look good in uniform, explain pic-related.
ty for your wisdom, I guess this means no qt soldier gf like pic related
Nothing compares to a good ol' fascist attire
Commie attire is peak aesthetic and cute. Fascist attire is too masculine, and because communism was popularized by the slavs, it it much more suited to winter climates. The thick materials, the winter cloths, the fur hats and coats, and the ruggedness of heir equipment convey a much more effeminate image. Fascist gear and uniforms are much too flashy and standardized, things that have little to do with femininity. Face it, commies milgrills > fascist milgrills.
While I agree that fascist uniforms have are more masculine I still think it looks really good on women. Commie are only good when dead, ^_^. Just look at this rapist brute
I would never die for Israel... or the modern American male. I wanted to join the Army since I was a little girl, but white men are so fucking pathetic now I have no interest. Why give my life to: liberals who open borders and destroy everything we fight for, OR "traditional" sexist men who complain about fulfilling their traditional roles? Example: Wives are lazy and don't do anything! Why do I always have to work?! Why do white men alway have to serve/go to war?? Wait a minute!? Why are you working? WHY ARE YOU ENLISTING?? Why aren't you being a good wife and pumping out babies?? Why aren't western women feminine anymore?!?! WAHH I'm gonna fuck an Asian chick instead of fixing the mess I made by being an insensitive asshole to my wife!!
Doubt you're a girl, larper. Women are not that redpilled with this social issues
I feel like this is common knowledge outside of the normalfag realm
omg, you are for real. Did not think women where this redpilled, well you learn something everyday. btw while you don't look bad at all I think you should eat a lil bit more
Oh hey its chernov. He wasnt a brute he was a pacifist in world at war, Nikolai who also uses the same model, is quiet possibly a rapist, he murdered like 5 of his wives in cold blood. Real hardcore drunken piece of shit.
I think I may know who you are...
>white men are so fucking pathetic now
Coalburner detected.
Enlighten me.
Just because I think most white males are cucked now doesn't mean I like nogs. I specifically implied I hated liberals in my first post, which most blacks are. Why would I want that either? Not to mention the high murder and rape statistics. I have never, will I ever, date a black man. Not that I find them attractive to begin with.
>enlighten me
This is an anonymous board, fren.
I've never posted a pic of myself on this board before, so I'd have to know you from somewhere else.
Not the user you replied to, but do you have a discord?
Hey, that sums me up more or less.
I mean, I never made anyone to enlist and all that but I've got no interest in preserving our race and having a white wife. I just jumped ship and bat for team Asian waifu now.
We're not gonna make it senpai.
>We're not gonna make it senpai.
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.
uh...okay desu.
>I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry
Not him, but if you cry I can lick your tears away teehee.
omg, /ourgirl. Do you happen to own any fascist uniforms? How would you look with this on?
Wait how do you know she is not Asian herself? Most Asians have light skin, she could be a gook for all you know
Well then I was referring to nikolai
lmao I carry that on one arm for my job and I'm not even in the military or go to the gym. How fucking weak do you need to be to boast carrying ~90 lbs on your back for any distance like that's anything at all?
I do not, sorry user. I've always wanted to buy some military uniforms, but my home isn't stable right now, so not a practical purchase.
I think my wording implied I'm white, but my grandfather is half asian, so there's that. I didn't inherit any of it though.
Well then tfw no angry asian army gf, but somehow I doubt it.
Well to be fair, half Asians half whites are almost full white. Take Elliot rodger for example, I always thought he was white until I discovered he was half Asian.
Not bad, but eat a burger or something
Doesn't that mean bringing up my race is irrelevant then? If I were a white passing hapa, then I don't attract the traditional men that like Asians anyway.
eat it, now you holocaust survivor
the lean masculinity of fashy attire emphasises the feminine, girls in male clothes look sexy cute
WhAts WrOnG wItH bEiNg SmOl
You cant bear children if you look like this I , eat. Not to mention attract a mate, all girls need to do is keep a healthy weight and don't be fat
Don't listen to them darling, you're perfect just the way you are, even if you are only 1/8th kawaii desu azn masterrace gf.
I am a healthy weight though? My BMI is in the normal range. I look terrible heavier.
Well ermm, perhaps a few extra pounds will help. Well since you are in the ass corner of the internet with rejects like us I am guessing you have trouble with dating right?
I can't believe white men are being blamed for feminism now, why can't all hell break loose already
Actually i think you can pull the look OP wants with that wieght
>I am guessing you have trouble with dating right?
Very much so, yes.
heh, nice pic have a you
Fuck of attention whore you can't relate just because you can't get chad
Wanna share your story fembot ?
I can't get anyone; I'm autistic.
>I look terrible heavier.
How heavy have you been?
Did it all go to your gut instead of tits and ass or do you just not like being voluptuous?
I am sure if you present yourself to the anime club or chest club some nerd would be happy to be with you
I didn't realise that stopped girls from getting boyfriends.
Who wouldn't want a cute autism gf?
You need to move to Israel. Women need to do some military service there and they post hot images of themselves in uniform in the internet.
A lot of people say that half-Asians ALWAYS look Asian, as Caucasian genes are recessive and Asian genes are dominant.
On a side not, I feel SAD again there's been so many Elliot threads while I was being away. It always happens. Then again, I need to let go of him a bit, to get some other things done. Sad still.
Well she has a flat chest and prob has no ass so prob has slim chances of getting with a normie
ik that feel bro, 5 years ago normie me would have felt discuss for what he did. But now after realizing how fucked the world is I kind of feel bad for him.
I was in both, but I'm not in high school anymore. The guys in there used to make fun of me.
Like you said, it goes to my gut.
>Who wouldn't want a cute autism gf?
There seems to be this misconception on r9k that autism makes you "shy and adorable." It's not that at all. It's stunts your ability to communicate or relate to others normally. No one wants to be around that.
How unfortunate, i find it hard to believe nerds would make fun of a girl. Also how tall are you?
Nerds were some of the meanest people I knew. Very pretentious and thought they were better than everyone else because of their "obscure" interests. I'm 5'3.
>No one wants to be around that
What is projection for 500.
Projection? I JUST said I was autistic. I'm talking about myself you fucking tard.
Are you sure you aren't referring to
>"omg being nerdy is cool i play league of legends lol working at bestbuy rn #geeksquad lol get it xD"
ironic nerds?
yo damn i copped this from that syria thread on pol when I was crolling by
But you said it like no one else would want to be around female who is socially stunted. That is bullshit. Fuck you, you cute and lovely autistic hapa, it's late.
No; over-weight, acne ridden stereotypes that were very serious about gaming and anime. They took the "Your waifu is shit" meme too seriously.
Oh. That makes more sense. Did you insult their waifs or something?
tfw no autistic belly gf with a vague interest in the army but has taken too many redpills to fight for Israel and also is part Asian
No way you are real lady, you sound just a bit too perfect.