robot-kun, quit the booze. Alcohol is only making things worse for you.
Robot-kun, quit the booze. Alcohol is only making things worse for you
I've never drank alcohol in my life.
I think I'll save it for when I'm about to kill myself.
Yes it is yet it feels so comforting it feels like I'm not alone.
I quit almost a year ago. I miss it tho. My life has only got worse.
I can't say no to the whiskey and wine that loves my liver. It doesn't help that I have gallons of the stuff.
Honestly drunkenness itself was never a problem for me. I could take alcohol well and pace myself, never got hung over or anything like that. But there are still two problems with alcohol that I don't think people take into account:
1. Alcohol is empty calories. No nutritional value at all. If you are trying to lose weight, the main thing you should be drinking is water. Toss all beer, soda, juices, etc.
2. Alcohol makes it easier to calm down and sleep, and this gives the illusion that you are sleeping better, but its actually the opposite. Even though you go to sleep faster with alcohol, your sleep is less deep and lower quality.
>Alcohol is empty calories.
Yeah, you usually compensate by only eating a small meal. Even at my worst I never ballooned up.
What do you do if you only truly feel like you're alive when you're really tipsy/drunk though
I know a few people who have "liquid lunches" and stay thin. They're getting fucked on the inside though, obviously.
>implying I have the money to drink
they are probably drinking hard liquor
afaik whiskey and vodka are 0 cal
but user, you don't understand. It's only a temporary illusion that has to prolonged with even more alcohol! In the end you'd spending time on being drunk instead of being truly alive!
B-but how do I stop user?
I'm literally an alcoholic
My job doesn't allow me to drink. It's bad for you and a waste of money anyway.
it's the only thing that slightly makes me happy rn, so I won't quit
I only drink every 2 weeks and I only drink beer
i have been thinking about quitting, maybe next week i will try, it just feels so comforting im drinking right now, im worried about my liver but im just 19 so i think i will make it
Drinking is all that I've got and if I stop, then I'll probably end up killing myself. It let's me enjoy things like I used to yet I still don't really do anything.
I'm drinking less nowadays. Still binge and do retarded shit sometimes but its rare and at least I never got in trouble with the law.
You will never share a cold beer together with your waifu wrapped in a giant blanket while you both watch the sun rise.
I'll drink as much as I'd like. I'm sure my liver is gonna eat shit soon anyway and given I lost everything that was my life, I don't really care. Plus booze and music is fun so fuck you op.
Oh aye, they were called "Spirits" for a reason, user.
Inhabit it with real friends then, find people, make bonds. No love was found seeking the bottom of a bottle. Not in this world or the next, but many a mind was surrendered to the insanity found within.
Right, but that doesn't undo the damage from the insulin response, which is what creates fat.
The reason the 12 step programs work, is because they offer you a buddy system, a means of keeping yourself "accountable" and so on. You really want to quit? There's a substance that dims the Opiate response, I'm afraid I don't recall exact specifics, but you specifically want to dull the opioid response. Alcoholics who used that drug therapy, alongside drinking, had an 80% success rate to permanently stopping. The drug inhibits the "I liked that" feeling that the brain produces to teach you a behavioural pattern. By removing thatlight "I liked that" feeling altogether, your brain keeps looking for that dopamine hit, that simply never comes.
However, it should be noted, it is a temporary and transitory thing, it should not permanently inhibit your dopamine response and should be understood as an aid and nothing more.
Good luck user. I believe in you. You can do it if you really want it. Don't give in, using that method, you can retrain yourself to stop the craving altogether with 80% success rate, that's 4 in 5 who try.
Try weed, friend. Just, please don't mix. They don't like each other.
It's unwise to play games, but I'm not your mum. I can only offer you what I offered the other user who showed interest.
It's your crutch, friend. You're hurting and not fixing the underlying issue, just pursing the spirits in a bottle.
I already have. I feel healthier, but I do miss drinking. A lot. If I had to do something I was scared of, I would use booze to quell the fear. Now, I just don't do the thing. Not good.
Second part is entirely true. Not only that, but you're almost guaranteed to wake up 2-3 times in the night, especially later on in the night when the alcohol has left your system, as your body is jolted awake.
Who else /absolutelyshitfaced/ here? It's comfy as fuck ;^)
Ok I'll be a sober square and not cause any problems just like everyone wants me to be and hope at best that I can settle down with some 3d cunt who sees me as a safe provider.
>It's your crutch, friend. You're hurting and not fixing the underlying issue
The underlying issue is that I'm alive without purpose, no joy, and no interest in anything beyond superficial and worthless information.
Yeaaaah, I used to be an alcohol machine and ever since I quit I now instead smoke like a chimney.
on my 3rd glass of whiskey
feels gud bro
It just feels so nice, I almost force myself to drink
Those are three things that would be great to do with you're waifu but together sound godawful
I'm trying dammit, but I can't just quit cold turkey.
Yeah, you've ignored your Right brain for so long that it's crying out to you to listen to it for once or kneck yourself.
Right brain is the Intuitive side, the part of you you shut down when you drink, when you don't let yourself "Feel" your emotions. Find people you care about and make meaningful bonds with them, or don't. The choice is always yours.
>Find people you care about and make meaningful bonds with them, or don't.
I have a tough time caring about others though and I have only had two people I truly car about within a 5 year period: both only for a few months at most.
I'm alone and have no one. I'm surrounded by family but they've done nothing but reject me since birth. I'm entirely alone, both because others don't care about me and I run off anyone who tries to care and I'll never have someone who cares again until I help myself.
I quit for a solid year. Asides from feeling physically healthier (mentally I feel dumber, slower, and unhealthier though), it did not fix anything. I just don't have what it takes to make it in the real world and solve my problems. When you're a self-aware deformed and introverted piece of shit who can't lie or act too well in this narcissistic image-obsessed fake ass society and not intelligent enough to make it through alternative methods, why even try beyond the minimum. I'll go back to my bottle now thanks
fuck it boys about to smoke some pot and walk around with a flask of bourbon, maybe something interesting will happen
Accept the fact that's who we are and become functioning alchoholics. It's either that or get put on medication. Either way we are fucked.
I can't believe I always listened to the people who said beer tasted bad. It tastes so yummy and I love how numb it makes my face feel. This is is so great, it's like I just discovered a secret the world has kept from me for so long.
>functioning alchoholics
fuck that pussy nigga shit
i used to drink on my lunch break at work. honestly made the time pass a little faster.
i have nothing else to do though
and the alcohol isn't really that bad its just that i overdo it
if i just have a couple drinks and get a nice buzz its no issue but i always go into the abyss zone and overdo it