Traveling is a stupid meme and waste of money

I worked for a travel company & i've been all over the world, and i'll tell you a secret: every place is exactly how you would expect it, except in most cases considerably worse.

a small number of issues:

>foreigner normies always trying to rip you off
>3rd world peasants always trying to steal your shit
>the people you meet are usually boring normies
>always tired because of the jet lag and circadian rhythm fuckups
>you can get altitude sickness (i live at sea level normally so it's worse for me)
>you can get sick from the water or other food (i always get diarrhea when traveling, i eat very healthy at home)
>cultural experiences are totally overrated, they do not enrich your life at all; that's just a lie normies say to feel superior
>you'll probably buy a bunch of overpriced useless shit
>airports are fucking terrible, as are air planes
>it doesn't make you happy

traveling is a terrible meme we need to get rid of. the only reason i would do it is if i had a gf and she wanted to, and it would just be a way to make her happy.

Attached: world-map.jpg (2503x1250, 1.2M)

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The only nice place to travel is fucking Europe. The rest is all shit lmao, but Europe is still very nice even with all the shit skin and mudslims. Plus:sex tourism

Attached: 0c2de485b1e51ab1c921032ff22b3ff7.jpg (400x400, 16K)

>south korea

>sex tourism
literally the only reason to travel, honestly

Fucking lmao.
What criteria is this map following to percieve a country as "Enlightened"?

>gautama siddhartha aka the buddha, aka creator of buddhism
>india, barbarous
yea wonder who did this map

It's all fueled by people wanting to escape their lives, not realizing that it's themselves they hate moreso than their physical surroundings.

it's based on modern measures

various calculations. roughly 43gb worth of data was assessed for this

Your mostly right. I travel a lot for work, including to some of the more "interesting" places. There are reasons that stereotypes exist. Rome was the only place I really liked, everywhere else just made me think about how much I preferred home

Your picture is still trollbait though


How's the 54% white demographics doing for ya, seppo mutts

>it's based on modern measures
>middle east
>half civilzed
no nigger
dumb sandnigger

Give the measures or link to the "roughly 43gb worth of data". Otherwise, your infographic is just meant to get a rise out of euros.

>various calculations
Aka "pulled out of my ass"

>Q:What criteria is this map following?
>R:various calculations.
What a retarded response. Atleast talk about what are the "calculations" about eh?

the formula is very advanced.

violent crime statistics, robbery, GDP, median IQ, various legal measures (gun ownership, free speech, etc).

there were hundreds of measures taken into account here. i didn't pull these figures out of my ass. there's a reason why greenland has no data

Post the source and stop making shit up, mutt

Greenland is part of denmark you dingus

>violent crime statistics, robbery, median IQ

All of which America is totally good for am I right

That chart is something you made in MS paint why are you talking out of your ass?

>Reverse image search: no results


USA is #19 GDP

How is Morocco worse than lets say, saudi arabia? Don't get me wrong, it's still shit.

You've never been to my home country so you did not travel the world.

>All of which America is totally good for am I right

it was more complicated that that. plus, various other factors were able to make up for it. gross inequalities were accounted for, and median was given a higher weighted influence than straight averages.

and america doesn't have a low medain IQ, goofball

it was considered seperately for the calculations in this model

source? i would literally have to upload 43 gigabytes of spreadsheets, and post it. LOL!

yeah sure, ms paint KEK. it was originally in SVG format, i converted it to a PNG just to post it here. the results are sound, loser.

also it's not posted anywhere online. it's original data. i don't even intend to publish it in a peer reviewed journal, it would probably get my house firebombed by angry incels like yourself

it was one of many measures. literally had a single digit % weight. most of those countries are mineature anyway

>falklands islands (islas malvinas)

>One of many measures

It's literally just an MS paint chart you fat mutt lmfao, pretending like there is some complex algorithm to justify your delusion

Looks like a right-wing burgerlard's estimation of what countries are good. The enlightened category and the placement of some other things is a dead giveaway.

>i don't even intend to publish it in a peer reviewed journal
Because all you did was colour a map on MS paint

I've been saying this for years, but no one agrees with me when I say it's a waste of time and money.

I'm a right wing burger and ops pic is fucking retarded, America is fucked

i'm willing to bet my life that this map was made by an american

Only travel to Europe to see my significant other, it is very comfy and I would not go anywhere else unless I had a friend to guide me

>the country whose entire culture is based on an inferiority complex, has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, has the most crazy feminists, and whose president was confirmed to be a puppet of some shadow cult is enlightened
>Sweden, a very well off country with a long and proud history of inventors and intellectuals is on the same tier as the middle east
explain this.

prove it
you can't

top fucking kek. is your flag on the moon?

stay mad, losers

Want me to tell you how I know you jerk off to hentai?

>the country whose entire culture is based on an inferiority complex, has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, has the most crazy feminists, and whose president was confirmed to be a puppet of some shadow cult is enlightened

which country is this?

>Sweden, a very well off country with a long and proud history of inventors and intellectuals is on the same tier as the middle east

literally what happens when you import the entire middle east. also
>has the most crazy feminists
this seems more like sweden, honestly

Meh if i get money im going on a brothel tour across europe.

sure, buddy
i don't

>Bermuda has a higher ranking than the US

Attached: 8a0f13a9b44eeee5e9fdf6d06509b3f4.png (550x366, 400K)

traveling is great. saying it sucks is just cope for poorfags who can't afford it

>hungary is enlightened
I should feel pride but you have to explain this map first

ayy im half civilized

>someone doesn't enjoy something
lol ur just too poor teehee

top cope m8


Why Americans still pretend that they live in a 1st world society?

As others have said the map is BS. Canada, Russia, Argentina and chile all on the same level, yeah go fuck yourself. Also you will realize how much just how many things about your own country such when you travel. I have come to realize that I fucking hate America and Americans, so I don't travel there anymore. The Caribbean and Asia is pretty awesome though. Also white people food is bland, tasteless and makes you fat.


Holy shit look at this autistic fat American. He actually thinks his shithole is civilized

Because Jewllywood say so

>Western and central Europe on par with Moldova
>America and Poland being "enlightened"

Attached: 1480898746227.jpg (600x614, 36K)

>is your flag on the moon?
Yours is faded out, just life your country.

>Yours is faded out

On the moon it definitely is. If not completely destroyed, just like your country.

WAIT, was is one travel meme a lie? The if you go to any place around the world you robotness gets hidden by your foreigner status. Can robots still make it if we travel to other places? should I try that tinder spoofing thing?

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what the fuck do you even think would be enjoyable about travelling?

>Can robots still make it

what does it even mean to "make it"?

if you travel that means you're going back home anyway

>Sweden half civilized
>America enlightened
Fuck off, Ben Shapiro

Lol imagine getting your world view from pol! Hahaha

Attached: IMG-20181210-WA0000.jpg (640x992, 36K)

>which country is this?
korea, that was while ago though

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